Tag Archives: Secret Ties

TWO SIDES OF A SECRET – Release Day Blog Post Featuring Kelly Cain!

Purple cover with white text reading "Two Sides of A Secret" by Kelly Cain

The Soulmate Equation meets Scandal

My new novel, TWO SIDES OF A SECRET, is out. It’s book 2 in my secret ties series and follows another adoptee from the adoption group, Lauren, who has no use for her birth family. Unlike Nichelle from A KISS FROM THE PAST, Lauren doesn’t even want to know who her birth parents are. She’s happily going through life as a florist, running her retired adoptive parents’ business, although longs for a different life as a social media strategist on a political campaign. Again, we examine nature versus nurture.

Which brings us to the Scandal angle. I came to the Shonda Rhimes/Kerry Washington show late and ended up binging all the seasons. It was spectacular the way all the political intrigue unfolded, and it captured and held my attention for weeks. You never really knew for sure what these people’s politics actually were, but they were willing to do anything to hold on to power no matter what. Enter Olivia Pope, who’s team cleaned up all the messes. The whole concept was so interesting to me because she is truly a morally gray character.

Ben Specter is unlike any character I’ve written before. Most of my guys have a certain swagger and charisma, but Ben intentionally uses his to his advantage. His job requires gathering information. Information most don’t want uncovered. Hence the morally grayness of it all. He works for an Olivia Pope type, Ellen Ziff, headquartered in Sacramento, the capitol of California. Ben lives and works out of San Francisco though and his newest case falls right across the Bay in Berkeley.

Ben tricks Lauren as he delves deep into her life, looking for any secrets that may compromise his candidate, but along the way, there’s something about Lauren that pushes Ben to do some introspection. To examine his own life, his own secrets, and adjust his moral compass.

So in the end, I kept close to the nature of what I like in a hero, but I had so much fun with Ben on his journey getting there. I hope you enjoy his arc.

About the author.

Headshot of author Kelly Cain posing outsideKelly Cain is a native Californian but has spent the last couple of decades in Texas, currently residing in the live music capital of the world, Austin. Consequently, most of her books are set somewhere between those two locations.

Kelly writes multicultural romance with determined women directing their own fates, and the swoon-worthy men who adore them. She loves reading most genres but please don’t ask her to pick just one. However, she can pick her favorite book boyfriend – Will Herondale.

When she isn’t reading or writing, Kelly is most likely using a genealogy site to research her extended family, both old and new. Or cooking/baking something delightful.

She has two adult daughters, and a new granddaughter. Visit her website kellycainauthor.com for more info.