Author Susan Lute shares about finding balance in writing and why it’s important to her writing process

I am often asked how I find time to write. In my mind, I think the real question I’m being asked is, “How do you balance writing with all the things that go on in your daily life?”

That’s a good question. It’s helpful that I write for Tule Publishing because there are many things the team does for its authors that allow me to spend the dedicated hours I need to write. Once the writing is done, there are a lot of things that go along with publishing a book that can blend into writing that next book—like making covers, editing, marketing, and promotions.

A good example is my new Strawberry Ridge series. When I wrote The Prodigal Brother Returns, I was very focused on making sure I worked at it every day. I improved with the next book, The Cowboy Fix, but still got a little distracted between the first page and the last. It worked out. The third book in the series, which I’m writing now, because The Prodigal Brother Returns is releasing on September 12, there is promo to stay on top of, making it necessary to refigure how to stay on my self-imposed weekly deadline. Do I give up time for all the other things that bring balance to my life? Heck no.

So, if a writer (or artist, or musician) wants to get things done, which I do, I’m a firm believer in making time (in my case) to write, even if that’s an hour a day. Personally, I’m most comfortable with writing for two to three hours at a time. Once I’ve finished my morning session, I spend the rest of my day doing the things that balance out the sedentary aspect of writing with my need to move around. Having coffee with my daughter; working in the garden; making homemade pizza; spending time with my sister; getting together with my girlfriends, and going on retreats with five like-minded women who love to travel as much as I do. Along the way, books get published. 

Balance. It takes some work, but it’s doable.

About the Author.

Susan loves to write bold, brave, heartwarming stories. Like all children of military families, she spent much of her childhood moving from one duty station to the next, giving her the nomad bug. Along the way, she acquired a love of ancient history and myth and admits to collecting way too much useless information. She is an award-winning author of contemporary romance, women’s fiction, and romantic fantasy. She writes whenever she can. Contemporary romance, dragons, and a good cup of coffee make her day.

When not writing, her favorite things are spending time with family and friends, traveling, reading, watching movies, gardening, taking pictures of nature and architectural marvels, and remodeling the house that after thirty years, is finally starting to feel like home.

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