Category Archives: American Heart

Dani Collins shares her Raven’s Cove characters most likely to…

Whether you’ve started my Raven’s Cove trilogy yet or not, with the release of Book Two, Forgiving Her First Love, I thought you might enjoy getting to know some of the characters you’ll meet in these books by way of a ‘most likely to’ scenario. Here goes:

Most likely to steal every heart? Storm is the adorable baby who brings the three estranged Fraser brothers back to Raven’s Cove, their father’s fly-in fishing resort in BC’s central coast. She’s not yet a year and I promise she’ll steal your heart, too.

Most likely to tell someone where they can stick their heart? Sophie would really only say that to Logan, the middle Fraser brother. She’s mad. She loved him her whole life, had a fling with him after graduating high school, then he left Raven’s Cove without her, breaking her heart. 

Most likely to grovel for an entire book? Okay, maybe it’s not the whole book, but Logan figures out pretty quickly that he messed up. The night Storm has a fever and Sophie helps him is a turning point. He starts to realize exactly how unforgivable his actions were and knows he has a long way to go just to earn her friendship again. 

Most likely to win your heart by saying something goofy? Sophie’s son, Biyen, is eight. He loves dinosaurs. He is relentlessly cheerful and he is not Logan’s son, but Logan sure wishes he was. (This author may or may not have wanted to punish Logan for taking Sophie for granted.) 

Most likely to get excited about a free meal? Sophie’s grandfather Art is modeled very loosely on my maternal grandfather who absolutely loved a free meal. It is a family joke that he would always show up if invited and would always leave as soon as he’d eaten.

Most likely to keep the three feral Fraser brothers in line by making them work together? The brothers have different mothers, but Logan’s mother Glenda did her best to turn them into a family when they were under her roof. To keep them from fighting, she put them to work. She’s diabolical that way. 

Most likely to plot his life on a spreadsheet? Reid is the eldest. His mother had mental health issues so he is not comfortable in chaos. See Book One, Marrying the Nanny, where he learns babies are agents of chaos, but falls in love with Storm (and Emma) anyway. 

Most likely to tell Logan he reminds her of her ex? Ouch, right? Emma had her work cut out for her when Storm is orphaned and three grumpy bears show up. In Marrying the Nanny, she falls for Reid, but she learns to love Logan and Trystan like brothers. She loves them more than her real brother, if you want the truth. He’s a real turd. 

Most likely to develop millions of fans while living in the woods alone? Trystan is the youngest Fraser brother and a midlist celebrity for his wilderness survival series. He comes across as the brother who actually has his act together, but wait until you get inside his head in Book Three, Wanting a Family Man. Things aren’t exactly as they seem with him. 

Most likely to cause everyone distress until they actually meet her? This is a tiny *spoiler* so skip it if you want to, but Cloe is Storm’s aunt. She looms as an unknown quantity and therefor a threat to the men’s custody of their baby sister. Then she turns up in Wanting a Family Man and she isn’t what they expected. She is Storm’s family, however, so they have to make room for her. Lucky Trystan, the loner, has to make room on his boat for her. 

Most likely to want to visit Raven’s Cove in real life? You! Fun fact, you technically can because Raven’s Cove is loosely based on a real place. Look up Denny Island, BC. It’s hard to get to, though. Visiting within the pages of these books is probably cheaper and easier. 

Forgiving Her First Love 

They have a past they’d both rather forget…

When Logan Fraser arrives to save the marina she manages, Sophie Peterson is skeptical that she can count on him. She spent her childhood crushing on Logan, and they even had a brief affair when he came back to Raven’s Cove the summer she graduated high school, but he left again, breaking her heart.

Logan escaped Raven’s Cove to design luxury yachts. He was done with the relentless rain and a childhood of feeling responsible for other people’s unhappiness. His mother stuck out her difficult marriage for Logan’s sake, even when his father had yet another affair. By the time Sophie looked to Logan for happiness, he knew it was every man for himself.

Now Logan’s profligate father has died, leaving him an orphaned sister and a financial mess that demands a Herculean effort with his estranged brothers to resolve. He needs Sophie’s help, but her priorities are her son, grandfather and sanity. Still, she needs the job, but she’ll never trust Logan again.

About the Author.

Award-winning and USA Today Bestselling author Dani Collins thrives on giving readers emotional, compelling, heart-soaring romance with laughter and heat thrown in, just like real life. While she is best known for writing contemporary romance for Harlequin Presents and Tule Publishing, she also writes historical and erotic romance. When she’s not writing—just kidding, she’s always writing. Dani lives in Southern BC, Canada with her high school sweetheart husband.

Summer Romance Releases for Hot July Summertime Reads (Plus a Giveaway!).

GIVEAWAY: We will pick ONE winner to receive a digital book of their choice from the July romance releases. Comment down below saying which book you’re looking most forward to reading! Giveaway is open INTERNATIONALLY. The winner will be randomly selected and announced at the end of the month.

Check out our new romance releases for July!

Summer Heat: A Sexy, Steamy Summer Romance Anthology
Texas Forged by Eve Gaddy | Hot Mess by Amy Andrews | Nursing the Flame by Shelli Stevens | Her Texas Ex by Katherine Garbera |Strictly Off Limits by Stella Holt | Catch Me by Michele Arris
Release Date: July 2, 2024

Rumors, Ruin and the Duke by Karla Kratovil
The Lost Lords, Book 1
July 11, 2024

Forgiving Her First Love by Dani Collins
Raven’s Cove, Book 2
July 16, 2024

One Lucky Cowboy by Kristine Lynn
Marshall Brothers Ranching, Book 2
July 23, 2024

Hot, Hard and Impossible Cowboys: Anthology
Most Dangerous Cowboy by Megan Crane, A Doctor for the Cowboy by Amy Andrews, The Cowboy’s Redemption by Paula Altenburg, The Rebel and the Cowboy by Sarah Mayberry, Her Cowboy Baby Daddy by Jeannie Watt, The Cowboy Doctor by Leah Vale
July 29, 2024

Sworn to Defend by Charlee James
Sworn Navy SEALs, Book 3
July 30, 2024

Bear’s Heart by Jane Porter
The Calhouns & Campbells of Cold Canyon Ranch, book 2
July 31

Celebrate Father’s Day with these Recommended Reads from Tule

Happy Father’s Day to all the great father-figures out there. Check out some of our recommended reads with these great book dads!

My Favorite Mistake by Stella Holt

Legacy of the Maguires, Book 6

“An engaging story that was about family, overcoming the past hurts and fears, and giving love and relationships a chance.” – Eileen, Goodreads

Buy Now

Be My Baby by Dakota Harrison

With Love, From Kurrajong Crossing, Book 8

“I did love this story it is sensual, beautifully written and filled with emotion and I highly recommend it and I am thrilled that there will be more to come. Thank you Dakota Harrison for another keeper.” – Helen, Goodreads

Buy Now

A Homecoming Mantra by Sapna Srinivasan

The Sood Family, Book 4

“Srinivasan celebrates love and that’s something that every heart can get behind. Through the unpredictability and pain of life, the one constant is family. A Homecoming Mantra spotlights that message of familial unity with a sweetness that touches the soul.” – Isha, Goodreads

Buy Now

Marrying the Nanny by Dani Collins 

Raven’s Cove, Book 1

“…an emotional, heartwarming, complex story introducing the three Fraser half-brothers and their orphaned baby half-sister. It’s a story about grief, life’s sudden changes, mental health, child neglect, while also a reflection about love, affection, compassion, selflessness, and the absolute adorableness of a baby girl called Storm.” – Eileen, Goodreads

Buy now

Her Cowboy Baby Daddy by Jeannie Watt

Return to Keller Ranch, Book 2

“Jeannie has pulled me into the story once again. Jeannie has a way of drawing me in. I constantly want to turn the page to see what’s next.” – Jane, Goodreads

Buy now

The Perfect Summer Romance Releases for the Month! (Plus a Giveaway!)

GIVEAWAY: We will pick ONE winner to receive a digital book of their choice from the May romance releases. Comment down below saying which book you’re looking most forward to reading! Giveaway is open INTERNATIONALLY. The winner will be randomly selected and announced at the end of the month.

Check out our new romance releases for June!

Celebrating Fathers: An Anthology featuring Jamie K. Schmidt, Kelly Hunter, Anne McAllister, Justine Davis, Nicole Flockton, and Sapna Srinivasan
Release Date: June 3, 2024

The Cowboy’s Untamed Heart by Jamie K. Schmidt
Sweethearts of the Rodeo | Book 2
Release Date: June 4, 2024


The Wedding Crush by Mia Heintzelman
The Fortemani Family series | Book 2
Release Date: June 11, 2024


The Lady and the Thief by Kate Moore
The Duke’s Men | Book 1
Release Date: June 13, 2024


The Cowboy’s Claim by Sinclair Jayne
The Coyote Cowboys of Montana | Book 5
Release Date: June 18, 2024


The Maguire Family Anthology by Stella Holt
Legacy of the Maguires | Books 1-4
Release Date: June 20, 2024


Dark Knight’s Kiss by Leigh Ann Edwards
Witch and Demon Hunter | Book 3
Release Date: June 25, 2024


Adopting with the Doctor by Patricia W. Fischer
Marietta Medical | Book 4
Release Date: June 26, 2024


Last Dance with the Texas Bull Rider by Rebecca Crowley
The Stars of Texas | Book 3
Release Date: June 27, 2024


Summer Lovin: A Sweet Romance Anthology featuring stories by Barbara Dunlop, Jami Rogers, Jamie K. Schmidt, Sarah Fischer & Kelsey McKnight, Joan Kilby and Robyn Neeley
Release Date: June 28, 2024

Tule Author Charlee James shares why she loved writing a good, grumpy and standoffish hero in her recent release Sworn to Honor

Hi Tule Readers! 

I’m excited to share the second book in the SWORN NAVY SEALS series, SWORN TO HONOR. It is no secret that I love a slightly grumpy, standoffish hero who discovers how much love they have to give when they meet the one woman who can unlock their inner sweetness. I also love a compassionate, quirky heroine who more than deserves her happy-ever-after. She might not need an alpha hero to look out for her, but that doesn’t mean she has to shoulder everything alone. 

As you delve into Julian and Sam’s story in SWORN TO HONOR, you’ll discover a few details that were inspired by real life.

Julian’s Mac & Cheese 

Julian’s love language shows he cares through his actions. He understands that Sam has been on her own for quite some time and is independent. Still, Julian does little things to let her know he cares, including making his killer mac & cheese recipe as the ultimate comfort food after Sam has a particularly tough shift at the hospital where she is a music therapist. My husband, Jamie, is the chef in our house (I set off the fire alarm if I get within ten feet of a kitchen appliance). His macaroni & cheese is a staple at Thanksgiving, especially for our family’s picky eaters.  

Try this recipe from Kitchen Treaty—you won’t be disappointed! 

“After taking the elevator to the fifth floor, Julian unlocked his apartment door, holding it open. She stepped inside, and the scent of something wonderful, like melted cheese and smoked paprika, hit her nose. Her stomach growled, and Julian chuckled. She liked hearing the sound of his laughter, even if it was elicited by what sounded like a greedy gut goblin growling in her belly.

After the lunch Julian had brought her at work, it was a wonder she was hungry at all. The sandwich had been such a nice treat. She rarely splurged to buy herself lunch, either going without or bringing a yogurt. Funds were truly tight right now when they shouldn’t be. She’d never get rich being a music therapist, but she was a hard worker, sometimes taking clients six days a week. It was her guilt that was pulling her down into a pit of financial ruin.

“What smells so good in here?” She breathed in the scents coming from the kitchen and slipped off her shoes before moving any farther into his space.

“Thought you could use some comfort food after the day you’ve had. I make a mean mac and cheese. “Her heart flip-flopped. Julian was going out of his way for her, from promising to call a tow truck to bringing her favorite sandwich and coffee to work. Now he was making her dinner. He grabbed two bottles out of the fridge, the glass clanking together as he pulled them out with one hand. Julian popped the tops off and handed her one. She wasn’t sure if he’d made a special trip for her preferred beer, but she had a feeling he didn’t keep Blue Moon stocked in his fridge—not that she did, either. It was another one of those special treats that she didn’t allow herself often.”


Throughout the story, many of the characters are brought together in some way by Jacob, who is introduced in the first book of the series SWORN TO LEAD. Jacob is Ransom’s (one of Julian’s Navy SEAL teammates) teenage brother who has spastic quadriplegia, the most severe form of cerebral palsy. Sometimes, the universe puts you on the same path with someone so special your life is forever changed for the better. Jacob’s disability does not define him, nor does it stop him from getting the most out of life. He’s fun, compassionate, and bold and his larger-than-life personality lends to new friendships wherever the teen goes. Julian is especially close to Jacob throughout the series. 

“By the time the rest of Jacob’s classmates and friends showed up, there were at least a dozen kids, some of them accompanied by parents, peppered throughout the house. She was with Julian in the kitchen, making more punch to go in the cauldron, while Brynn and Silver were facilitating games and prizes. Ransom was refilling the food and Halloween-themed snacks. Branch assisted anyone who needed a break in the sensory room he’d set up.

“Looks like this party is a hit.” Julian scooped up more orange sherbet and added it to the pitcher.

She was separating orange slices, tossing them in with the sherbet when the wooden board got too full. “I love that there’s such a mix of kids here. Jacob has befriended the neurotypical teens, those who participate in Best Buddies, and all his classmates.”

“And all of them are having a blast. Some people might knock the younger generations, but I don’t think one person could argue that we’ve ever lived in a more inclusive time. Things can always improve, but we’re moving in the right direction.”

“I agree.” They shared a smile, getting sidetracked, until Ransom clapped his hand against the doorframe, startling “startling them both.

“Enough googly eyes. Punch is almost gone out here, and once it is, the werewolves and vampires will descend on me.” Ransom disappeared with the tray of cobweb cupcakes.

“He’s having way too much fun.” Julian grinned, the beauty of it momentarily leaving her breathless.”

Julian’s Obsession with Space 

Growing up, my mom and I would watch Star Trek and Star Wars with a big bowl of ice cream. These memories are so special to me, just like Julian and his beloved twin sister’s fascination with all things space. 

“He didn’t like sharing his personal space, even for a short period of time. The place wasn’t anything special, but it was his, and although his décor might seem sparse, it would give others a glimpse into who he was. Pictures of him and his sister—the only person he loved aside from his teammates. Wall art of deep space. The Millennium Falcon and other Star Wars replicas. Some Navy trinkets and memorabilia people had given him over the years. Bringing a woman there was like having a piece of his personality on display, and he let people see only what he wanted. Had he invited Sam into his space because his subconscious recognized she was important or had it been the desire to see how she fit there? God, had she fit. Like she’d always belonged.”

Thank you so much for being part of the Tule family! For a chance to win a digital copy of SWORN TO HONOR, please share a comment or question related to the blog post below. 

With love,
Charlee James 

About the Author.

Contemporary Romance Author Charlee James was introduced to a life-long love of reading listening to her parents recite nightly stories to her and her older sister. Inspired by the incredible imaginations of authors like Bill Peet, Charlee could often be found crafting her own tales. As a teenager, she got her hands on a romance novel and was instantly hooked by the genre.

After graduating from Johnson & Wales University, her early career as a wedding planner gave her first-hand experience with couples who had gone the distance for love. Always fascinated by family dynamics, Charlee began writing heartwarming novels with happily-ever-afters.

Charlee is a New England native who lives with her husband, daughters, two rambunctious dogs, a cat, and numerous reptiles. When she’s not spending time with her tight-knit family, she enjoys curling up with a book, practicing yoga, and collecting Boston Terrier knick-knacks.

Unveiling Tule’s Romance Releases of the Month! (Plus a Giveaway!)

GIVEAWAY: We will pick ONE winner to receive a digital book of their choice from the May romance releases. Comment down below saying which book you’re looking most forward to reading! Giveaway is open INTERNATIONALLY. The winner will be randomly selected and announced at the end of the month.




Check out our new romance releases for May!

Happy Mother’s Day: A Bundle of Contemporary Small Town Romances
Featuring Stories By: C.J. Carmichael, Nan Reinhardt, Sinclair Jayne, E. Elizabeth Watson, Kris Bock and H L Marsay

The Eight Second Wedding by Anne McAllister
Cowboy, Come Home | Book 4

The Cowboy’s Mail-Order Bride by Megan Crane
The Careys of Cowboy Point | Book 1

When the Earl Desired Me by Lydia Lloyd
The Rake Chronicles | Book 3

Bayou Redemption by Susan Sands
Louisiana | Book 4

Enchanted by the Highlander by Gerri Russell
Guardians of the Isles | Book 6

Sworn to Honor by Charlee James
Sworn Navy SEALs | Book 2
The Cowboy’s Bride by Barbara Ankrum
The Hardestys of Montana | Book 1

Those Darn Kids! Lisa Lin Discusses Her Enemies-to-Lovers Romance in BETHANY MEETS HER MATCH

Bethany Meets Her Match is the third and final book in my From Sunset Park, With Love series. This book is an enemies/rivals to lovers romance, one of my favorite tropes. I love a battle of the sexes story where the hero and heroine go toe to toe. 

But this book also allowed me to indulge in another of my all time favorite tropes-the precocious kid/adorable moppet. In this case, the role of adorable moppet is played by Priyanka Mehra, the daughter of Bethany’s next store neighbors. Pri is four years old, the very definition of cuteness, and has everyone wrapped around her little finger, including Bethany and Ethan. For her part, Priyanka develops an immediate case of hero worship and a massive crush on Ethan the minute they meet-much to Bethany’s consternation. And Priyanka doesn’t even try to hide her favoritism and bias when she is a judge in Ethan and Bethany’s dumpling contest. 

The reason this particular trope is my ultimate catnip is because it’s such a fun way for the two leads to lower their guard and see each other in a new way. It is especially great when it’s a character you wouldn’t guess who would be good with kids, as is the case with Ethan. Ethan is a bit stuffy, takes pains with his clothes and appearance, and Bethany thinks he’s a snobby jerk. Yet, Priyanka warms to him immediately and the sentiment is returned, all of which forces Bethany to reevaluate her preconceived notions. As she puts it, someone who is so good with kids can’t be ALL bad right? And kids tend to be pretty darn good judges of character. I had so much fun writing the scene where Pri and Ethan interact and bond. To be honest, at certain points I was pretty sure she stole the show, which was perfectly fine with me. In fact, Pri plays a pivotal role in bringing our two lovers back together after the black moment. You’ll have to read the book to find out what she does.

Some of my favorite authors also wrote amazing books using this trope. The first that springs to mind is Nora’s Key of Valor and the relationship between Bradley Charles Vane IV and Zoe McCourt’s son Simon. From the beginning, something about Brad unnerves Zoe and sets her on edge. He’s too rich, too attractive, too out of her league. But Brad and Simon hit it off from the get go and form their own separate bond. They play video games together, Brad hangs up the cowboy boot birdhouse Simon made for him, and the two of them read Captain Underpants at bedtime. Who can resist that??? Certainly not Zoe. 

Another is Lisa Kleypas’s Devil’s Daughter. Widow Phoebe, Lady Clare isn’t inclined to think kindly of West Ravenel. West had history with her late husband. However, instead of the monstrous bully she envisioned, West is charming, sexy, hardworking and irresistible. But just like Brad and Zoe, a huge part of what won Phoebe over was seeing West interact with her son Justin. Wes doesn’t talk down to her son, rough houses with him, genuinely enjoys Justin’s company, and looks out for both her sons. With Justin deciding he wants Wes to marry his mother (to the point he asks Phoebe if she could smell like cake so West would propose) and her father Sebastian (formerly Lord St. Vincent now Duke of Kingston) deciding to pull strings behind the scenes and play matchmaker, Phoebe really had no chance. 

As you can see, I love this trope and that’s why I just had to include it in my latest book. I hope readers will enjoy Priyanka as much as I did and fall in love with Ethan and Bethany’s story as much as I did.

So tell me, is the cute precocious kid a trope you enjoy? Which ones are your favorites??

About the Author.

Lisa has been an avid romance reader and fan since she read her first Nora Roberts novel at the age of 13 after wandering the aisles of her local bookstore. Lisa loves that romance has the power to inspire, and believes that HEAs are for everyone.

Lisa writes light contemporary romantic comedies with a liberal dash of snark and banter. She enjoys delving into the complexity of Asian and immigrant family experiences, and celebrates female friendships in her trademark dry, witty style. As an Asian-American author writing own voices Asian American stories, Lisa hopes that her books will show the diversity of the Asian-American experience, and the importance of every reader being able to see themselves represented on the page.

Author Nan Reinhardt Talks about her new series “The Walkers of River’s Edge”

Hello, Tuligans!

I’m so excited to share this new series with you—The Walkers of River’s Edge. We met the Walkers in previous series—you might remember that Jazz Weaver is now married to Elias Walker, who left his CEO chair to return to being a carpenter in the family business. This series tells the stories of his older brother and his cousins, who are all part of Walker Construction.

The Walkers are struggling to keep their family construction company afloat after losing a big contract to build an auto factory across the river in Kentucky. But their Custom Homes division has the opportunity to build spec homes for the factory workers and executive mansions for the big-wigs. The whole family must pull together prove that Walker Construction can handle the job, and win a bid that will serve the whole community. 

In Book 1, Make You Mine, CEO Jackson Walker knows smart and gorgeous Maddie Ross could be the key to saving his company as long as he hides his heart. But does he have to?

In Book 2, Make It Real, landscape designer, Joe Walker asks horticulturist Kara Sudbury to play the role of girlfriend. They strike a deal that will help Joe handle his tenacious ex and put Sudbury’s Nursery back in the black. But when the pretense feels real, they’re both reminded that every rose has its thorns.

In Book 3, Made for Mistletoe, cabinetmaker and reservist Cameron Walker has big plans for the holidays until he meets a beautiful distraction. Widowed teacher and artist Harper Gaines can’t risk her heart to another soldier. Cam has never felt such a strong connection, and he won’t give up without a fight. But will Harper’s fears keep her from taking a second chance on love?

And Book 4, as yet untitled, but we’re playing with a few choices, architect Annabelle Walker is a force to be reckoned with and is enjoying her career and her single life She’s not looking for any kind of a relationship, until she meets up with Sawyer Braxton, the new veterinarian in town. An injured puppy and the handsome vet turn Annabelle’s well-structured world upside down.

This series has meant a lot of research for me. I’ve googled and asked questions of experts about designing and building homes, creating beautiful landscapes, and cabinetmaking. I’ve learned a lot, but chances are good, I won’t retain very much of what I’ve researched. Just as when I used to copy edit nonfiction—textbooks, computer how-tos, and general reference books like the For Dummies titles—I couldn’t possibly remember everything I read. My brain would explode. But it’s funny what you do hang onto. I recall very little from reading Beauty Secrets for Dummies except that women over forty shouldn’t wear sparkly eye shadow. No clue why that fact stuck, but I don’t wear shimmery eye shadow because of it. 

I’ve learned a lot as I’ve written the Walker family’s stories—how Japanese gardens flow, facts about concrete hardening and building custom cabinetry, what kinds of woods work best for different kinds furniture and how the Pennsylvania Dutch cabinetmakers created their gorgeous painted dower chests, and how glass ceilings affect women in the construction business. It’s been a wondrous adventure and I’m so happy to invite you to share it with me.

Make You Mine releases April 16. Make It Real hits the shelves on August 6, Made for Mistletoe will be out October 24 and both are currently available for pre-order. Annabelle’s book will be out in January 2025. Welcome back to River’s Edge!

About the Author.

Nan Reinhardt headshot wearing blue shirtNan Reinhardt is a USA Today bestselling author of sweet, small-town romantic fiction for Tule Publishing. Her day job is working as a freelance copyeditor and proofreader, however, writing is Nan’s first and most enduring passion. She can’t remember a time in her life when she wasn’t writing—she wrote her first romance novel at the age of ten and is still writing, but now from the viewpoint of a wiser, slightly rumpled, woman in her prime. Nan lives in the Midwest with her husband of 50 years, where they split their time between a house in the city and a cottage on a lake. Talk to Nan at:

Bourbon Falls Fairy Tale Retelling Finale – ONCE UPON A SUMMER NIGHT Release With Author Kyra Jacobs

Hello everyone!

Kyra Jacobs, here, trying to contain my excitement during release week for my latest contemporary romance novel, ONCE UPON A SUMMER NIGHT. This is the final book in my Bourbon Falls series, each of which put a modern twist on a classic fairy tale. For SUMMER NIGHT, Cinderella was the featured retelling. And, yes, Hannah Brooks is finally coming home. The question that remains is: will she stay?

I honestly couldn’t wait to write SUMMER NIGHT, as it was “talking to me” from the start. So when we decided to place it at the end of the series, I had to put those characters and their journeys to Happily Ever After on hold. And though this story was on my mind from the get-go, ironically, it proved to be the hardest book of the series to write.

Because everything had to be perfect.

Hannah’s return. Noah. Chase. The Brooks family. The town. The Brooks sisters. Mrs. Harper and her sisters. (Come on, you know you loved them!) The bookstore. Everything.

After one painful first draft, and some empathetic coaching from my amazing editor, I finally got out of my own way and let the story write itself. And let me tell you, when a story brings an author to tears for all the right reasons multiple times in a story, that’s when we know we got it right. (Happy tears, mostly. You’ll have to trust me on that. )

Plot struggles aside, it was second nature writing about summertime in Indiana. I has so much fun writing about the things that I did in my childhood and as the mother of two boys. 

Baseball. Playing catch with a Nerf football. Cookouts. Pet goldfish. Going to the park. Swimming in ponds. Dealing with stormy weather. Dessert. Neighbors.


In book three, we get to take a deeper look into the main Brooks family. You may even be surprised by a few things you learn about them. But those past experiences had to be there to make the Brooks family come to life. Because all families face trials and tribulations. Difficult times shape us, force us to either grow and thrive or shrink and wither. Sometimes, results come quickly. Other times, they do not.

But that’s the beauty of the resilient human spirit—it’s in our DNA to keep trying. To overcome. To love.

Thankfully, no fairy godmothers or glass slippers required.

I hope you enjoy your return visit to Bourbon Falls in ONCE UPON A SUMMER NIGHT, and that Hannah’s homecoming story gives you all the right feels. Let me know how you enjoyed SUMMER NIGHT and follow me on social media for upcoming glimpses of my next series, in the works now!

Wishing everyone a safe and magical summer,


About the Author.

Headshot of Kyra Jacobs

Kyra Jacobs is an extroverted introvert who’s always called Indiana home. Growing up in the Midwest means she’s well-versed in fickle weather, pork tenderloins that don’t fit on a bun, and sarcasm. Putting her Indiana University degrees in Public Management to good use by day means Kyra does the bulk of her writing late into the night. Fueled by caffeine and funny memes, she weaves humor and chaos into her stories, which range from sweet romance to mysteries and even paranormal/fantasy.

When this Hoosier native isn’t at a keyboard, daydreaming through her fingertips, she’s likely outside, elbow-deep in snapdragons or spending quality time with her sports-loving family. Kyra also loves to bowl, tries to golf, and is an avid college football fan. Be sure to stop by to learn more about her novels and ways to connect with Kyra on social media.

April Showers Bring Amazing New Releases at Tule! (Plus, Enter our Monthly Giveaway!)

Read more about our new releases for April!

GIVEAWAY: We will pick ONE winner to receive a digital book of their choice from the April releases. Comment down below saying which book you’re looking most forward to reading! Giveaway is open INTERNATIONALLY. The winner will be randomly selected and announced at the end of the month.

All’s Fair with Love and Cowboys by Kristine Lynn
Release Date: April 2, 2024

Small Town Romance in the Spring (Anthology) by Melissa McClone, Kate Hewitt, Jane Porter, Charlee James and Shannon Stults
Release Date: April 3, 2024

Once Upon a Summer Night by Kyra Jacobs
Release Date: April 4, 2024

A Chain of Pearls by Raemi A. Ray
Release Date: April 9, 2024

Danger in the Outback by Nicole Flockton
Release Date: April 11, 2024

Make You Mine by Nan Reinhardt
Release Date: April 16, 2024

Outback Heat (Anthology) by Amy Andrews
Release Date: April 17, 2024

Unbreak My Heart by Dakota Harrison
Release Date: April 18, 2024

Highland Dark Magic by Leigh Ann Edwards
Release Date: April 23, 2024

Bethany Meets Her Match by Lisa Lin
Release Date: April 24, 2024

Texas Reckless Cowboy by Rebecca Crowley
Release Date: April 25, 2024

Until Depths Do Us Part by K.B. Jackson
Release Date: April 30, 2024