Tag Archives: six days of spring

SIX DAYS OF SPRING: Release day blog post featuring Charlee James

Hello, Tule Readers, 

Charlee James, here!

I’m excited to share the third book in the Northampton Hearts series, SIX DAYS OF SPRING, with readers. Spring has been a longtime favorite season of mine. There’s something so refreshing about seeing cheerful daffodils poking their sunny heads up from the ground after a cold New England winter. 

SIX DAYS OF SPRING is an enemies to lovers romance surrounding a decade-old family feud. In the interview below, I’m happy to share more about the book through the eyes of the main characters, Dahlia Reynolds and Tristan Stoll.  

Feuds, Flowers, and Foot Pain: An Interview with Dahlia Reynolds and Tristan Stoll

QUESTION: Tristan, tell us about your first interaction with Dahlia. 

TRISTAN: Aside from nearly shattering every bone in my foot? I thought it would be a dull, routine day at work with my father. He bought and sold commercial real estate, and we stopped at the Reynoldses family business to collect an overdue lease payment. While my father and hers discussed business in the back room, she asked me a few poignant questions, like why my dad hated her family so much. That’s right. This bold, spirited kid squared her shoulders and let me have it. Then, she proceeded to stomp on my foot and storm out of the store. Aside from the lasting podiatry pain, she really opened my eyes to my dad’s business practices. Let’s just say he really wasn’t on the up and up. All joking aside, meeting Dahlia changed the trajectory of my life. Made me want to be a better person than the one my father was raising me to be. 

QUESTION: Dahlia, what was your first impression of Tristan? 

DAHLIA: He was a sullen, spoiled brat with the bluest eyes I’d ever seen. I had a few questions for him, and if I know Tristan at all, he’s probably already mentioned how a girl with Godzilla-Esque strength pummeled his foot. Really, he’s being a bit dramatic. His dad had purchased the strip mall where my parent’s business was located and raised the lease rates sky-high to force shops to shutter or fall into financial ruin. My dad was so dead set on keeping our store– my family chose the latter. I see now that there are a million things my parents could’ve done differently, but the past is over. 

QUESTION: If your families disliked each other so much, how did you reconnect? 

DAHLIA: My sister Lacey got into a bad car accident and needed help with her business, The Pickle and Preserve. A six-day farmer’s market in Northampton makes up a large portion of her yearly income, so my dad and I decided to stay in the city and handle the preparations while Lacey recovered. When I arrived for the tour, I thought I had found the perfect place for us to stay—an apartment rental that also allowed dogs— but then I discovered Tristan owned the building. 

QUESTION: Tristan, what went through your mind when Dahlia’s apartment inquiry came across your desk?

TRISTAN: I can’t outrun my past. Then, this might be a good opportunity to right some wrongs. When I opened the door and saw Dahlia on the steps, every thought evaporated from my mind. I was captivated.

QUESTION: I can’t imagine Mr. Reynolds was okay with renting from Tristan. 

DAHLIA: He was at first, but only because I didn’t tell him who owned the building. I had no idea Tristan lived in the penthouse on the top floor. Every time my father left the apartment, I was on edge, worried he’d bump into Tristan. 

QUESTION: When did you realize that Tristan was nothing like his father, and maybe you’d been wrong to judge him so quickly?

DAHLIA: I had built Tristan up in my mind as this horrible, cold businessman, but his actions told me a different story. He never tried to tell me I was wrong about him. Still, the way he jumped in to help me during an emergency and made sure my dog was alright amidst a thunderstorm weren’t the actions of an unfeeling jerk. He had turned into everything his father wasn’t. 

QUESTION: When did you discover your feelings for Dahlia went beyond the misplaced guilt of your childhood?

TRISTAN: The attraction was instant, but I promised myself I’d stay away. My father had done enough to hurt her family, and I knew it would kill her dad to see her with me, a Stoll. Only, I overestimated my willpower when it came to Dahlia. With her, I’m completely defenseless. 

For more from Tristan and Dahlia, pick up a copy of SIX DAYS OF SPRING and escape with stolen kisses and midnight garden waltzes in the beautiful city of Northampton.  


For a chance to win a signed copy of SIX DAYS OF SPRING and a $15 Amazon gift card, tell me about your favorite springtime activity. Giveaway closes May 19, 2022 at 12 pm PT. (US only) [GIVEAWAY CLOSED]


All of my love and warm spring wishes. Happy reading!
