Tag Archives: blink twice if you love me

Tule Author Q&A: Laurie Beach discusses her Crickley Creek series and how her career has led her to becoming a full time writer.

We had a chance to sit down with Tule Author Laurie Beach and talk about how her career landed her as a full time writer, and how impactful her fictional town of Crickley Creek has become in her moving forward.

How has your diverse career background influenced your writing style and storytelling techniques? I learned to be clear while writing as a press secretary, concise when I worked as a television news reporter, and I added in an extra layer of creativity as an advertising producer. But the thing that taught me the most in my life was parenthood. I didn’t realize at the time how all of that intense human interaction and writing practice would benefit me in my future career.

Growing up in Alabama, what elements of Southern life and culture do you incorporate into your novels? I moved to Alabama in the second grade and left after graduating college. My mother was from California, and my dad from Montana. I became an observer of southern ways because I felt as though I didn’t fit in. I tried so hard to conform and assimilate, that the “fish out of water trope” from The Firefly Jar came naturally to me. Now, I feel incredibly lucky to understand some of the cultural idiosyncrasies, and to have experienced people who I used to perceive as different, but have grown to deeply love and appreciate.

What aspects of Southern settings do you find most romantic, and how do you incorporate these elements into your love stories? I am an absolute sucker for ancient oaks and Spanish moss. If I could make my husband propose to me all over again, I’d have him do it under a hairy 200 year-old tree. 

How do you balance the charm of Southern hospitality with the potential for conflict in your romance plots? The opposite of charm is revulsion or displeasure and the South is filled with brilliantly sneaky ways of expressing those emotions. Balancing charm and conflict is so much fun! Can you share an example from one of your books where this balance is key to the story? In a name, Virginia Buchanan. She is a layered antagonist with a friend, Birdie, who is like a parrot on her shoulder telling all of her secrets. In the opening scene of The Firefly Jar, Virginia acts as the consummate hostess, until Charlotte Sinclair shows up. At this point the reader witnesses a woman behaving in the nicest way while expressing deep hatred at the same time. Birdie’s character is useful for pointing out Virginia’s sly digs and explaining why she’s doing it, thereby helping to maintain the balance of charm and conflict.

How did raising four children impact your journey to becoming an author? I don’t know if my kids delayed my writing career or caused it! When my last two children (twins) were about to begin Kindergarten, my husband gave me the best advice. He said, “You are being given the gift of time, do something with it you’ve always wanted to do.” That’s when I wrote The Firefly JarDo any of your children share your love of writing? My stepson, Drew, is an avid reader and very creative. I hope he writes a book one day because it would be a bestseller! My daughter, Brooke, loves to read and is probably the child most likely to take after her mother in this way. My daughter, Allison, wrote a brilliant (yet unpublished) children’s book, and my daughter, Natalie, is a beautiful essayist and social media specialist. None of them have shown any desire to write a novel yet, but there’s still time!

You mention being a sucker for elderly people and grumpy animals. Have any of these personal affinities inspired specific characters or scenes in your books? Absolutely! I volunteered for a hospice organization for five years and got so much joy from the people experiencing the I will say anything I want and I don’t care what other people think stage. It is so genuine and free. The character of Brownie in Christmas in Crickley Creek is one I hold especially dear for this reason. I even named him after my grandfather.

As far as grumpy animals, I feel like they’re misunderstood and see them as a challenge—a challenge that may or may not have landed one of my family members in the hospital with a dog bite on Christmas Eve. Animals are just like us, only they speak a different language. It takes time to learn it. I’m happy to say that we won that biting dog over and gave it a great life. Only one human and no animals were harmed in the process.

Why do you prefer happy endings in your stories? I’m one of those readers who feels betrayed if I spend hours on a book and get invested in the characters only to have a sad ending. I vowed to myself that I would never do that to people. Do you think they are important for readers today? I think readers should have all of the options. Sometimes we want a good cry, sometimes we want to be scared out of our minds (hello, Stephen King), and sometimes we just want to feel something. It doesn’t always have to be a romantic happy ending, but I do feel like we come to expect things from certain authors. For instance, I expect to cry with a Nicholas Sparks book, and I accept his endings, which are usually poignant, but not always “happy”. I just happen to be an author who strives to have her readers finish her books with a happy sigh and a warm feeling of time well spent. When circumstances in our lives have us down, it is nice to escape to a place where we can feel good.

How has living in California influenced your writing, especially compared to your Southern roots? I’ve been incredibly lucky that my family has remained in Alabama. I love noticing and enjoying the differences in both places. The food, the weather, social interactions, even what we do for fun varies in interesting ways. California has simply served to highlight those differences for me.

What types of books do you love to read, and how do they inspire your own writing? I always try to keep up to date on the books within my genre—women’s fiction. Outside of that, I go through phases. I read all of Harry Potter, the Twilight series, and I’ll even admit to reading Fifty Shades of Grey. I’ve also read tons of classics and every book by Jane Austen. Today, I’m reading a thriller (Stacy Willingham) and listening to RomCom (Christina Lauren). Everything from books to movies to real life inspires my writing. I’m always on the lookout for little gems that spark thoughts and ideas.

The Firefly Jar was a long-term project of yours long before it found its home with Tule. What were some of the biggest challenges you faced in keeping your story alive for so long? The Firefly Jar was the first book I ever wrote, and the one that I edited and revised over and over again as I learned storytelling techniques. It would be shelved for a while as I practiced writing other things, and then pulled back out again. I used it to look for an agent and I shared it with friends. It is the most deeply personal book I’ve written. The challenges I faced were both within myself, and typical in the industry. What would people think of the book? Was my writing any good? When I finally got the confidence to pitch it or query it to agents, most of the time the effort went without response. It took over fifteen years to find a publishing home. And what were the most rewarding moments once you finally landed with Tule and expanded Crickley Creek?

Girl in row boat on creek with fireflies at dusk for Blink Twice if You Love Me book cover by Laurie BeachWriting the second book in the series, Blink Twice If You Love Me, was like going on vacation to my favorite spot. I love Crickley Creek and the fictional people who live there. It was so gratifying to visit my good friends again. I will always be indebted to Tule because they gave me not just a physical book, but an audience. To get such positive feedback from readers has fueled the flame of my love for writing and opened the door to the career I longed for. No matter what happens from here on out, the title of author is mine. I will always feel awe and gratitude for that.

BONUS: What is one book that is a comfort read for you that you always find yourself reaching for? So many books feel like home to me, it’s impossible to choose just one. I find magical books like those by Sarah Addison Allen and Heather Webber to be comforting. But, if I was stuck in bed and needed to feel better, I’d want to be transported to my happy place—the Lowcountry. Therefore, I’d choose Anne Rivers Siddons, Dorothea Benton Frank, or Pat Conroy. 


Tule Publishing July 2023 Releases (and Giveaway!)

Read more about our new releases for July!

GIVEAWAY: We will pick ONE winner to receive a digital book of their choice from the July releases. Comment down below saying which book you’re looking most forward to reading! Giveaway is open INTERNATIONALLY. The winner will be randomly selected at the end of the month.

Book cover for Author Mia Heintzelman's book Trivialized Pursuit featuring illustrated graphic of couple.

Trivialized Pursuit by Mia Heintzelman (American Heart)

Release Date: July 6, 2023

Love and Games, Book 2

Trivia (n.) 1) little-known facts. 2) a quiz game that has Roxanne Sloane questioning everything.

Roxanne Sloane’s life runs on checklists. As co-owner of a game store fresh off the brink of closing, she’s focused on spreadsheets, market research, and keeping Love & Games in the public eye. When Rox agrees to a televised interview, she doesn’t expect to learn the store’s crowd-funding account was compromised or that the news station has arranged a complimentary audit. She definitely doesn’t expect comfort from her co-owner’s player brother.

Murphy Sikes is many things—a handsome doctor, an overprotective brother, and a serial dater. Beyond casual hookups, he can’t separate settling from settling down. So, when he visits the store and finds Rox with a smooth-talking auditor, Murph’s confused—his inconvenient attraction for his sister’s friend is joined by a not-at-all-brotherly tenderness. It’s definitely not jealousy when he invites her to trivia night…

With each battle of wits, their undeniable chemistry weakens their willpower to remain platonic. But Murph’s unconvinced he’ll check all her boxes, and Rox questions if he’ll ever settle down. Can they overcome their trivial hang-ups and finally win at love?

Sinclair Jayne's The Cowboy's Word book cover with cowboy leaning on fence.

The Cowboy’s Word  by Sinclair Jayne (Montana Born)

Release Date: July 11, 2023

The Coyote Cowboys of Montana, Book 1

The Coyote Cowboys each made a vow to a fallen comrade and have one year to carry out their task…

Local hero Remington Cross has only painful memories of Marietta, Montana. He may want ranch work, but he’ll take it anywhere but here. Still, loyalty brings Remy to Marietta determined to locate Jace’s godchild, ensure his physical and financial security, then close this chapter for good. But a smoldering encounter with a beautiful bartender threatens his timeline and heart, and when he discovers Jace’s godchild is at risk, he enlists the aid of the enigmatic beauty who’s more no-strings than he is.

Shane Knight is no stranger to secrets, and she can tell the haunted ex-soldier is hiding plenty. She’s finished trying to fix wounded bad boys, and after her broken engagement, her heart’s permanently off-limits. When Shane jumps boots first into a red-hot one-night stand, she never anticipates getting tangled up with a sexy cowboy and a child who needs them.

It’s a chance for love, family, and a fresh start for them both, but will secrets break the fragile thread of their new beginning?

Man and woman smiling on book cover for The Fake Marriage Proposal by Susan Lute

The Fake Marriage Proposal by Susan Lute (American Heart)

Release Date: July 13, 2023

Angel Point, Book 5

When a fake marriage fails, what comes next?

Following a disastrous relationship, successful divorce attorney Wynne Olsen is ready to put her past firmly behind her and start fresh in sunny California. But first she’ll need to help plan her sister’s wedding and quit her new position as Angel Point’s city attorney. A local hero’s Nordic good looks are a distraction she doesn’t need at any time, much less when she’s tying up loose ends on her way to a better future.

Former marine and single dad Brett Macauley is focused on raising his daughter and opening a veterans village. There’s no time left for courting love, but when his daughter proposes a fake marriage between him and Wynne in order to adopt her best friend out of the foster system, Brett thinks that’s a worthy reason to pop the question. Especially since he’s realizing Wynne is quickly winning over his heart.

Another failed fake marriage isn’t what Wynne wants, but she does believe in Brett. Can Wynne finally say “I do” to a happy future…one with Brett in it?

Purple cover with white text reading "Two Sides of A Secret" by Kelly Cain

Two Sides of a Secret by Kelly Cain (American Heart)

Release Date: July 18, 2023

Secret Ties, Book 2

Her family history has more thorns than roses…

Lauren Steele has always been grateful for her adoptive family’s love and support. So much so that she takes over the family floral business when her parents retire, despite her dreams of working on political campaigns. Instead of crafting clever speeches, she spends her days writing out romantic messages on behalf of her clients—a bittersweet reminder that she’s never been on the receiving end of one of these orders. She’s accepted her simple life, until the sexiest man she’s ever met walks into her shop looking for a job.

Ben Specter fixes problems for a living, and he’s been hired to investigate Lauren. His client is a wealthy, powerfully connected man running for governor, and Ben’s research unearthed a massive skeleton in the man’s closet—a secret older sister that his mother never mentioned. Getting closer to Lauren is strictly business, but the more time Ben spends with her, the more the lines between work and pleasure blur.

But when his deception is revealed, will Lauren be able to trust Ben and believe that what they shared was real?

Couple outside at sunset for Lara Van Hulzen cover of Until I Met You

Until I Met You by Lara Van Hulzen (American Heart)

Release Date: July 20, 2023

The Endicotts of Silver Bay, Book 3

When his parents move to Silver Bay, California, Dominic Endicott, ever the dutiful son, packs up his life and heads to the small town. He sees it as temporary, appeasing his mother and making sure his dad’s health is stable while Dominic keeps the family business running. Dominic planned on keeping his head down, focused only on working and spending time with his family. Until a beautiful brunette forces him to look up.

Local Chaplain and community center employee Rachel Anderson loves her little town that she’s called home for the past year. Silver Bay is a far cry from her life growing up in LA, and that’s perfectly fine with her. When she mistakes newcomer Dominic for her friend, Chet, her simple, curated life becomes complicated.

Thrown together to work on raising money for the town’s community center, the sparks between Rachel and Dominic are too strong to ignore. But Dominic represents everything Rachel has been running from, while Rachel has Dominic rethinking his entire life plan. Can these two bridge the gap between their worlds and give love a chance?

Girl in row boat on creek with fireflies at dusk for Blink Twice if You Love Me book cover by Laurie Beach

Blink Twice if You Love Me by Laurie Beach (Southern Born)

Release Date: July 25, 2023

Crickley Creek, Book 2

She’s determined for her rags to riches story to have a fairy tale happy ending.

Krista Hassell might be a member of the poorest, least respected family in Crickley Creek, South Carolina, but she believes deep in her soul that character counts. She’s finally curated the perfect plan—and boyfriend—that, together, will save her societal standing and rewrite her future. That is, until a family tragedy strikes and her mother goes off the rails…again. If only Krista could show her community who she really is beyond her old, crumbling shack on the marsh, she could find the inner peace she yearns for.

Army veteran Johnny Merrick came to Crickley Creek for a wedding and decided to extend his stay in the quaint town, renting the small house next door to Krista for the summer. As their friendship grows, Krista is forced to rethink the very relationships her plan needs to succeed—and yet it might be exactly what she needs to fully embrace what fills her soul most: the marsh she’s trying to escape.

But only if she makes her move before the fireflies disappear for the season…

Man and woman on cover in winter for The Great Montana Cowboy Auction.

The Great Montana Cowboy Auction by Anne McAllister (Montana Born)

Release Date: July 27, 2023

Cowboy, Come Home, Book 2

Montana cowboy turned Hollywood heartthrob.

The last time Polly McMaster missed a meeting, she got elected mayor of Elmer, Montana. This time, she gets to organize a cowboy auction to save a neighbor’s ranch—bringing her face-to-face with the one man she never wanted to see again.

Former local cowboy turned Hollywood star Sloan Gallagher, with his roguish grin, easy charm, and to-die-for good looks, is every woman’s dream. But he’s Polly’s nightmare. Now a widowed mom of four juggling two jobs, a daydreaming sister, a mother at loose ends, and way too many rabbits, for once Polly is grateful for all the distractions. Besides, Sloan won’t remember her anyway.

Forget Polly McMaster? Not a chance. Polly was Sloan’s teenage dream. Of course, he’s moved on now. Seeing Polly again will let him finally shut the door on the past…right?

When the bidding is over and the auction has ended, will they be able to turn their backs on each other? Or can love conquer the obstacles between them?