Tule Author Q&A: Audrey Wick opens ‘Market’ with Texas BBQ Brothers

Tule author Audrey Wick took a moment to talk about On the Market, the first book in The Texas BBQ Brothers series, which takes place in Last Stand, Texas. 


What is the most OCD thing in city girl Valerie’s daily routine?

Valerie is methodical in her job and daily life, and she always needs a beverage in hand. Readers will find her sipping on something in several scenes of On the Market.





What is the one item on the Hut’s menu that is Hutch’s favorite?

Hutch, like most Last Stand locals, is a sucker for the brisket. I’ve even included a recipe for a make-at-home variety for readers who buy the book! It’s one of several original recipes featured at the end of the novel.





What would be Valerie and Hutch’s song?
Hutch might suggest BARBEQUE by Robert Earl Keen. Valerie would probably just laugh at that choice, but she’d go along with it. The couple have a playful relationship.



How is Hutch different from his brother Cole? 
Hutch, as the older brother, takes a more traditional approach to running The Hut. Cole, the younger brother and pitmaster, wants to modernize. He gets restless at the grill, so he experiments with renovation ideas and even tries grilling vegetables, which Hutch abhors. Still, the brothers do get a little statewide media attention that strokes both their egos, but readers will have to learn more by reading both brothers’ books, On the Market and Off the Market (which releases Aug. 13).


What are you currently reading?
Elmer Kelton’s The Time it Never Rained is a novel I should have read years ago, but I’m only now getting to it. Kelton is an underappreciated western writer who nails Texas setting and characterization.




About the Author
Audrey Wick is a full-time English professor at Blinn College in Texas. Her writing has appeared in college textbooks published by Cengage Learning and W. W. Norton as well as in The Houston ChronicleThe Chicago TribuneThe Orlando Sentinel, and various literary journals. Audrey believes the secret to happiness includes lifelong learning and good stories. But travel and coffee help. She has journeyed to over twenty countries—and sipped coffee at every one.


  1. If I didn’t already have that BBQ craving, I would definitely have it now. The song made me laugh too. I have never heard a song about BBQ before. It’s perfect for this book.

  2. Love the song. Now I want BBQ for dinner tonight. Preordered my copy the other day can’t wait to read it.

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