Behind the Scenes Q&A with Tule Mystery’s Melinda Di Lorenzo

Just because authors write mysteries doesn’t make them dark, scary people. In fact, in many ways, they fit in with the rest of us!

We sat down with Melinda Di Lorenzo, author of The Lockwood Gate Thriller Series, whose next book, The Echo, publishes on May 7.






Q: What situation turns you into the biggest scaredy-cat?
A: Being alone in the house and watching scary movies. BUT I DO IT TO MYSELF ALL THE TIME. Glutton for punishment.

Q: What is the funniest feedback you’ve received on your book?
A: Feedback often makes me chuckle, but my favourite review of any of my books says that it seemed like I was making up the story as I went along. Spoiler: I was making it up.

Q: When did you know you wanted to write mysteries/thrillers? What led you to that genre?
A: It’s hard to pinpoint it. I like to say I’ve always been a writer, and my parents can verify that I’ve been scribbling stories ever since I could hold a pencil. When I was a kid, I used to watch Murder She Wrote with my Grammy, and that was definitely a major influence on my taste. I also loved, loved, LOVED the Trixie Beldon books. I read that series countless times. I’ve also loved the terrifying Disney movie, Watcher in the Woods. And I have to say, a twist ending is my favourite thing! I love creating them.

Q: Time to confess! What, besides a speeding ticket, has been your closest brush with the law?
A: Lol. My husband likes to tell this story about how one night, many years ago, he was the designated driver for a bunch of tipsy folks. His car got a little stuck in a divot, and the police made him get out for questioning. Meanwhile, the tipsy folks were shouting about how sober he was and getting really worked up. I may or may not have been one of the tipsy folks.

1 Comment

  1. “Thank you for sharing this insightful behind-the-scenes Q&A with Melinda Di Lorenzo! It’s always fascinating to gain a glimpse into the creative process of talented authors. Looking forward to more engaging content from Tule Publishing!”

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