Dani Collins shares her Raven’s Cove characters most likely to…

Whether you’ve started my Raven’s Cove trilogy yet or not, with the release of Book Two, Forgiving Her First Love, I thought you might enjoy getting to know some of the characters you’ll meet in these books by way of a ‘most likely to’ scenario. Here goes:

Most likely to steal every heart? Storm is the adorable baby who brings the three estranged Fraser brothers back to Raven’s Cove, their father’s fly-in fishing resort in BC’s central coast. She’s not yet a year and I promise she’ll steal your heart, too.

Most likely to tell someone where they can stick their heart? Sophie would really only say that to Logan, the middle Fraser brother. She’s mad. She loved him her whole life, had a fling with him after graduating high school, then he left Raven’s Cove without her, breaking her heart. 

Most likely to grovel for an entire book? Okay, maybe it’s not the whole book, but Logan figures out pretty quickly that he messed up. The night Storm has a fever and Sophie helps him is a turning point. He starts to realize exactly how unforgivable his actions were and knows he has a long way to go just to earn her friendship again. 

Most likely to win your heart by saying something goofy? Sophie’s son, Biyen, is eight. He loves dinosaurs. He is relentlessly cheerful and he is not Logan’s son, but Logan sure wishes he was. (This author may or may not have wanted to punish Logan for taking Sophie for granted.) 

Most likely to get excited about a free meal? Sophie’s grandfather Art is modeled very loosely on my maternal grandfather who absolutely loved a free meal. It is a family joke that he would always show up if invited and would always leave as soon as he’d eaten.

Most likely to keep the three feral Fraser brothers in line by making them work together? The brothers have different mothers, but Logan’s mother Glenda did her best to turn them into a family when they were under her roof. To keep them from fighting, she put them to work. She’s diabolical that way. 

Most likely to plot his life on a spreadsheet? Reid is the eldest. His mother had mental health issues so he is not comfortable in chaos. See Book One, Marrying the Nanny, where he learns babies are agents of chaos, but falls in love with Storm (and Emma) anyway. 

Most likely to tell Logan he reminds her of her ex? Ouch, right? Emma had her work cut out for her when Storm is orphaned and three grumpy bears show up. In Marrying the Nanny, she falls for Reid, but she learns to love Logan and Trystan like brothers. She loves them more than her real brother, if you want the truth. He’s a real turd. 

Most likely to develop millions of fans while living in the woods alone? Trystan is the youngest Fraser brother and a midlist celebrity for his wilderness survival series. He comes across as the brother who actually has his act together, but wait until you get inside his head in Book Three, Wanting a Family Man. Things aren’t exactly as they seem with him. 

Most likely to cause everyone distress until they actually meet her? This is a tiny *spoiler* so skip it if you want to, but Cloe is Storm’s aunt. She looms as an unknown quantity and therefor a threat to the men’s custody of their baby sister. Then she turns up in Wanting a Family Man and she isn’t what they expected. She is Storm’s family, however, so they have to make room for her. Lucky Trystan, the loner, has to make room on his boat for her. 

Most likely to want to visit Raven’s Cove in real life? You! Fun fact, you technically can because Raven’s Cove is loosely based on a real place. Look up Denny Island, BC. It’s hard to get to, though. Visiting within the pages of these books is probably cheaper and easier. 

Forgiving Her First Love 

They have a past they’d both rather forget…

When Logan Fraser arrives to save the marina she manages, Sophie Peterson is skeptical that she can count on him. She spent her childhood crushing on Logan, and they even had a brief affair when he came back to Raven’s Cove the summer she graduated high school, but he left again, breaking her heart.

Logan escaped Raven’s Cove to design luxury yachts. He was done with the relentless rain and a childhood of feeling responsible for other people’s unhappiness. His mother stuck out her difficult marriage for Logan’s sake, even when his father had yet another affair. By the time Sophie looked to Logan for happiness, he knew it was every man for himself.

Now Logan’s profligate father has died, leaving him an orphaned sister and a financial mess that demands a Herculean effort with his estranged brothers to resolve. He needs Sophie’s help, but her priorities are her son, grandfather and sanity. Still, she needs the job, but she’ll never trust Logan again.

About the Author.

Award-winning and USA Today Bestselling author Dani Collins thrives on giving readers emotional, compelling, heart-soaring romance with laughter and heat thrown in, just like real life. While she is best known for writing contemporary romance for Harlequin Presents and Tule Publishing, she also writes historical and erotic romance. When she’s not writing—just kidding, she’s always writing. Dani lives in Southern BC, Canada with her high school sweetheart husband.

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