Meet Colby and Dakota from Charlene Sands’s Newest + Amazon GIVEAWAY!

  1. Tell us about Redeeming the Texas Rancher and how you came up with Colby and Dakota’s story.

Colby and Dakota’s story came out of a scene I wrote in the prior Forever Texan series, Loving the Texas Lawman, where Dakota (Day) was bidding on my hometown sheriff, Jack Walker in a charity auction. Day’s attempts to make Colby jealous at the auction go awry and next we see the two of them, rancher boss (Colby) and wrangler (Day) are arguing at Jack’s engagement party. It’s a pretty heated exchange and the fact that their mothers are best friends and Colby and Day pretty much grew up together, only adds to the forbidden love story. When we first meet Day in Redeeming the Texas Rancher, she has pretty much given up on having a relationship with Colby.

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Debra Holt Takes Over the Tule Blog!

Thank you to the wonderful ladies at Tule for the invite to blog. The best place for me to begin is to introduce myself, and explain why I write the books I do. I won’t rehash my official ‘bio’ from the website. I am a Texan. Many people will understand all there is to know by those four simple words. For those who might not, allow me to elaborate.

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RELEASE DAY POST! Find Out What Inspired Laurie LeClair’s The Cowboy’s Rebellious Bride!

Music is the soundtrack of our lives.

— Dick Clark

Growing up, music was a constant in my life—the radio always played as we rode in the car, my parents sang and listened to records (the original vinyl) in our house, my older siblings introduced me to the latest and greatest singers and bands, and I sang in chorus for nearly a decade.

Now, one of my husband’s and my favorite things to do is go to concerts, especially to see all the performers we didn’t get to see ages ago. Along the way, we’ve discovered a long list of new favorites to hear and see. Continue reading

Susan Sands’s Top 5 Southernisms!

Dear Readers,

We officially have a trilogy! Ben and Sabine’s story makes three. Forever, Alabama is the third installment of my Alabama series with Southern Born books. They are full-length, stand-alone romantic women’s fiction titles.

I came to Tule as an unpublished writer, thrilled to be given the opportunity by this team to publish my debut novel. It has been a pure pleasure to be on the verge of releasing my third story here. Much gratitude to then entire Tule family for helping me along with such grace and professional care. Continue reading

RELEASE DAY! Justine Davis Takes Over the Tule Blog!

I am so excited to be working with everyone here at Tule; the energy is contagious! I’ve been at this a few years now, and it’s great to work with such enthusiastic people. I also need to thank my friends Eve Gaddy and Kathy Garbera for allowing me into the fictional world they created; I’m a Texan by heart if not by geography, the Hill Country is my favorite place in Texas, and I’m enjoying playing there. And what’s not to love about a place called Whiskey River? Continue reading

Celebrate the Release Day of Taming the Texas Cowboy with Author Charlene Sands!

* Congratulations to Lois I! You have won a free print copy of Whiskey River: The Kellys. Please email to claim your prize. *

1. What inspired you to pick Texas as the setting for Trey and Maddie’s story?

True Texans are a breed all their own. I have family who live in Texas and have studied the ways of the people of the lone star state, the pride and work ethic and love of the land. In my experience with Texans, I found them to be men and women of honor and intense manners. And you’ll see that come through in Taming the Texas Cowboy, the first book in my Forever Texan series. Trey is a good man, who believes the very worst about himself, and Maddie is a woman who sees him for the fine man that he is. Getting him to realize that takes a bit of doing, and at times, Maddie isn’t sure she can get through to the stubborn, prideful, protective Texan. Continue reading

RELEASE DAY! Get to Know Knights of Passion Author Megan Ryder!

1. Sports play such a significant role in each of your books. What is your favorite part of the sports romance genre?

I love sports heroes and how sexy they are. They’re so masculine and so competitive, driven to succeed and win. I like how they’re not afraid to get dirty and how they go all out for their dreams. In my books, I have heroes who love their dreams and cling to those dreams no matter what, doing whatever it takes to succeed. Sometimes, they forget there’s another world out there and they tend to take on the weight of the team on their own shoulders.

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Meet Joy Talley and Celebrate Waking Up Joy with a BOOK BOGO Opportunity!

With it being the anniversary month of the publication of Waking Up Joy, Tule Publishing invited me to write a post to celebrate, and there is so much that I am excited about and grateful for when it comes to this book. Maybe you’ll celebrate too when you hear about the spectacular promotion that, in order to show our excitement, we’re offering to readers. First, though, I want to say a few words about this novel that even after two years is still the book of my heart. Continue reading