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Tule Author Q&A: C.R. Grissom talks body image and burritos

New Tule author C.R. Grissom stopped by to talk all about her debut new adult romance, Mouthful!



Welcome to Tule! What is one thing you can tell our readers that no one else knows about you?

I switched to digital format reading because of an injury. I’d been revisiting the Outlander series for the umpteenth read. By the time I reached the end of book six, I’d sprained the pinky finger of my right hand because the weight of those hardback tomes became too much. I didn’t want to stop reading, so I bought the series in digital format. Problem solved! Now I can’t imagine leaving the house without my entire bookshelf in my back pocket. But it all started with a book nerd injury.


Tacos With LimeWhat was your favorite scene to write and why?

I had such fun writing Caleb and Faith’s first date at Iguana’s. She felt unsure, but she still walked through the door. She’s nervous, waiting for Caleb to return with their food and then Everest sits down. He’s chock-full of confidence, charm, and loaded with audacity. There’s an instant sense of friendship that springs from their first conversation. Once Everest leaves, Caleb and Faith start to recognize the chemistry arcing between them while sharing a five-pound burritozilla.


Mouthful touches on teen and young adult body image issues in such a real and poignant way. What inspired you to write about this topic?

Young women are inundated by fashion magazines promoting a certain body type. As a result, far too many of us aren’t happy in our skin. Myself included. A conversation with my niece about my harsh inner critic had a profound impact on me and sparked the idea for a book about a girl struggling with negative body image. Faith is a compilation of all women who face the daily battle against perceived imperfections and her character arc reflects her journey towards body acceptance.


What song would be in the soundtrack to Faith and Caleb’s love story?

That’s a tough choice. Bruno Mars’ “Just The Way You Are” best fits their relationship. But John Legend’s “All of Me” has the line about a smart mouth that reminds me of Faith.


What are you currently reading?

A Small Town Christmas by Nan Reinhardt. I just read the scene inside the winery where Sam tastes Conor Flaherty’s chambourcin wine for the first time. Now I want a glass! It’s a great read and I’m falling hard for these characters.  




About the Author

C.R. Grissom lives in San Jose, California—smack dab in the middle of Silicon Valley. She works for a high-tech company by day, and at night writes contemporary sports romance featuring young adults as they transition to college. Winner of the 2018 RWA Golden Heart Award in young adult romance for her first manuscript: Mouthful.

Tule Author Q&A: Shannon Stults talks writing and horses

Shannon Stults stopped by to talk all about the third book in her Willow Creek series, Risking It All!


Your story takes place at an equestrian center. Do you have a love for horses? What inspired you to choose this setting?

Just like Darby, I grew up on a farm with horses, and when I was a kid my family and I would go on trail rides all the time together. A few years ago while staying in a cabin in Tennessee, my sister and I went to an equestrian center and did a trail ride for the first time since we were little. It made me miss riding my own horses and the kind of strength and freedom that comes with it so much that I wanted to capture that in a book. Plus, there really is something sexy about a hero who can ride.



This is a gorgeous second chance romance. What drew you to this trope?

I actually didn’t used to like second chance romances very much because I always felt like you came into it with half the story already told. I wanted to write one where readers could see how the characters fell in love from the start instead of just being told that they were in love and watching them remember that love years later. That’s why I ended up using the flashbacks in each of the books in this series, so that readers could see and feel firsthand how it all started, not just the second take.



Where do you like to get most of your writing done?

I write all over the place. My living room sofa, my bed, even at work if I’ve got a spare minute. Doesn’t really matter where I am as long as it’s quiet and I’m in the zone. My dream is to one day have a space with a desk and a view that is dedicated solely to the writing like this one I found on Pinterest, but if I’m honest I’d probably still be writing wherever I felt like it.




If Caleb cooked Darby a romantic meal, what would it be?

Caleb is the kind to go all out to show someone he cares. So I think Caleb would try to impress her with something like a homemade, romantic candlelit dinner of parmesan and herb crusted beef tenderloin with a red wine sauce.



What are you currently reading?

I just got a bunch of cute romances for Christmas (Would Like To Meet by Rachel Winters, The Friend Zone by Abby Jimenez, etc.), but I’m also trying to tackle some of the classics I already own and have yet to read. So I’m currently doing this thing where I have to read one classic before I can start another romance. I just finished Helen Hoang’s The Bride Test and am in the middle of Moby Dick right now. The back and forth between genres has been an interesting experience, to say the least.


About the Author

A small-town Georgia girl, Shannon finds no greater joy than stepping into the lives and worlds created by the written word. Despite a severe aversion to reading as a child, Shannon has since found a passion for literature that she’s nurtured with incessant reading and a Bachelor’s degree in English. It’s this passion that lets her bring her own imagination to life. Living in Athens, Ga with her sister and their four-legged furry friends, she is almost always in the middle of a book, working on her own stories, or traveling to seek inspiration in the world around her.

Tule Author Q&A: Tavi Wayne discusses psychology and astrology

Debut author Tavi Wayne took some time to discuss her new romantic release, Degrees in Love!


Education is very important to Laney. Was Psychology always her major (if yes, then how did she know it was her calling)?

Psychology was always her major.  She’d pretty much known she wanted to be a psychologist since she found out what different psychologists do. Given her difficult upbringing, she always had empathy for others who needed support.  So, she initially trained as a counseling psychologist. Ultimately, she left counseling practice to go into college teaching and research, thinking she could reach a wider population.


What gave Tie the idea for his first book? Person Writing on Paper Using Yellow and Black Pen

He never intended to become an author.  He was such a voracious reader and hard worker he never figured he’d have time to write.  But his conversations with people who had little to no experience in finances, economics, or even general business made him realize that people needed a lot of these things laid out, with a sense of humor, in layman’s terms.  How could he not step in and fill the gap?


How does Laney make the big decisions in her life?

Laney is very deliberate, so she takes her time.  Her head often battles with her heart or her intuition.  Despite her academic training and scientific mind, however, she ultimately leads with her heart.


Does Tie believe in astrology? What is his sign? Image result for pisces astrology

No, Tie doesn’t believe in astrology.  He barely has faith in forecasts by erudite economists!  He is a Pisces with some elements of Aquarius. My mother-in-law happens to be an astrologist and she informs me that, given Tie’s birth year, he’d be likely to be very friendly, emotional, and perhaps stubborn.  Pisces are also thought to be romantic, sensitive to criticism, and fearful of the past returning to haunt them. These characteristics do generally capture some of Tie’s personality.


What are you currently reading?

As a college professor, I’m bound to read a lot of non-fiction, academic material.  Right now I’m preparing for a class called Eating Behavior, so I’m reading a lot of books about the science of eating, food culture, and food politics.  Nothing sexy!


About the Author

Tavi Wayne is an educator and a lifelong learner. She lives outside of Philadelphia with her husband and son. She has been writing stories since she was six (under another name). She adores writing tales of romance. She also enjoys reading, good company, beaches, moon rises and sunsets, and good food.



Tule Author Q&A: Robin Bielman strips down ‘Hot Shot’

Robin Bielman took some time to chat about her third book in the American Royalty series, Hot Shot.



Your hero Drew is a hotel owner. What is his favorite amenity when he is a hotel guest? Drew’s favorite hotel amenity is room service. After enjoying a long day enjoying the city he’s visiting (preferably with Alejandra), he likes a warm, delicious meal that he doesn’t have to get out of bed for. ;)





What is one personality trait your heroine Alejandra keeps hidden?
Sometimes Alejandra is impractical and so she likes to keep that to herself.


Is Grandma Rosemary based on anyone in real life?
She is based very loosely on my own grandmother. My Grandma Mae was really special and always a big part of my life until she passed away 12 years ago. She didn’t speak about sex/relationships like Grandma Rosemary does (she was very old fashioned), but she did always speak her mind and she loved with all her heart. I miss her a lot.




Will we see Drew’s brothers Ethan and Finn (from the other American Royalty series’ books) in Hot Shot?
Yes you will! These brothers are very close and whenever Drew needs some advice, the first people he goes to are his older brothers.




What are you currently reading?
I’m very late to this amazing book, but I’m finally reading Where The Crawdads Sing.






About the Author

Robin Bielman is the USA Today bestselling author of over fifteen novels. When not attached to her laptop, she loves to read, go to the beach, frequent coffee shops, and spend time with her husband and two sons.

Her fondness for swoon-worthy heroes who flirt and stumble upon the girl they can’t live without jumpstarts most of her story ideas. She writes with a steady stream of caffeine nearby and the best dog on the planet, Harry, by her side. She also dreams of traveling to faraway places and loves to connect with readers. To keep in touch, sign up for her newsletter on her website!

Tule Author Q&A: Michelle Beattie gives us cowboy truth

Tule author Michelle Beattie took some time to give us the skinny on her second book in the Tangled Up in Texas series, Cowboy True.




How is Gage Granger different from Dallas Granger (your hero from Cowboy Up)?
Where Dallas is more the hot head and the “bad boy” Gage is the sweetheart, the glue of the family.  He’s the caregiver.  If someone needs help, Gage will be the first to step in.  He’s also a take charge kind of man, but in a more subtle way than Dallas. Gage finesses what he wants, rather than demands.  So you don’t see him coming the way you would Dallas.  But it’s just as, if not more, effective.



How and when did Faith and Gabe first meet?
They met in high school when Faith’s mother abandoned her with her grandmother.  While the attraction was always there for Faith, she never felt she was good enough for Gage.  And by the time Gage summoned up the courage to tell her his feelings, she’d made the decision to leave town. Not wanting to stand in her way, Gage let her go. He’s regretted that decision ever since. So six years later, when the book takes place, when he bumps into Faith again, he’s determined not to let her go again.



What would be Gabe and Faith’s favorite song to slow dance to?
“Amazed” by Lonestar.  I think they’re both amazed by the other and how they feel when they’re together.



When Gabe’s not working the ranch, what is his favorite this to do?
He likes to ride and fish. Likes watching ball games on TV with his brothers. He’s also a really good cook!



What are you currently reading?
B.J Daniels’s Rancher’s Dream.










Award-winning author Michelle Beattie began writing in 1995, almost immediately after returning from her honeymoon.  It took 12 long years but she achieved her dream of seeing her name on the cover of a book when she sold her novel, What A Pirate Desires, in 2007.  Since then she’s written and published several more historical novels as well a contemporary.  Her pirate books have sold in several languages, been reviewed in Publisher’s Weekly and Romantic Times.  Two of her independent self-published works went on to win the Reader’s Choice Silken Sands Self-Published Star Contest.

When Michelle isn’t writing she enjoys playing golf, reading, walking her dog, travelling and sitting outside enjoying the peace of country life.  Michelle comes from a large family and treasures her brothers and sister as well as the dozens of aunts, uncles and cousins she’s proud to call family.  She lives outside a tiny town in east-central Alberta, Canada with her husband, two teenage daughters and their dog, Ty.

Tule Author Q&A: Juliet Lyons delves deep into sinners & saints

Tule author Juliet Lyons took the time to discuss her new release, Sinless, under Tule’s Muse imprint.


Grace is described as a cheerful snark. What is her favorite movie?
Though Grace owns a bookshop, she enjoys a good movie as much as the next person. A particular favourite is When Harry met Sally with Meg Ryan and Billy Crystal. It appeals to her belief that Romance is overrated. She enjoys the witty exchanges between the pair and let’s not forget that restaurant scene! Comedy aside, she also loves a good novel to screen adaptation. Grace is a classics girl so favourites include; Sense & Sensibility, Dorian Gray and Great Expectations. If she is in a morbid mood, she’ll cry her heart out over The English Patient, particularly the cave of swimmers scene.





Who is Hadrian’s favorite member of his angelic family?
This is tricky because Hadrian’s angelic family drive him a little nuts. He gets really annoyed by their ‘Holier than thou’ attitude and all around general sanctimony and usually avoids them at all costs. He does have a half angel friend he likes however. His name is Guy and he’s a bit of a rebel too. Guy is a private detective who’s helped him out in various ways over the years. Watch out though, because Guy is single and a hit with the ladies. To be honest, most angelic men are!



What is Grace’s least favorite thing about her ex (who is her alleged soulmate)?
Fergus is a lovely man, very gentlemanly in many ways, and a doctor who is both caring and kind. However, he definitely likes to have his own way most of the time. Grace really detests being expected to fit around people’s expectations. She is a free spirit and always has been, so prefers to carve her own path rather than slot into someone else’s life plan. Needless to say, this leads them to clash sometimes. Oh and he is known to high five other adults, which Grace just can’t get her head around.



Does Hadrian have a favorite kind of human music?
Hadrian is heavily into seventies rock music and has a variety of edgy t-shirts to prove it! Favourites include Led Zeppelin, Pink Floyd and the Grateful Dead. Being immortal, he has had the privilege to see them live many times. Hadrian will be a fan forever. He is not all that keen on modern music. In fact, don’t get him started on the subject.






What are you currently reading?
I am currently reading The Starless Sea by Erin Morgenstern. It was a Christmas gift from my mum as I am a huge fan of her first book; The Night Circus. I haven’t read much yet but her writing tends to be dreamy and fairytale like. The Night Circus is such a beautiful book. If you haven’t read it yet, prepare to slip inside a world of magic and wonder. The author has only written two books which somehow makes them seem even more rare and special. The covers are works of art in themselves.


About the Author

Juliet Lyons is an author from the UK. She holds a degree in Spanish and Latin American studies and works in a local primary school. Since joining global storytelling site Wattpad in 2014, her work has received millions of hits online and gained a legion of fans from all over the world. Juliet has published several paranormal romance titles, including the popular Bite Nights Series. When she isn’t writing kind-hearted heroes and snarky heroines, Juliet enjoys reading and travel. She is an avid Potterhead who hopes to someday work for the Ministry of Magic.

Tule Author Q&A: Leigh Ann Edwards’ Norse Explorer Exposed

Leigh Ann Edwards put her hero and heroine from The Norse Explorer to the test and asked both fictional characters about their lives and each other. Enjoy the witty banter between the interviewer, Asta – a mystical seer of spirits – and Hagen – an ambitious explorer.

Asta, what was the most difficult part of leaving Highgard?

ASTA: I suppose it was knowing I wouldn’t ever be able to go back to my world but also fearing I might not find my sisters in Midgard. Being separated from them was very difficult.”

Hagen, you were only a child and alone for some time when you first arrived in Iceland. How did you survive and cope with being alone?”

HAGEN: It may sound odd, but I think I was fated to spend that time alone. I’d been held prisoner by a terrible man and finally escaped, then suffered a storm at sea and was the only survivor. I never doubted I had the skills to survive. First, I made a simple shelter and created a bow so I could hunt for my food, make clothing and bedding. I spent the next moons healing. It wasn’t easy, but I think that time alone was necessary.

Asta, if you could have one of your sisters’ abilities, what would you choose?

ASTA: It would be wonderful to be a healer like my twin sister, Brenna, however, with my easily unsettled stomach that wouldn’t go well and I definitely wouldn’t want her empathic abilities. I’m fairly certain I wouldn’t care to accurately know the future so wouldn’t desire Eydis’s powers of perception. It would be useful to have Torunn’s great physical strength, but I do have a quick temper, therefore that might not be a good mix. I think I prefer my own ability of seeing and speaking with spirits.

Hagen, your birth title is Hagen the Explorer. If you could journey and explore somewhere new, where would it be?

HAGEN: I’d go to Highgard. I think it would be really interesting to go back to my home realm and explore since I left when I was too young to remember anything about it.

Hagen, what do you find the most challenging about Asta?

HAGEN: That might take some time to answer. Probably her sarcasm and trying to determine if she’s being serious or joking. Admittedly, sometimes I still don’t know. Still, her humor and wit are amongst her greatest gifts even if they aren’t always appreciated by everyone.

Asta, what is your most favorite thing about Hagen?

ASTA: Why does he get to say what’s difficult about me and I have to tell you my most favorite thing about him?

Asta, have you ever regretted cutting your Highgardian length hair?

ASTA: Never. I like this length; it’s much easier to manage.

Hagen, what is the most important thing you’ve learned from Asta?

Asta’s taught me many things, but perhaps most importantly not to focus on the future so much, but to live for each moment…or each raven’s call as she would say.

Asta, what is the most important thing you have learned from Hagen?

I’ll try not to roll my eyes at that question. He is the master achiever of endless accomplishments! What haven’t I learned from him? I suppose the most important thing I’ve learned from Hagen is that one person can truly be that good, kind and generous, to give so much of themselves yet remain humble and likable.

About the Author

Since she was a child, Leigh Ann Edwards has always had a vivid imagination and lots of stories to tell. An enthusiastic traveler and author for over twenty years, her adventures in Massachusetts, Ireland, and the UK inspired The Farrier’s Daughter and its sequel novels in the Irish Witch series. Edwards adores animals, history, genealogy, and magical places—and Ireland is filled with many magical places. She lives with her husband and two cats in the lovely city of Edmonton, Alberta.