Category Archives: Tule Mystery

Tule Author Q&A: New Tule Author Melissa Westemeier talks nerd culture, her love of reading murder mysteries, and her writing process.

Your immersion in nerd culture through your sons has clearly influenced your writing. How do elements of Marvel, DC, Dr. Who, and other franchises find their way into your books? In book 3 of my series, Detective AJ Lewis heads to Emerald City Comic Con. He and his buddies dress as Star Wars characters and geek out over their photo op with Ewan McGregror. AJ also keeps Star Wars action figures on his desk, as well as a Boba Fett bobblehead, frequently tapped for luck as he works. In every book he and his pals discuss comic books and new Marvel releases, Spiderman features in book one with commentary about the Multiverse. References to Dr. Who come up in all the books, too. I’ve included all of my boys’ faves, even Naruto gets included!

You’ve written rom-coms and a trilogy based on your experience tending bar on the Wolf River. How do these different genres and personal experiences shape your storytelling? I never set out to write in a genre, but my writing has definitely landed within them. A subconscious decision? With my rom-coms, once I realized my writing fit those genres, I tweaked the stories to better effect.

While every fiction writer is literally making it up as they go, I find it’s easier if I can include elements of what I know. My personal experiences season what I invent in my imagination, they inform characters and situations and help me include better details in my writing.

As I wrote Old Habits Die Hard, I didn’t actually know a murderer, but I take notes every time I visit my 95-year-old friend who lives in assisted living. I use her gripes and my observations of people’s behavior in the lobby and elevator to shape what life might look like in the Abbey.

Tule MysteryWriting murder mysteries was a childhood dream of yours. What sparked this interest, and how did you transition into this genre? I loved READING murder mysteries, which made me want to write them. I did make a few attempts early on, but without success. During COVID a dear friend and former writing partner was diagnosed with vascular dementia and moved to a memory care facility. Mariana wrote murder mysteries. Another writing partner and I went to visit Mariana and she wanted to work on the groundwork for this story. We helped organize her ideas for characters, setting, and plot, and left thinking how great the concept was but Mariana wasn’t able to develop it beyond the pitch. A year later I found myself between projects and I picked up those old notes. My plan was to noodle around with it, see if I could pull the notes together and make a short story, maybe a book out of it, for Mariana. Next thing I knew, I’d written 30,000 words and was going strong. Turns out writing a murder mystery is MUCH easier if you work out a few details in advance, ha ha!

After writing Old Habits Die Hard, I learned it needed to be a series, so I got cracking on the next two cases. Now I find myself constantly wondering what could kill a person, how and why and who and where. I’m always thinking of what troubles could plague people living in senior apartments.  It’s quite addicting once you start! You start looking for material everywhere!

Your books blend humor and nerd culture while tackling serious themes. How do you balance these elements to create engaging and thought-provoking stories? I believe levity helps readers digest the heavy stuff. I feel compelled to include the serious themes because I want readers to think about bigger issues that transcend a single story. Domestic abuse, urban sprawl, violence against women, human impact on the environment are real and people need to pay attention and take action to improve the world we share. “Know better, do better,” right? And we all experience these problems, so readers can relate to them when they’re included in fiction. Once I tried to write a straight-up tragic story. On the River involves domestic abuse and violence and I took that challenge very seriously. However hard I tried, though, the book wasn’t coming together, something was missing. It took a while for me to realize in my commitment to telling the tragic storyline, I’d left Maw Cooper, my crazy bait shop owner, out of the story. His storylines always brought a lot of humor to the table. I added him in and to my surprise everything came together better after I did that—the pacing, the tone, even the opportunities for other characters to engage with one another as they bore witness to Joanne’s situation and reacted to it. The humorous sections didn’t diminish the storyline about domestic violence, but Maw’s storyline gave the book balance so the reader could catch their breath and process what Joanne’s character endured. It boils down to what you want to achieve with your readers and what you want them to walk away knowing after they’ve read your book, and part of what they know stems from how they feel while they read your book. I try to consider these questions with each story I write.

In my murder mysteries I’ve included issues like aging, accessible housing, gentrification, and addiction.

How has your experience of marriage and motherhood, especially with three sons, influenced the characters and plots in your novels? My characters get into some zany situations and they have NOTHING on some of the crazy things I’ve experienced with my family. Team Testosterone has taught me patience and acceptance. Knowing these guys helps me add dimension to my male characters and make them more authentic. The boys will take any dare, accept any challenge, and I appreciate their creativity and their humor. I’ve written characters with those qualities and included some of Team Testosterone’s experiences in my books because I find them so entertaining. They’re also huge in developing AJ’s backstory in Old Habits Die Hard. AJ is really based on my oldest son in so many ways.

As someone who loves the outdoors, do you find that nature and your outdoor activities inspire your writing? If so, how? Every book I’ve written includes a natural setting. We all need a little fresh air and time outside near trees and birds to get our heads and hearts straight. I’m glad to put Bernie in the courtyard of the Abbey so she can tip her head back and stargaze, or place AJ in Alton Baker Park watching the squirrels. I’d like to bring these characters deeper into the wilderness sometime. Maybe in a future book? The woods can conceal all kinds of secrets…

Your passions include hiking, swimming, biking, and reading. Do any of these hobbies feature prominently in your characters’ lives or plotlines? Not really in this new series, and I’m wondering why not now!

Can you share a bit about your process for developing a murder mystery? How do you come up with the “whodunnit” and the intricacies of the plot? For me the trick is to first identify WHO dies, WHO kills them, and WHY. The HOW comes next. The other challenge in my series is involving both a detective and an amateur sleuth in solving the crime. Sister Bernie needs a plausible reason to get involved and she needs to access some clues to help solve the murder, so positioning her in the story is a huge consideration. She’s an 80-year-old nun, so the options get limited after a point. After I’ve written a chunk of the book (80-ish pages), my writing partners read it and speculate. I take notes on their questions and ideas because that gives me suggestions on red herrings to include, suspects I could elevate in the story, and how their deductions shape up against what I’ve planned for the book. My writing partners, Lauren Small and MK Graff are invaluable in the process.

What has been the most rewarding piece of feedback you’ve received from a reader, and how did it impact your writing? When my first book, Whipped, Not Beaten, came out, my husband’s co-worker gave the book to her mother as a gift. Her mother called her from vacation and she asked how she liked my book. “I haven’t had a chance to read it yet, your dad won’t put it down.” Turned out HE really enjoyed my rom-com novel, too! Learning that my writing had appeal to a range of readers gave me validation and built up my confidence that I can write for a wider audience. The idea of a man in his seventies reading my book on the beach told me I can hold ANYONE’S attention!

What advice would you give to aspiring authors who want to blend humor, nerd culture, and serious themes in their writing? Do it. Nerd culture is underrepresented in adult fiction and genre fiction. If there’s a following for Spiderman fans or Star Wars fans, they’ll love seeing themselves and their passion portrayed in your story. Of course, it helps a lot if you’re a nerd or have nerds in your life who will educate you on the finer details about those worlds. Don’t be afraid to be funny, but don’t force it either. Humor stems from incongruities, so if you can mine for those, you’ll have success injecting humor in your writing. And as far as serious themes go, if an event or issue is playing out in your neighborhood, chances are other people are experiencing a similar situation where they live. They’ll appreciate seeing their lives represented in your story. If your characters are actively involved in solving their community’s problems, even better, because you’ve given readers a blueprint of how to respond and a model for change. Complaining about problems is cheap, and everyone can gripe about what’s wrong in the world. Getting involved in solving problems has great value, and if I can write characters who encourage people to behave productively in their communities, that’s a sweet victory.

BONUS: What is one book that you would consider to be your comfort read that you will always reach for? Little Women by Louisa May Alcott is like going home. Wherever I open to, it’s familiar, like looking at the family photo album.

Two Cozies + One Thriller = Tule’s July Mystery Releases!

Need a new mystery? Why don’t you check out our two newest cozy releases coming out this month and maybe add our latest thriller to your TBR list!

Join Rebecca and Aneksi in this engaging and humorous cozy mystery as they unravel a tale of murder, mystery, and mayhem while discovering more secrets in Citrus Grove.

Rebecca Cuthbert, no stranger to false accusations, rushes to defend her baker best friend when she’s accused of murdering Citrus Grove’s Elvis-loving mayor with a deadly petit four.

But Rebecca recognizes the real clue: this death is the work of the Emerald Scarab, one of the cursed artifacts she vowed to track down after it was stolen from her grandfather’s quirky antique shop.

Now she must navigate a peculiar maze of clues and enchantments, aided by her grandfather’s wise counsel and the scattered recollections of an immortal talking cat, Aneksi, who once encountered the scandalous scarab in Cleopatra’s court. With each revelation, her search becomes a frantic race to find the killer and the amulet before they can hurt anyone else.

But her meddling puts her in the killer’s path, and Rebecca must rely on her fledgling investigative skills to save her friend from jail and herself from becoming the sleepy Southern California town’s latest murder victim.

Instead of walking down the aisle, the bride is suspected of murder…. 

Maddie Bell’s life and career have hit peak stride. She’s sold her cozy mystery series and is contracted for two more books; she’s engaged to Hemlock’s chief of police; and her mother has purchased and restored the beautiful historic mansion, Gracewood Hall, in their hometown of Hemlock, North Carolina. Three generations—Gigi, Maddie, and Jenna–are now happily engaged in the wedding and special event business.

But their highly scrutinized inaugural event—the wedding of an A-List social media influencer—becomes a murder scene before the rehearsal dinner. Kate Archer, the professional bridesmaid Jenna hired, is found bludgeoned by a bottle of Veuve Clicquot, not only threatening their new business, but also sending Jenna into a tailspin of guilt. She knew Kate from college and had begged her to fill in as the maid of honor.

Even as the police warn Maddie not to interfere with the investigation, mother and daughter set out to discover who killed Kate and dispel the growing rumors that Gracewood Hall is cursed.

In the deadly future after the second civil war, the United States is divided and dangerous…

Agent Heather Slade is a beautiful well-crafted fake. A perfect lie. A highly-trained asset with no country, no memory, and no home. She spies for a secretive group of Revo agents from the democratic Free States and fights against the crushing power of the charismatic authoritarian leader who controls the militant Patriot regions. Risking her life, she infiltrates top levels of the brutal government and lives deeply under cover with her enemies.

Heather’s current mission is to smuggle a package from under the President’s nose onto a highly guarded golden train and bring it to safety in the Free States. Her partner on the perilous journey is a handsome but inexperienced foreign agent with secrets of his own. Why is Miguel Robles so hauntingly familiar? He might hold the key to finding the family she no longer remembers—if they survive the mission.

Your Monthly Dose of NEW Mystery Releases at Tule!

Check out our June releases for Tule Mystery! If you haven’t already done so, be sure you’re subscribed to our Tule Mystery newsletter AND, if you’re interested in cozy mysteries, check out Tule’s Cozy Mystery Cafe and read up on our new cozy authors!

Paws, Claws & Curses by DeAnna Drake
A Purr-fect Relic Cozy Mystery | Book 1
Release Date: June 5, 2024

What are cursed artifacts, a talking cat, and a dead body doing in the sweet little town of Citrus Grove? That’s what spirited shopkeeper Rebecca Cuthbert wants to find out, and she had better do it fast because she’s the prime suspect in the murder of the town’s shadiest antiquities dealer.

It’s a troubling start to her reunion with her long-lost grandfather and a far cry from the Southern California vacation she was expecting. So far, nothing in Citrus Grove is quite what it seems. Not her grandfather, who suspiciously disappears at the strangest times, not his curious antique shop, which has more secrets than customers, and certainly not the oddball neighbors, with their hidden motives and questionable connections.

As Rebecca races against time with her new feline friend to uncover the truth behind a mysterious murder, she finds herself tangled in a web of danger and deceit as captivating as Queen Cleopatra herself. With help from unexpected allies and an often-exasperating, yet undeniably handsome detective, Rebecca must outwit the cunning killer before she becomes the next victim.

Dig into this delightful series of cozy mysteries filled with quirky humor, friendships, ancient mysteries, and magic.


No Room to Hide by Carol Light
Cluttered Crime Mysteries | Book 4
Release Date: June 6, 2024

Her business plan doesn’t call for sleuthing—but murder changes everything.

Professional organizer Crystal Ward has nothing against publicity—as long as it’s the truth. But a local reporter is putting Crys in the headlines for her role in solving crimes, not clearing out clutter. Now she’s receiving requests for services that aren’t on her website, and the spotlight is wearing on her family.

At least something good comes out of the unwelcome attention: Crys reconnects with an old friend, Eva, who hires her to sort through historical documents found in a Victorian house she wants to flip. Then a dead body turns up in the parlor, and Eva confesses she’s been receiving threatening notes.

Crys knows to draw the line on the services she’s willing to provide, but this is about friendship, not business. With the reporter hot on her trail, Crys tries to maintain a low profile as she sorts out the secrets. But good intentions aren’t enough. Will this client once again lure her into an appointment with a killer with no place to hide?

Top 5 Mysteries to Read on a Plane

Flying these days requires a lot of patience—and there’s no better way to harness that skill than to be absorbed in a world far away from middle seats between two people hogging your arm rests, narrow aisles, and a roller bag stuffed at your feet because someone else thought the overhead bin was for their coat and purse.

Travel today is crying out for a world where there is no turbulence, just sheer excitement. So check out these Tule mysteries on your next trip and touch down in a good mood!

  1. Buried (Twisted Cedars Mysteries), C.J. Carmichael

    Decades of silence. A shocking discovery. Some secrets refuse to stay buried.

    True crime writer Dougal Lachlan swore he’d never set foot in Twisted Cedars again. Not even for his sister’s upcoming wedding. But an email promising the story of a lifetime pulls him back to his hometown against his better judgement.

    Thirty years ago, five librarians were murdered across quiet coastal towns in Oregon, leaving a trail of unsolved mysteries. All signs point to a serial killer.

    As Dougal plunges into the investigation, he enlists the help of local librarian Charlotte Hammond, who prefers her mysteries between the covers of a good book since the disappearance of her older sister Daisy.

    The more they dig, the more buried secrets they unearth only to realize nothing is quite what it seems, and the danger may be closer to home than they thought…

    Recommendation: 21k reviews at Amazon with a majority of them 5 stars says it all. CJ Carmichael’s easy style draws you in, so pull out your neck pillow and settle in. If it’s a long flight, download the series. You won’t want to leave small-town Twisted Cedars, Oregon!

  2. Killer Close to Home (Cluttered Crime Mysteries), Carol Light

    Not all clutter is visible to the human eye …

    Professional organizer Crystal Ward’s latest client, her neighbor Roscoe Tremaine, is changing his will, an announcement that sets off an explosive reaction within his family. That same night, a gas leak ignites, destroying his house, killing him, and rocking the Ward family at its foundation.

    Her husband, Rick, is injured in the blast, so Crys hires Roscoe’s former caregiver, Wink Keller, to help him recover after surgery. But trouble is just beginning. Both Crys and Wink are beneficiaries in Roscoe’s will, and their alliance sends accusations flying from the Tremaines’ side of the fence.

    Crys has her hands full dealing with her client’s not-so-grieving relatives, a teenaged girl stalking Wink, and a suspicious fire inspector. But when threatening “gifts” left on the Wards’ doorstep escalate, Crys is forced to sort through a tangled web of relationships, including her own, to keep her family safe.

    Recommendation: A story that is as much about family as it is solving the mystery, Killer Close to Home absorbs you into this very real neighborhood that feels just like your own. The setting is Chicago, but the appeal is to every suburban traveler looking for reassurances that nice folks don’t finish last.

  3. A Chain of Pearls (Martha’s Vineyard Murders), Raemi A. Ray

    The last thing she wants is to dig up the past…

    When the body of a celebrated journalist is fished from the Edgartown Harbor, the official report rules his death accidental. But why was he alone on a senator’s yacht during a nor’easter? That’s only the first question London-based lawyer Kyra Gibson has when she arrives on the idyllic island of Martha’s Vineyard to settle her estranged father’s affairs.

    She’s not looking for closure. She’s not seen him in decades since he left her with her aunt following her mother’s death. But as Kyra delves deeper into her father’s life, she learns he had many regrets and wasn’t as retired as she believed. The more Kyra discovers, the more questions she has. With the help of world-weary detective, Tarek Collins, they uncover a web of intrigue and corruption involving a powerful senator, a dubious energy company, and brutal murder.

    As they chase down clues, Kyra and Tarek flirt with danger and race against time to solve the murders and uncover the dark secrets lurking beneath Martha’s Vineyard’s picturesque façade of old money wealth and privilege.

    Recommendation: An idyllic island setting known for its iconic lighthouses, fantasy cottages, and famous residents is an excellent vacation destination—but even if you aren’t bound for the East Coast, this Martha’s Vineyard mystery brings the mystique right to your seat. Bonus points for a hot detective, too.

  4. Something Shady at Sunshine Haven (The Accidental Detective), Kris Bock
    She’s pursued the most dangerous news stories around the world. But can she survive going home?

    Injured in a bombing, war correspondent Kate Tessler returns to her hometown in Arizona to recover. For the first time in her life, she’s starting to feel her age of nearly fifty despite living like a teenager again: staying in her childhood bedroom with only a cat for company, trying to understand why her sister resents her so much, and running into people who still refer to her as Kitty. The hardest part? Seeing her once-sharp and witty mother stuck in an Alzheimer’s unit.

    When an old friend asks her to investigate suspicious deaths at the nursing home, Kate limps into action. Is a self-appointed “Angel of Mercy” killing patients to end their suffering? Are family members hastening their inheritance? Is an employee extorting money and removing the witnesses? Kate uses her journalism skills to track clues, but the puzzle pieces simply won’t fit.

    If Kate can’t uncover the truth quickly, her mother could be next on the killer’s list.

    Recommendation: The father-daughter relationship will warm your heart far more than Phoenix, Arizona, sun in this Southwestern setting. Kate’s used to danger, knows how to investigate, and that makes her the best option to tackle problems that don’t interest the police yet, so you can count on plenty of clues, twists, and characters in this whodunnit.

  5. A Long Shadow (Chief Inspector Shadow Mystery), HL Marsay

    Old sins cast long shadows…

    When the bodies of a young, homeless girl and a girl who disappeared thirty years ago are found on the same day, residents in the historic city of York are aghast. It seems unlikely the two cases are related, and yet some of the same players knew both victims. As Detective Chief Inspector John Shadow and his eager new partner, Sergeant Jimmy Chang, dive into their investigation, they uncover a complicated web of pop stars, pub owners, shopkeepers and old school friends who each have something to hide.

    John Shadow is a man of contradictions. A solitary figure who shuns company, but is a keen observer of all he meets. A lover of good food, but whose fridge is almost always empty. He prefers to work alone and is perpetually trying to dodge his partner, who’s full of energy, modern ideas and theories.

    But as the two men gradually learn to work together to solve the case, it’s clear that the past is never as far away as you think.

    Recommendation: Seasoned British detective. Eager young pup for a partner. Enough said. With a name like John Shadow, you know this inspector has many fascinating layers just waiting to be revealed.

C.J. Carmichael’s Twisted Cedars Anniversary Editions Find Forever Home with Tule

It’s a big week for USA Today bestselling author C.J. Carmichael, as her latest stand-alone mystery, Tangle of Lies, releases May 16. We’re also celebrating the special anniversary release of her wildly popular Twisted Cedars Mysteries titles: Buried, Forgotten, and Exposed.

Buried alone has 21,000 reviews on Amazon, with the majority of those five-star ratings. So for those fans, we sat down with C.J. for some behind-the-scenes secrets:

Q. Share a moment when you were scared while writing your book.
A. In Buried, there is a scene where Jamie is out in the forest on her own, running from danger but possibly also running to danger. That got my blood pumping!

Q: What situation turns you into the biggest scaredy-cat?

A: I hate looking out a window if I’m alone in the dark at night. I’m afraid there will be a face looking back at me!

Q: What secret have you kept hidden—until now?

A. Oh no. You’re not going to break me this easily.

A Double-Dose of Mystery: Exciting Tule Mystery Releases for May!

Check out our upcoming May releases for Tule Mystery! If you haven’t already done so, be sure you’re subscribed to our Tule Mystery newsletter AND, if you’re interested in cozy mysteries, check out Tule’s Cozy Mystery Cafe and read up on our new cozy authors!

The Echo by Melinda Di Lorenzo
The Lockwood Gate Thrillers | Book 2
May 7, 2024

Déjà vu can be deadly…

A year ago, Rose Mcgovern’s sister was found dead at the bottom of a bridge. A tragic accident. That’s what the police called it. What they still call it. What everyone except Rose believes to be true. But she won’t change her mind. No matter how many seconds and minutes and days go by, no matter how much time she’s had to spend in the psych ward, and no matter how much her life falls apart. She will never give up on her quest for the truth.

And now, it’s happening again.

Another woman’s body has been found. The circumstances are far too similar to be a coincidence. There might even be more victims. Which would mean that Rose was right all along. But the police have long since dismissed her as paranoid, and she’s driven away every friend she’s ever had. With nothing but her own conviction on her side, how can she prove that an accident is really a murder? And even if it’s possible, can she do it before she makes a deadly mistake and the killer claims her life, too?

Tangle of Lies by C.J. Carmichael
May 16, 2024

A murder rips through the quiet town of Tangle Falls, exposing a web of lies and buried sins.

Former science teacher Bobbie Galloway is shaken when a former student’s body is found along the tranquil river of sleepy Tangle Falls. She’s even more troubled that George Lindeman, another student of hers, is the prime suspect.

George was never able to escape the rumors surrounding his family’s death a decade ago and now he’s once again thrust into the spotlight of a murder investigation. Bobbie believes George is innocent. She never believed the rumors about him.

Hadley Hooper left Tangle Falls at seventeen but she’s back to right old wrongs. She believes George is innocent too. But can she be trusted, or does she have her own agenda?

As tensions mount in the aftermath of the murder, Bobbie is suspicious of Fern Sinclair, who just bought the deserted farmhouse next to Bobbie’s brother’s ranch. The home care worker claims she wants to restore the property’s garden to its former glory, but Bobbie can’t shake the feeling Fern is hiding something.

As whispers of suspicion echo through Tangle Falls, Bobbie embarks on a gripping journey into the heart of the town, unearthing secrets that threaten to unravel the very fabric of the community.

Behind the Scenes Q&A with Tule Mystery’s Melinda Di Lorenzo

Just because authors write mysteries doesn’t make them dark, scary people. In fact, in many ways, they fit in with the rest of us!

We sat down with Melinda Di Lorenzo, author of The Lockwood Gate Thriller Series, whose next book, The Echo, publishes on May 7.






Q: What situation turns you into the biggest scaredy-cat?
A: Being alone in the house and watching scary movies. BUT I DO IT TO MYSELF ALL THE TIME. Glutton for punishment.

Q: What is the funniest feedback you’ve received on your book?
A: Feedback often makes me chuckle, but my favourite review of any of my books says that it seemed like I was making up the story as I went along. Spoiler: I was making it up.

Q: When did you know you wanted to write mysteries/thrillers? What led you to that genre?
A: It’s hard to pinpoint it. I like to say I’ve always been a writer, and my parents can verify that I’ve been scribbling stories ever since I could hold a pencil. When I was a kid, I used to watch Murder She Wrote with my Grammy, and that was definitely a major influence on my taste. I also loved, loved, LOVED the Trixie Beldon books. I read that series countless times. I’ve also loved the terrifying Disney movie, Watcher in the Woods. And I have to say, a twist ending is my favourite thing! I love creating them.

Q: Time to confess! What, besides a speeding ticket, has been your closest brush with the law?
A: Lol. My husband likes to tell this story about how one night, many years ago, he was the designated driver for a bunch of tipsy folks. His car got a little stuck in a divot, and the police made him get out for questioning. Meanwhile, the tipsy folks were shouting about how sober he was and getting really worked up. I may or may not have been one of the tipsy folks.

Your Upcoming Cruise on the Thalassophile of the Seas: Frequently Asked Questions for Guests in UNTIL DEPTHS DO US PART

Congratulations on booking your first cruise on the luxury private residential cruise ship, the Thalassophile of the Seas! Whether you are a relative of a suite owner or have rented a unit through Travel the World Experiences and Rental Properties (TWERP) we want to ensure your sailing adventure is everything you have dreamed.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ):

What is a private residential cruise ship? Similar to a condominium, the Thalassophile boasts a hundred privately owned luxury residences ranging in size from studios to three bedrooms, along with five restaurants, two bars, a handful of boutiques, a casino/gaming room, a cigar lounge, a spa and hair salon, a grocery store, a fitness center, a full-sized tennis court, two swimming pools, two hot tubs, a theater, and a library. Each suite owner is able to decorate their units however they would like, so depending on which unit you are renting, the furnishings will be varied.

How are the itineraries set? Every October the owners meet to discuss the sailing itineraries for the following year. A vote is taken, with each unit receiving one vote. The goal is to not repeat a port of call more than once every five years, except for Seattle, our home port. One owner proposes Tuvalu every time, simply because it’s the world’s least visited nation, but he always gets outvoted.

What types of activities are available? In addition to the standard amenities such as yoga classes, spa days, and a gaming casino, each sailing is themed to a port of call, as are the activities. For example, our sailing to Yokohama, Japan featured a Sakura blossom celebration, a Ninja demonstration, and an origami class. Our New Orleans events included a Mardi Gras party and a masquerade ball mask making class.

What about safety and security? I’ve heard there’s been some trouble recently. The per capita murder rate has been exaggerated. * The Thalassophile has a full time, round the clock security crew, headed by former special forces commander Xavier Mesnier. We have a state of the art security camera system that works well, as long as it’s not disabled by those with nefarious intent. Rigorous background checks are made on owners, guests, and crew. Very rarely someone slips through, but our crack team always gets their man—or woman–eventually. Sometimes they are aided by residents Charlotte McLaughlin and Jane Cobb, but only in an unofficial capacity. They have a knack for solving crimes, probably from their years as librarians with a penchant for crime fiction.

Tell me about the other staff and crew onboard. We are truly an international community. The ship is captained by Karl Knutson (Norway) and his co-captain Marco Bellucci (Italy). Zahra Idris (Nigeria) is the general ship manager. Each unit is serviced by an assigned butler; our most prestigious being Windsor Hadwin (England) who may or may not have served the royal family (he’s unable to speak about it, so don’t ask). In the dining room we are grateful to have Ulfric Anton (Germany) as our maître D’ and Haimi Dara (India) who is both head server and food and beverage manager. Executive Chef Elliot Patenaude (France) creates a varied menu of delicious and elevated dining experiences (Just keep an eye on your wife). Cortes (California) and Egan (Ireland), our bartenders extraordinaire, can make you any cocktail you can think of. Just remember, whatever you tell them under the influence may not stay a secret. All our staff and crew are hardworking and professional with an emphasis on the highest customer service.

We hope you enjoy traversing the high seas aboard this truly unique vessel.
*Actual murder rates per sailing may vary.

About the Author.

Kate B Jackson (KB Jackson) is an author of mystery novels for grownups and mystery/adventure novels for kids. She lives in the Pacific NE with her husband and at least one of her four grown children at any given time. Her debut middle grade release is “The Sasquatch of Hawthorne Elementary” (Reycraft Books) about a twelve-year-old boy hired by the most popular girl at his new school to investigate what she saw in the nearby woods. Book one in the Chattertowne Mysteries series, “Secrets Don’t Sink,” (Level Best Books July 2023) introduces Audrey O’Connell, a small town feature reporter who, when her former boyfriend’s body is found floating in the local marina, uncovers the depths to which some will go to keep secrets submerged.

Her debut novel in the Cruising Sisters mystery series, Until Depths Do Us Part (Tule Publishing) will be released Spring 2024.

Capturing the Uniqueness of Martha’s Vineyard: Release Day for A CHAIN OF PEARLS!

Hi friends, my name is Raemi Ray. It’s pronounced like ‘Amy’ but with an ‘R’ or as my dad tells people, ‘Like the Sound of Music: do-RE-MI.’ Before you ask, no it’s not short for anything and has absolutely zero meaning. The parents just liked it, I suppose.

Awkward intros out of the way, hi again. I write murder mystery stories for Tule and I’m thrilled to be here to announce the first book in my brand new Martha’s Vineyard Murders series. A Chain of Pearls will be out April 9. 

A little about the book:

The last thing she wants is to dig up the past…

When the body of a celebrated journalist is fished from the Edgartown Harbor, the official report rules his death accidental. But why was he alone on a senator’s yacht during a nor’easter? That’s only the first question London-based lawyer Kyra Gibson has when she arrives on the idyllic island of Martha’s Vineyard to settle her estranged father’s affairs.

She’s not looking for closure. She’s not seen him in decades since he left her with her aunt following her mother’s death. But as Kyra delves deeper into her father’s life, she learns he had many regrets and wasn’t as retired as she believed. The more Kyra discovers, the more questions she has. With the help of world-weary detective, Tarek Collins, they uncover a web of intrigue and corruption involving a powerful senator, a dubious energy company, and brutal murder.

As they chase down clues, Kyra and Tarek flirt with danger and race against time to solve the murders and uncover the dark secrets lurking beneath Martha’s Vineyard’s picturesque façade of old money wealth and privilege.

My books, as the series’ name suggests, are ‘whodunnit’ style murder mysteries set on the Massachusetts island of Martha’s Vineyard. I’ve been visiting the island year-round since college and it holds a special place in my heart. Over the years, I’ve fallen in love with the geography and its unique culture, so inherently New England, but with something else, that’s entirely its own. 

It was important to me to capture that uniqueness in my books, and many of places I talk about are either real places, like the towns of Edgartown and Menemsha, or were inspired by the real-life places and businesses that I’ve patroned over the years. Of course, I’ve taken some liberties, so please don’t come for me, when you find out Kyra’s house doesn’t actually exist (but the silkie chickens do, iykyk). 

In the first installment, my readers, like my main character Kyra Gibson, an expat visiting the island for the first time, get to explore Martha’s Vineyard through fresh eyes. I hope you enjoy visiting the island as much as I do and if you do, please continue to visit along with Kyra and her friends in books two (The Wraith’s Return) and three (Widow’s Walk) publishing later this year. The books all follow the same characters solving different island mysteries and can be read standalone, but if you read them in order you’ll discover some easter eggs. 

Thanks for your time and follow me on my socials for giveaways, updates, and a general look into my travels to and from the island.  Thanks again, Cheers!

About the Author.

Raemi Amanda Ray is the author of A Chain of Pearls, her debut and the first book in a Martha’s Vineyard Murders series set on Martha’s Vineyard. Her travels to the island and around the world inspire her stories. She lives in Boston.

April Showers Bring Amazing New Releases at Tule! (Plus, Enter our Monthly Giveaway!)

Read more about our new releases for April!

GIVEAWAY: We will pick ONE winner to receive a digital book of their choice from the April releases. Comment down below saying which book you’re looking most forward to reading! Giveaway is open INTERNATIONALLY. The winner will be randomly selected and announced at the end of the month.

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Small Town Romance in the Spring (Anthology) by Melissa McClone, Kate Hewitt, Jane Porter, Charlee James and Shannon Stults
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Once Upon a Summer Night by Kyra Jacobs
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A Chain of Pearls by Raemi A. Ray
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Until Depths Do Us Part by K.B. Jackson
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