Celebrate Father’s Day with these Recommended Reads from Tule

Happy Father’s Day to all the great father-figures out there. Check out some of our recommended reads with these great book dads!

My Favorite Mistake by Stella Holt

Legacy of the Maguires, Book 6

“An engaging story that was about family, overcoming the past hurts and fears, and giving love and relationships a chance.” – Eileen, Goodreads

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Be My Baby by Dakota Harrison

With Love, From Kurrajong Crossing, Book 8

“I did love this story it is sensual, beautifully written and filled with emotion and I highly recommend it and I am thrilled that there will be more to come. Thank you Dakota Harrison for another keeper.” – Helen, Goodreads

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A Homecoming Mantra by Sapna Srinivasan

The Sood Family, Book 4

“Srinivasan celebrates love and that’s something that every heart can get behind. Through the unpredictability and pain of life, the one constant is family. A Homecoming Mantra spotlights that message of familial unity with a sweetness that touches the soul.” – Isha, Goodreads

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Marrying the Nanny by Dani Collins 

Raven’s Cove, Book 1

“…an emotional, heartwarming, complex story introducing the three Fraser half-brothers and their orphaned baby half-sister. It’s a story about grief, life’s sudden changes, mental health, child neglect, while also a reflection about love, affection, compassion, selflessness, and the absolute adorableness of a baby girl called Storm.” – Eileen, Goodreads

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Her Cowboy Baby Daddy by Jeannie Watt

Return to Keller Ranch, Book 2

“Jeannie has pulled me into the story once again. Jeannie has a way of drawing me in. I constantly want to turn the page to see what’s next.” – Jane, Goodreads

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