Tag Archives: romance

August releases are heating up at Tule! Check out our August romance release line up. (Plus, enter a giveaway!)

GIVEAWAY: Because who doesn’t love FREE books?

We will pick ONE winner to receive a digital book of their choice from the August romance releases. Comment down below saying which book you’re looking most forward to reading! Giveaway is open INTERNATIONALLY. The winner will be randomly selected and announced at the end of the month.

Good luck and happy reading!

Check out our new romance releases for August!

The Maverick’s Surprise Family by Roxanne Snopek
The Malones of Grand, Montana, Book 3
August 1, 2024

Make it Real by Nan Reinhardt
The Walkers of River’s Edge, book 2
August 6, 2024

All’s Fair in Love and Rodeo by Leah Vale
Grit and Grace, book 1
August 8, 2024

The Wrong Brother by Eve Gaddy
Montana Made, book 1
August 20, 2024

Her Missing Pieces by Susan Sands
Moonshine, book 1
August 27, 2024

Small Town Christmas Anthology by Jane Porter
August 20, 2024

FATE’S FINAL SEASON – Release Day Blog Post Featuring Author Leigh Ann Edwards!

Hello everyone. For those who don’t know me, I’m Leigh Ann Edwards. Besides being an author, I’m married to a sweet English expat who’s been in Canada for sixteen years. I’m mother to two beautiful daughters, and grandmother of four wonderful grandchildren. I love animals and traveling. I’m a reiki master and also do angel and tarot card readings. We live in a small town northeast of Edmonton Alberta, with our four spoiled pets. 

I’ve written historical fantasy series for Tule since 2016. I’m pleased to be back on the Tule blog today and thrilled to celebrate the release of Fate’s Final Season during Tule’s 10th anniversary month. 

Isn’t this a beautiful cover? I’m really happy with every cover in this series. Christian, at Covers by Christian, is unbelievably talented. Don’t Broccan and Rhianwyn make a great couple?

Fate’s Final Season is the fifth and last book in my Maidens of the Mystical Stones series. ARC reader reviews have been fantastic. I’m grateful to the Tule team, my editors, and loyal readers for all their support.

Every book in a series is important, but since mine aren’t typically stand alone, the first and last in a continuing series are crucial. Book one has to grab and hook the reader. The following installments must hold their interest, but the final book is often the one that stays with readers. Therefore, authors aim to ensure readers are given a satisfactory ending. That said, it’s true you can’t please everyone and to quote a line from this book, “not everybody’s idea of happily ever after is the same.”

I also leave a few little mysteries to allow for a possible spinoff series. I’m delighted that readers have already been asking if there’ll be a sequel series featuring the Welsh Dafyddson brothers and their dragon curse. 

Fate’s Final Season is set in a fictional village near Stonehenge in medieval Wessex before the individual kingdoms formed England. However, the story also takes Rhianwyn, the main heroine, on a dangerous adventure in Wales. 

Although my four heroines, Rhianwyn, Selena, Elspeth, and Lilliana’s story takes place during the medieval era, some issues they encounter and life-lessons learned, are timeless. The healer, harlot, castle servant, and princess, soon discover walking a mile in someone else’s shoes (literally) is more difficult than they could’ve imagined. 

Writing this series was extremely thought-provoking. It touches on the harsh realities women of all stations faced during historical times––having no rights, they’re often the victims of oppression and abuse––sadly with little or no hope for change.

That sounds dark and serious, but along with the heavier storylines, there’s humor, magic, strong heroines, chivalrous swoon-worthy heroes, great secondary characters, enduring friendships, true love, steamy love scenes, knights, dragons and other mythical creatures, beautiful scenery, and several plot twists. Readers have said they laughed out loud and ugly cried. Knowing that our books have evoked emotion in our readers is perhaps the greatest compliment to any author. 

Whether reading or writing, a series ending is always hard for me. Writing the last few chapters, I become quite emotional. True, authors might torture or cause chaos and conflict for their characters (what’s a story without conflict?) But you also become deeply attached to them. They’re your babies, after all. Authors often spend more time with their imagined characters than people in the real world. 

Writing the conclusion of a series of books with the same characters is like having to say goodbye to dear friends knowing it’s unlikely you’ll see them again. (Unless there’s a sequel.) My series also have several characters, therefore ensuring you provide an ending for each of them is somewhat daunting. 

This is maybe a perfect time to discuss my present personal challenges. 

Last time I was on this blog, I’d purchased airline tickets and was looking forward to attending Tule’s July author retreat. Unfortunately, my California trip didn’t happen. Insert heavy sigh! My husband had ongoing back issues. (Carpentry work for 40+ years isn’t kind to a body.) However, when he became ill, I had to cancel my trip. I was naturally worried about him and of course disappointed. But I admit, selfishly, I was also a little upset… thinking why did it have to be now?

I haven’t traveled in over six years. My month long writing holiday in a 200 year old cottage in Ireland in 2020 had been cancelled. (COVID cancelled everyone’s travel plans then.)

With my husband sick, I simply couldn’t leave. Taking care of two active dogs and two cats can seem a lot even when you’re well. Especially our year old Boston Terrier who’s extremely attached to me. When he hides under the trees in our back yard, good luck to anyone but me in getting him out. I think we might need doggy behavioral advice. But I digress…

Initially my husband’s diagnosis was kidney stones which I’d been told are very painful. Although I only witnessed that second hand, renal cholic looks absolutely excruciating. Hubby finally had to have the lithotripsy procedure done––where kidney stones are broken up by ultrasound shock waves so they can be passed through the body. 

Thankfully it worked, but his appetite didn’t return and he continued to feel unwell. His blood tests results are still all over the place––some levels much too high, others low. Doctors suspect something autoimmune as my husband’s been experiencing full body weakness, fatigue, painful muscles and joints. Meds are helping; he’s been able to return to work, but they’re only a temporary fix until the cause can be determined. (No. It wasn’t COVID as many people have suggested.)

We’ve recently had another serious, upsetting health issue come up in our family. Someone very near and dear to me requires complicated surgery. Needless to say, me not being able to travel this summer has been all but forgotten.

Funny how something that seemed so relevant becomes trivial when facing something more alarming. It changes a person’s outlook and makes you extra thankful when you and yours are blessed with good health. 

The theme of remembering to count your blessings occurs throughout the Maidens of the Mystical Stones series. The four female friends fell into the destructive habit of comparing and envying each other which causes heartache for them and our hero, Sir Broccan.

It reminds me of one of my favorite poems, “Desiderata”, by Max Ehrmann. It contains a wealth of wisdom. During the seventies a popular song included the Desiderata poem. I used to have it memorized. If you’re interested, check it out on YouTube. (You Are a Child of the Universe.) I thought about including the link here, but wasn’t sure about copyright infringements. 

This first photo is of a lovely gift my two daughters gave me. We found it in a little tea shop on my fiftieth birthday when my sister surprised me by flying out to see me. The four of us spent the most special day together. The other photo is a wall hanging with the beginning of the Desiderata. My kitty obviously loves it, too. 

This line is relevant to my series but solid advice for everyone: 

If you compare yourself to others you may become vain and bitter, for always there will be greater or lesser persons than yourself. 

Here’s another important passage I try to follow when I have self-doubts or life becomes hard: 

Beyond a wholesome discipline, be gentle with yourself. You are a child of the universe, no less than the trees or the stars, you have a right to be here… and whether or not it is clear to you, no doubt the universe is unfolding as it should. 

I’m super excited to be writing another five book series for Tule. It’s titled Witch and Demon Hunter. As usual, it’s fantasy/paranormal. However, at my suggestion, it’s a bit of a diversion from my previous works. It’s a mystery, time-travel adventure series where the two main characters (who aren’t romantically involved) investigate magical beings and supernatural occurrences. 

Ever a hopeless romantic, I keep trying to pull romance into their story. Roxanne, my amazing editor, wisely reminds me this isn’t primarily a romance series. 

Those who’ve read my Witches of Time series briefly met Fiona and Lorcan–– the witch and demon hunter. I’m enjoying further developing these two interesting characters and now writing, Book two, Highland Dark Magic. 

Book one, Dark Irish Demon is presently with the copyeditor, and scheduled to release February 29/24. Yep…Leap Year. I’m a huge believer that dates are highly significant. What are the chances? Leap Year does only happen every four years, so how special is that!? 

I look forward to being back in February to talk about Dark Irish Demon and the Witch and Demon Hunter series. Until then have a wonderful autumn, a joyous holiday season, and a happy, healthy beginning to 2024. 

Magical wishes, 

Leigh Ann

About the Author.

Leigh Ann Edwards’ fascination with history, romance, magic, fantasy, time-travel and Ireland sparked her interest in creating the Irish Witch Series and her growing collection of published novels. Growing up in a very small Manitoban village on the Canadian prairies left a lot of time to create stories and let her imagination soar.

An author for nearly thirty years, Leigh Ann has almost completed writing her fourth series with Tule Publishing and will soon begin a fifth. Besides writing, Leigh Ann loves spending time with her four grandchildren, reading, traveling, doing intuitive readings and reiki. Leigh Ann and her husband, their two cats, one large dog and their Boston Terrier puppy, live near Edmonton Alberta, Canada.

MARRY ME PLEASE, COWBOY – Release Day Blog Post by Author Sinclair Jayne! (Plus Giveaway!)

Happy September Tuligans!

Fall is my favorite season (pumpkin-spice!), but September is my favorite month because as a student and then a teacher I was heading back to school and now it’s my daughter’s birthday month. I’ve been crazy anticipating this September because it’s Tule Publishing’s 10th birthday. I know tin or aluminum is considered traditional to celebrate the 10-year-anniversary, and while that may not sound exciting or romantic, those materials are known to be resilient, and Tule Publishing has definitely been resilient this past productive decade. 

Tule Publishing is the brain-child of author and publisher Jane Porter and her author friends and fellow creative geniuses Megan Crane, CJ Carmichael and Lilian Darcy. The four of them roadtripped through Montana and inspired by their friendship, the gorgeous scenery, and desire to support other authors’ creative visions, they created the town of Marietta, Montana in Paradise Valley. Ten years later, Marietta is still going strong (and the Tule world has grown far outside Montana) as evidenced by how we decided to celebrate.

The first Marietta series included four romance novellas playing out during the (invented) 75th Copper Mountain Rodeo. Take Me Cowboy by Jane Porter, Tempt Me Cowboy by Megan Crane, Marry Me Cowboy by Lilian Darcy and Promise Me Cowboy by CJ Carmichael. To celebrate we decided to attend the 85th Copper Mountain rodeo, and lucky me, Jane Porter, Megan Crane and CJ Carmichael invited on their adventure. 








































CJ hosted us in Canmore in Alberta, Canada (in January—brrrr)  where we laughed, walked, savored the scenery and occasionally plotted and created our cowboys. I’ve been an editor at Tule for about nine and a half years, and I have seen Marietta grow and thrive, and I’m thrilled to once again be a part of Marietta and the Copper Mountain Rodeo. 

Marry Me Please, Cowboy was such a fun book to write because…cowboy, barrel racing cowgirl, secret baby, jilted bride, former special forces soldier, and a “death bed” vow to a best friend. I loved being back in Marietta, and once again obsessing over bull and bronc riders on YouTube. While my book is part of Tule’s Ten Year Anniversary 85th Copper Mountain Rodeo, it’s also going to spin out from the birthday celebration in October to become book two in my Coyote Cowboys of Montana series—yes, also set in Marietta, of course.

For an autographed copy of book one in the Montana Coyote Cowboy’s seriesthe Cowboy’s Word and some Montana and cowboy reader swag, tell me where you would want to go on a retreat with a group of friends—what would you do there…maybe start your own town?

Marry Me Please, Cowboy releases September 19th, and I will be hanging out with Tuligans in the Tule Book Group at 4 pm (PST) on my release date.

Happy September and happier reading—Sinclair Jayne. 


About the Author.

Sinclair Sawhney is a former journalist and middle school teacher who holds a BA in Political Science and K-8 teaching certificate from the University of California, Irvine and a MS in Education with an emphasis in teaching writing from the University of Washington. She has worked as Senior Editor with Tule Publishing for over nine years. Writing as Sinclair Jayne she’s published fifteen short contemporary romances with Tule Publishing with another four books being released in 2021. Married for over twenty-four years, she has two children, and when she isn’t writing or editing, she and her husband, Deepak, are hosting wine tastings of their pinot noir and pinot noir rose at their vineyard Roshni, which is a Hindi word for light-filled, located in Oregon’s Willamette Valley. Shaandaar!

Check out our September 2023 Releases! (Plus Giveaway!)

September New Release graphic

Read more about our new releases for September!

September marks Tule Publishing’s 10 Year Anniversary and we’ve got some amazing releases to kick off our celebration!

GIVEAWAY: We will pick ONE winner to receive a digital book of their choice from the September releases. Comment down below saying which book you’re looking most forward to reading! Giveaway is open INTERNATIONALLY. The winner will be randomly selected at the end of the month.

Take Me Please, Cowboy by Jane Porter (Montana Born)

Release Date: September 5, 2023

The 85th Copper Mountain Rodeo, Book 1
The Calhouns & Campbells of Cold Canyon Ranch, Book 1

Two worlds. One love. No compromise.

Professional rodeo cowboy Rye Calhoun has been the primary breadwinner for his family since he was seventeen. Now thirty, there’s still no time for romance, and there certainly isn’t room for beautiful Texan Ansley Campbell, an artist with big dreams…dreams that don’t align with his.

When Ansley Campbell’s ailing uncle needs someone to help him at Cold Canyon Ranch in Paradise Valley, Ansley volunteers, eager for some breathing space from her family of overbearing men.  But when her uncle Clyde has an accident the weekend of the Copper Mountain Rodeo, handsome cowboy Rye Calhoun is there to help.

From the moment Rye and Ansley meet, their chemistry sizzles, but their worlds are nothing alike and neither of them is in a position to compromise. Is love really enough, or are they asking to have their hearts broken?

Deadlier Than Fiction by Carol Light (Tule Mystery)

Release Date: September 7, 2023

Cluttered Crime Mysteries, Book 2

Can she get the right read on this situation before someone ruins the ending?

Professional organizer Crystal Ward is at a crossroads with her business, Organizing Chicago. Her husband, Rick, isn’t on board with online advertising, and their friends and family are running out of referrals. And now her client’s husband is outraged to learn that Crys donated novels he had promised to his brother. Crys’s only hope of salvaging the situation is to recover the titles.

But she shouldn’t have judged those books by their covers. The secret they contain is valuable, and she’s not the only one trying to find them. What’s more, she’s now hiding a secret of her own. She’d promised Rick, a former homicide detective, that she’d avoid sketchy situations that could land her in danger. Her best move? To team up with a retired detective, who suddenly has his own agenda.

With danger mounting, she must use all of her sleuthing skills to sort out friend from foe and fact from fiction before a killer can write her own final chapter.


Tempt Me Please, Cowboy by Megan Crane (Montana Born)

Release Date: September 12, 2023

The 85th Copper Mountain Rodeo, Book 2
The Flint Brothers Take Montana, Book 3

Five years ago, when Sydney Campbell came through Marietta on her way to the big Grey family Christmas, she ran into newcomer Jackson Flint in Grey’s Saloon. Directly into him.

In Montana to build some bridges with his older, billionaire half-brothers, Jackson didn’t plan to stay. Sydney was just visiting family from her high-stakes life in D.C. For one night they lit each other on fire, kissed goodbye, and never thought they’d see the other again.

But Jackson built more than bridges and put down roots. And just about every holiday, he’s watched Sydney turn up in town. The fire that always blazes between them gets hotter every visit, but this time is different. This fall, Sydney decides to stay a while. With the 85th Copper Mountain Rodeo taking Marietta by storm, Jackson knows this is the chance he’s been waiting for.

And he means to take it—if he can convince the only woman he’s ever wanted that there’s more freedom in loving him than letting go.

Four Silences Broken by H L Marsay (Holiday)

Release Date: September 13, 2023

The Secrets of Hartwell, Book 3

Welcome to Hartwell, a village full of cobbled streets, ancient curses and hidden secrets.

As the village prepares for Christmas, friends Lucy, Rachel, Meera, and Jo try to put the shocking events of the summer behind them. Though some secrets, it seems, refuse to remain silent.

Lady Lucy Hanley’s confidence has been boosted by making a success of her inherited estate and falling in love again, though ghosts from her past still threaten her. Rachel Foxton is finally happy and active in village life again, but is worried the person closest to her might destroy all her hard work and progress. Dr. Meera Kumar’s dream wedding is approaching, yet not everyone in her extended family is happy for her or wishing her well. And a trip to London and some unexpected news turns former detective Jo Ormond’s world upside down, forcing her to rethink her plans for the future.

As the year draws to a close, can the four women finally unravel the last of Hartwell’s secrets and move forward—together or apart?

Avery Daniels is Off Limits by Season Vining (American Heart)

Release Date: September 14, 2023

Romance in the City, Book 3

The heart wants what it wants…convenient or not.

Instead of winning a prestigious cooking competition, Sundia Sharma won infamy by breaking her tailbone on television. Thinking her culinary dreams are over, she prepares to head back to her corporate accounting job. That is, until a world-famous celebrity chef, impressed by her innovative recipes, offers her an internship at his new restaurant. It’s Sundia’s last shot to prove to herself—and her family—that she has what it takes. If only her crush wasn’t the chef’s personal assistant…and her new roommate.

With a love ‘em and leave ‘em reputation, Avery Daniels is practically famous—perhaps infamous—as far as West Coast lesbians go. As the right-hand woman to a celebrity chef, Avery barely has time to breathe, let alone do dinner or dates. She prides herself on staying cool in all situations, but something about Sundia gets under her skin—and in the stone-cold heart she denies having.

Sundia can’t afford any more mishaps—or temptations—and firmly friend zones Avery. But staying apart gets more challenging as both their walls slowly crumble in and out of the kitchen.

The Key to Forever by Kelly Cain (American Heart)

Release Date: September 18, 2023

Secret Ties, Book 3

She doesn’t need a man, but she does want a family.

Tori Matheny comes from a family of strong women who are all close and happily single. She plans to live the same way—an occasional fling, but never settling down. What’s the need? She is, however, curious about her birth family despite her adoptive mom and aunts strongly discouraging her search. Tori’s always known she was adopted and has never been able to shake her lifelong curiosity. When she runs into a childhood friend with plenty of time on his hands, he seems like the ideal candidate to help with her search.

After a nomadic lifestyle serving for years in the Veterinarians Without Borders program, Ethan Borden is permanently home and finally ready to settle down—buy a home, marry, and have children. He’s always had a crush on Tori, so when she asks him for help, he’s hopeful it’s the beginning of so much more.

Ethan is happy to help Tori find her birth family, but when Tori learns Ethan is hiding a deep family secret, can their budding relationship survive the generational betrayals?

Marry Me Please, Cowboy by Sinclair Jayne (Montana Born)

Release Date: September 19, 2023

The 85th Copper Mountain Rodeo, Book 3
The Coyote Cowboys of Montana, Book 2

She has her eye on the prize. He has his eyes on her.

Former soldier, now rodeo cowboy, Huck Jones doesn’t believe in love or marriage. Still, a promise is a promise, and he’s prepared to honor his fallen team leader’s wish to walk his sister down the aisle in Marietta, Montana. When the groom bolts moments before the ceremony, Huck offers himself as her alternative groom.

Barrel racer Willow McBride hates the cowboy code, and the soldier code is even more annoying. She’s pregnant, not helpless, so when her late brother’s sexy friend offers himself as a sacrificial husband, the answer is a resounding no. She wants love not duty. Plus, the 85th Copper Mountain Rodeo is looking to be her last as a competitor, and she intends to win.

Huck may no longer be a soldier, but he still believes no man—or woman—should be left behind. He’ll need to woo the beautiful, stubbornly independent cowgirl and change her mind. Failure is never an option.

Fate’s Final Season by Leigh Ann Edwards (Muse)

Release Date: September 20, 2023

Maidens of the Mystical Stones, Book 5

Will the fallout of this mystical year finally be their undoing?

During the final season of the magical pact, a disheartened Rhianwyn Mulryan arrives in Welshland as Princess Lilliana, poisoned, cursed, and desperately afraid that Broccan is lost to her forever. A mysterious sorceress may be her only hope of survival, but can she be trusted? As Rhianwyn faces Lilliana’s enigmatic husband, Prince Tyven, and his brothers––all rumored to be cursed with dragon blood—the arrival of her own estranged husband further jeopardizes their marriage…and their lives.

Sir Broccan Mulryan is determined that he and his wife will put their tumultuous past behind them, but before he’s fully forgiven her, he receives a baffling order to protect Princess Lilliana. Only Lilliana doesn’t quite seem herself…

Back in Wessex, a ruthless bishop throws the kingdom into upheaval, endangering the lives of Selena, Elspeth, and the true Lilliana. To end the despised pact and reclaim their lives, all four women must return to the sunstones, together. But will they live long enough? And if they do, will discovering the source of the pact save them or tear everything apart?

Return to Embthwaite Farm by Kate Hewitt (Holiday)

Release Date: September 25, 2023

The Mowbray Sisters, Book 1

Welcome to Embthwaite Farm, a charming English home in North Yorkshire, belonging to the fractured Mowbray family…

When Rachel Mowbray left behind her family farm in North Yorkshire at eighteen, she never planned on returning. But when her ex-childhood sweetheart calls and insists she return due to her father’s declining health, she travels north. Every moment home reminds Rachel why she left—her sister Harriet is both hostile and cold, her father barely communicates with anyone, and the house feels stuck in time. Plus, her old neighbour and ex, sheep farmer Ben Mackey, still has the power to make her pulse race…a decidedly unwelcome realization!

As a can-do businesswoman, Rachel wants to sweep in and fix everything, but it seems as if no one actually wants her help and nothing goes according to plan. Even more alarmingly, she must face the confounding memories of her own childhood—and she questions how many of them she can truly trust.

As Rachel navigates her father’s health crisis and confronts old hurts with her sister and community, she wonders if she can finally find her happily-ever-after in the most unexpected place of all—home. But will she—as well as Ben—have the courage to fight for their future together this time?

Promise Me Please, Cowboy by CJ Carmichael (Montana Born)

Release Date: September 26, 2023

The 85th Copper Mountain Rodeo, Book 4

Marietta has a way of bringing people together…

Cowboy Chet Hardwick is in Marietta, Montana, to compete in the 85th Copper Mountain Rodeo. Chet’s not there to make any waves, he needs to focus on the rodeo, avoid his deadbeat father, and return home. But when the beautiful owner at his bed-and-breakfast needs assistance, Chet can’t resist stepping in to help.

After a life-altering accident, Amy Arden left her Wall Street job and impulsively bought Bramble House B&B. While she learns the ropes, she’s also determined to uncover a secret from her late mother’s past—Amy’s birth father. The staff aren’t happy with Amy’s new ideas and quit, leaving Amy struggling to keep the fully booked inn operating. She finds an unexpected ally in one of her guests, a handsome, lone wolf cowboy, who is surprisingly easy to talk to. But just as their friendship heats up, ghosts from both their pasts arrive at Bramble House.

Amy knows Chet is the man she wants, but as Chet receives news that will take him far from Marietta, will he find his way back to her?

The Untold Story of Carol Bingley by Jane Hartley (Montana Born)

Release Date: September 27, 2023

The 85th Copper Mountain Rodeo, Book 5

Carol Bingley has a certain reputation in Marietta, Montana. She’s an infamous gossip and overly generous with her sharp opinions. But Carol’s been hiding a painful secret.

Forty years ago, sixteen-year-old high school student Carol Franklyn was madly in love with a bad boy cowboy with an irresistible smile, and sexy swagger. The day he asked her to meet him at the local hangout, the Main Street Diner, Carol thought all her dreams had come true. What she didn’t know was that she had become a pawn in a cruel and manipulative game that would spin her life painfully off course.

Now happily married to a man who loves her unconditionally, Carol finally is ready to share her painful past, but will she be believed? And can she be forgiven when she faces two of Marietta’s most powerful, tight-knit families?

Carol has lost so much. But this Christmas, she hopes she can find two puzzle pieces of her past, and sets out on a journey hoping she will finally be healed, not once again hurt.

An Autumn to Remember by Robyn Neeley (American Heart)

Release Date: September 7, 2023

Brooks Bend, Book 2

Sometimes the secret ingredient is right under your nose…

Executive Chef Sloan Leary just received the invitation of a lifetime to create signature holiday dishes for a premier meal delivery service. If she wins the contract, she can finally expand her restaurant to Paris, fulfilling a promise to her late grandmother. But first she’ll need to complete her annual two-week culinary exchange. Sloan is shocked when she’s sent to a small-town diner in Brooks Bend, Connecticut. If that weren’t enough, she learns her audition is to create dog food for pampered pooches—she’s never even had a pet.

Ex-military handyman Alex Edwards knows plenty about dogs—his beloved labradoodle is also his emotional support companion. So he’s happy to help newcomer Sloan create a Thanksgiving meal fit for canine cravings. When Sloan encourages him to go all in with his carpentry business, Alex pulls back. He stopped taking risks a long time ago and is happy with his slower life…right?

As they work to find the right seasonings, can Alex and Sloan rewrite the meal plans for their futures…with each other?


THE COWBOY’S LOST FAMILY – Release Day Blog Post Featuring Author Roxanne Snopek!

Man and woman sitting in a field, embracing.

Hello Tuligans! Welcome to the launch of THE COWBOY’S LOST FAMILY

This is a book about secrets and lies, about family and friendship, about who we think we are…  who we really are… and who we could become.

In this dual timeline story, we have our hero Brade Oliver searching for his biological family in one timeline, and the events that brought him into existence in the other, earlier timeline. It’s a little wrenching, all in all, and the most ambitious project I’ve undertaken so far in my writing career. There are no cliff-hangers, per se, although the full mystery isn’t solved until the fourth and last book. You will hopefully smile at some parts and maybe tear up at others, but I guarantee a satisfying ending to each book. Also, watch for the dog… because it’s not a Roxanne Snopek book without a dog, right? 

This is, naturally, a love story. Our heroine Kendall McKinley is struggling under the weight of too much responsibility given to her too soon. She’s witnessed the shadow side of the whole love-marriage-babies thing with her mother and would far rather be a cool aunt than become a wife or mother herself. But she can’t help but be attracted to Brade’s honesty and willingness to be vulnerable—not to mention the hot, rich, cowboy-doctor part. 

Kendall envies Brade’s lack of family obligation; she knows it’s not that simple, but when she comes home after work to find supper unmade, laundry undone and light bulbs burned out, she can’t wait to launch her younger siblings into the world… if not outer space. Brade, however, envies the family bonds she has, no matter how dysfunctional and wonders why she can’t see how lucky she is.

Of course, Kendall takes care of her brother and sister anyway, no matter how they annoy her. She takes care of her friends, too, because that’s who she is. She’s used to handling everything herself, to putting on a good face and pretending everything’s fine. Even when it’s not. She’s not used to letting someone else care for her, so having a man listen to her… cook for her… and rub her feet… upends her worldview. Brade has no time for lies, no interest in anything but the truest of truths, but how can she trust him to love the real Kendall McKinley… when her own parents couldn’t?

As they get to know each other, their idea of identity is challenged. They are both more than what they see themselves as. And isn’t that the best part of letting people know and love us? Even though it’s not easy, we’re challenged to become our best selves. If we’re lucky.

Will Brade find the deadbeat father who abandoned his mother? Will Kendall make peace with her own mother? Is there another kind of family out there for both of them? I hope you enjoy following Brade and Kendall on their journey of discovery… and find love along with them.

About the Author.

Born under a Scorpio moon, raised in a little house on the prairie, USA Today Bestselling Author Roxanne Snopek said “as you wish” to her Alpha Farm Boy and followed him to the mountain air and ocean breezes of British Columbia. There, while healing creatures great and small and raising three warrior-princesses, they found their real-life happily-ever-after. After also establishing a successful freelance and non-fiction career, Roxanne began writing what she most loved to read: romance. Her small-town stories quickly became fan favorites.

WHEN THE DUKE LOVED ME – Release Day Blog Post Featuring Author Lydia Lloyd!

Woman in purple dress kisses shirtless man

Hello everyone! 

I am Lydia Lloyd and today is release day for my debut historical romance, WHEN THE DUKE LOVED ME. It is a steamy, tropetastic, enemies-to-lovers road trip romance and, hopefully, a whole lot of fun to read. My hero, John Breminster, and my heroine, Catherine Forster, first meet at a ball and soon find themselves in the gardens sharing a kiss…but soon discover that, due to a mix-up with their identities, they have stumbled into an embrace with the enemy. As it turns out, their families hate one another due to a scandal that disgraced both the Breminsters and the Forsters years before. John and Catherine are only drawn back together when John realizes that he has a big problem that only Catherine can help him solve. In need of cash, Catherine agrees to help him for a price. They set off across the English countryside together—with only their enmity and a whole lot of sexual tension between them. 

Along the way, there a LOT of steamy moments between John and Catherine; this is a Regency romance with spice! If you’re interested in hearing about some of those scenes, head over to my Instagram @LydiaLloydRomance, where I’ve been highlighting the extra sultry interchanges between John and Catherine. For this blog post, though, I wanted to do another kind of list—while this book IS steamy, it also has a lot of sweet moments (and some of those steamy moments are super sweet!!). That said, I thought I would use this opportunity to describe my five favorite sweet moments in WHEN THE DUKE LOVED ME. So, here it goes…

#1) The letters between John and Ariel
When Catherine first agrees to work with John, her chosen family isn’t sure what to think. Catherine’s parents died years ago and she has lived since the age of eleven with her father’s friend, Lady Wethersby, and her son, Ariel. When the book opens, Ariel is ten years old and only starting to understand the world around him. When Catherine explains that she will be traveling with John, Ariel is very suspicious. He is super protective of Catherine, who he sees as kind of a combination between a sister and an aunt. So, Ariel sends John a letter threatening to duel him if he does anything to insult or harm Catherine. His letter is hilarious—it is shown on page with all of the misspellings that a ten-year-old would make—and it not quite as scary as Ariel intends. But it does show John how beloved Catherine is to Lady Wethersby and Ariel. And then, when John shows his letter back to Ariel to Catherine and she sees how kindly he responds to his concerns, it totally melts her heart. 

#2) When John cleans Catherine’s fingers
Catherine is a scholar and so she is always taking notes, drafting, and editing. Because this book takes place in the Regency period, that means that she frequently has ink on her fingers…and it totally drives John wild. Seriously, he has a total fetish for her ink-stained fingers! When he is trying to resist his attraction to her and they are stuck in a small carriage together, they have a quick luncheon of bread and cheese…and John can’t stand the sight of Catherine’s ink-stained fingers any longer. He also can’t believe that she would eat with such dirty hands. He brusquely commands her to give him her hands and he cleans each of her fingers with the whiskey from a flask in his pocket. It is the first time that they have touched since their kiss in the gardens seven years before!  

#3) Catherine and John in the apple orchard
When Catherine and John travel back to his estate, they are both forced to encounter the ghosts of their pasts. Catherine grew up on the estate that borders John’s, but it has long since been sold. After they have fallen for each other, Catherine and John walk in the apple orchard that marks the boundary between his estate and her old one. As they share an early-season apple, they trade stories about their childhoods and recall glimpsing each other at rare intervals when they were kids. Catherine tells John that she once saw him and his father walking together and remembers a snippet of conversation that she overheard. Her memory is super meaningful for John because his father has recently died and he remembers their walks in the orchards together, but he can’t recall what he and his father actually said to each other. Catherine gives him back a piece of his childhood in this scene and it really shows how they complete each other on so many levels. 

#4) The Extra £500
When John and Catherine are traveling for hours in the carriage, they, of course, end up talking quite a bit. As John fails at containing his feelings for Catherine, he begins to ask her quite a few probing questions about her past, including whether she has ever had ~carnal relations~ with anyone. Of course, she refuses to dignify this question with a response…that is, until he offers to pay her £500 for the answer. With so much money on the table, she does answer (and you’ll have to read the book to hear her response!!). Much later in the book, when so much has happened since this moment and Catherine thinks that she and John can’t be together, he sends her the payment he promised her at the beginning of the book. She notices, however, that he has paid her an extra £500 and, at first, she is confused. Then, she remembers their conversation in the carriage and has to laugh—he has remembered his absurd promise to pay her a truly ungodly sum to answer his invasive question. It gives her a little bit of hope that they’ll find their way back to one another. 

#5) John’s Grand Gesture
Okay, I am going to leave this moment a little bit of a mystery because I don’t want to spoil it. But I can say that this grand—and it’s quite grand!!—gesture happens in the epilogue. Let’s just say real estate purchases might be one of John’s love languages. 

Well, that concludes my list. Thank you so much for reading. If you want to learn more about WHEN THE DUKE LOVED ME, the whole Rake Chronicles series, or just want to talk historical romance, I encourage you to come over to my Instagram. I hope you enjoy this book—and come back for the second in the series, WHEN THE VISCOUNT WANTED ME, in January! 


About the Author

Lydia Lloyd writes high-heat historical romance set during the Regency period. She enjoys creating love stories between roguish heroes and complex heroines that are driven by authentic conflict and steamy encounters. Lydia holds a PhD in nineteenth-century British literature and, when she isn’t writing historical romance, works as a teacher and scholar.

MEET ME IN RIVER’S EDGE – Release Day Blog Post Featuring Author Nan Reinhardt!

Riverboat at the dock at sunset for Nan Reinhardt's "Meet Me in River's Edge"

I love reading books where the heroine’s career is unexpected, which is why I had so much fun writing about boat mechanic Joanna Weaver in Meet Me in River’s Edge. I think as women writers (and readers), we want our heroines to have fabulous careers that crash through the glass ceiling and show them as smart, sophisticated women.

I’ve written a female lawyer, a photographer and concert pianist, a firefighter, a freelance editor, a marketing expert, a heart surgeon, and even a mayor. I’ve also written teachers, homemakers, and a woman whose abusive husband forced her to leave her home and start a new life. Each of these characters had an definite arc that took them into a conflict and brought them out on the other side, stronger, better, happier. 

Jo Weaver’s life in Meet Me in River’s Edge feels small at first, although her career as a boat mechanic in her family’s marina business is certainly unusual and took a great deal of apprenticeship with her father and grandfather. While her two sisters went to college, then moved away and found new lives and careers, Jo stayed rooted in River’s Edge and feels safe there with the people she grew up with in the familiar town of her childhood. 

As often happens in life, though, things changed for the Weaver triplets. Jo’s sisters come home, and serendipity brings a new man into her life who helps her realize that she might be a little stuck and needs to reevaluate what she wants. Maybe that means that Jo will take steps toward a new life, but never a new career, because she loves working on boat motors, she thrives in the marina atmosphere, and she’s damn good at what she does. Her new love gets this about her, cherishes who she is, and isn’t about to ask her to change that part of her. As Alex Briggs says in Meet Me in River’s Edge, “Who knew the smell of two-cycle oil could be such a turn-on?”

So, women and careers—does it matter whether we went to college or trade school or simply ended our formal education in high school? Is it important to the whole feminist journey whether we are homemakers or attorneys or bank tellers or teachers or store clerks or doctors or stay-at-home moms or… writers? Not really, it only matters that whatever we do, we give it our very best. 

Thanks for being here—I hope you enjoy Jo Weaver’s story and your trip back to River’s Edge, Indiana.


About the Author.

Nan Reinhardt is a USA Today bestselling author of sweet, small-town romantic fiction for Tule Publishing. Her day job is working as a freelance copyeditor and proofreader, however, writing is Nan’s first and most enduring passion. She can’t remember a time in her life when she wasn’t writing—she wrote her first romance novel at the age of ten and is still writing, but now from the viewpoint of a wiser, slightly rumpled, woman in her prime. Nan lives in the Midwest with her husband of 50 years, where they split their time between a house in the city and a cottage on a lake. Talk to Nan at: nan@nanreinhardt.com

LOVE AND ORDER – Release Day Blog Post by Author Stella Holt!

Blonde man in business suit standing next to smaller blonde woman in blazer with yellow cloud background and city skyline.

Grumpy or Sunshine?

If you’ve never read a Grumpy Sunshine Romance, I think you’re missing out! 

But while the male is typically a hardened, grumpy, stoic, silent, gorgeous, quiet type, I decided just to flip that a little, in my fourth book, LOVE and ORDER.

Finn Maguire is gorgeous if you like those former Navy SEALs with a few strategically placed tattoos, well-defined muscles, chiseled jaw, and scars, types. 

Yes, please.

But Finn is also all Sunshine, he’s a gentleman, kind, sensitive, and attuned to his one true love. The woman he has had a crush on for two years but is unsure how to bridge the space between them because they work together.

Hailey Adams is my beautiful, brilliant, Grump. But when you read all the turmoil and hardships she’s had to endure you’ll understand she’s just cautious and understandably guarded.

Now Finn and Hailey are both up for a big promotion at their law firm, but they’ll have to work together on a case as their final test. Paired together on the most significant case of their law careers, only one of them will win a position as partner, but maybe they’ll both win Love.

With these two Rivals-to-Lovers and Opposites Attract you’ll find a lot of tension and #Romance. Love and Order is your next read if you love an underdog and the unexpected duo.

Go ahead, fall in love with another Maguire. And don’t miss my launch in the Tule Facebook group on 14 August. XO

About the Author

Headshot of Stella HoltAuthor of your next binge-worthy romance series, Stella has been plotting sexy, tear-jerker stories since she was old enough to hold a pencil. Born a Georgia peach, Stella loves all things country but calls the beach home even though she’s currently living outside D.C. with her family. Most days she can be found drinking too much coffee, collecting lipstick she forgets to wear, and baking.

Stella’s first series featuring first responders debuts in 2023. You can find her on Instagram @stellaholtbooks and www.stellaholt.com.


ONCE UPON A BEAST – Release Day Blog Post Featuring Author Kyra Jacobs!

Bride swinging and kissing groom. Kyra Jacobs "Once Upon a Beast"

Hello everyone!

Kyra Jacobs, here, to share some “behind the scenes” tidbits from my latest sweet romance novel, ONCE UPON A BEAST. This is the first book in my Bourbon Falls series, with each book taking a fresh, modern spin on a classic fairy tale. As the title suggests, Beauty and the Beast is the featured retelling to kick off this new series. And Isaac Manning was certainly a fun “beast” to write.

Actually, Isaac’s deaf rescue bulldog Louie is the only real beast in this story, and he’s too adorable to be called a beast. (; If you’ve followed me on social media, you’ve likely seen a post or two about bulldogs. Though I’ve yet to own one (bucket list item), I’m a huge fan. I mean, how can you resist that scrunched face and wiggly butt? The Louie in this tale was loosely based on a friend’s bulldog named Louis and he’s built like a mini tank.

Once Upon a Beast book cover image in top left over bulldog image in background sharing inspiration of "Louie" the pet dog in the book.

In the story, Louie loves Delaney Brooks, the first stranger he’s allowed to meet in their new hometown of Bourbon Falls, Indiana. Del is the confident landscape designer and greenhouse co-owner (whose niece crashes into Isaac’s landscaping at the start of the book to kick off our story) who stops by to cut down a mangled, overgrown arborvitae. I have a few overgrown arborvitaes of my own, but they’re a great source of afternoon shade so I plan to leave them alone as long as possible.

Also, for the record, I’m terrible at both pronouncing and typing the word arborvitae. LOL

The human hero of our story is Isaac Manning, who is holed up in Bourbon Falls, hiding from the world. I won’t say why, but he’s certainly got his reasons. His former home is the Big Apple, where I’ve based a few stories after visiting there a number of years back. Given the choice between New York City and small town Indiana, though, I’m choosing Indiana every time.

What can I say? I grew up a small town girl. (Cue John Mellencamp)

So, what pulls this trio together for the story, aside from that mangled shrub I struggle to spell? (Try saying that fast five times!) It’s the lovely bookstore, Brooks Books, run by Del’s family and set in a beautiful historic building situated at the heart of downtown Bourbon Falls. Lucky for Del and Isaac, they receive abundant support from a fun cast of secondary characters, including The Sisters—three elders of the town who keep the local rumor mill churning. I love writing sassy older women in my stories and these three are a hoot. Perhaps this tendency is a nod to one of the shows I grew up watching (The Golden Girls).

And why Bourbon Falls? Admittedly, I was inspired by a road sign I saw while driving my sons to their soccer games a while back. When I turned off the main highway to take a closer look at the town of Bourbon, Indiana, I knew it was the perfect setting for the Brooks family and their bookstore. (P.S. Bourbon Street Pizza shop is amazing…)

I hope you enjoy your visit to my version of this cozy, Midwestern town in ONCE UPON A BEAST. And great news—the entire series will release between now and next April! I can’t wait to hear what you thought of my fairy tale retellings and the Brooks sisters’ happily-ever-afters.

Until next time,



About the Author:

Headshot of Kyra JacobsKyra Jacobs is an extroverted introvert who’s always called Indiana home. Growing up in the Midwest means she’s well-versed in fickle weather, pork tenderloins that don’t fit on a bun, and sarcasm. Putting her Indiana University degrees in Public Management to good use by day means Kyra does the bulk of her writing late into the night. Fueled by caffeine and funny memes, she weaves humor and chaos into her stories, which range from sweet romance to mysteries and even paranormal/fantasy.

When this Hoosier native isn’t at a keyboard, daydreaming through her fingertips, she’s likely outside, elbow-deep in snapdragons or spending quality time with her sports-loving family. Kyra also loves to bowl, tries to golf, and is an avid college football fan. Be sure to stop by kyrajacobsbooks.com to learn more about her novels and ways to connect with Kyra on social media.

TWO SIDES OF A SECRET – Release Day Blog Post Featuring Kelly Cain!

Purple cover with white text reading "Two Sides of A Secret" by Kelly Cain

The Soulmate Equation meets Scandal

My new novel, TWO SIDES OF A SECRET, is out. It’s book 2 in my secret ties series and follows another adoptee from the adoption group, Lauren, who has no use for her birth family. Unlike Nichelle from A KISS FROM THE PAST, Lauren doesn’t even want to know who her birth parents are. She’s happily going through life as a florist, running her retired adoptive parents’ business, although longs for a different life as a social media strategist on a political campaign. Again, we examine nature versus nurture.

Which brings us to the Scandal angle. I came to the Shonda Rhimes/Kerry Washington show late and ended up binging all the seasons. It was spectacular the way all the political intrigue unfolded, and it captured and held my attention for weeks. You never really knew for sure what these people’s politics actually were, but they were willing to do anything to hold on to power no matter what. Enter Olivia Pope, who’s team cleaned up all the messes. The whole concept was so interesting to me because she is truly a morally gray character.

Ben Specter is unlike any character I’ve written before. Most of my guys have a certain swagger and charisma, but Ben intentionally uses his to his advantage. His job requires gathering information. Information most don’t want uncovered. Hence the morally grayness of it all. He works for an Olivia Pope type, Ellen Ziff, headquartered in Sacramento, the capitol of California. Ben lives and works out of San Francisco though and his newest case falls right across the Bay in Berkeley.

Ben tricks Lauren as he delves deep into her life, looking for any secrets that may compromise his candidate, but along the way, there’s something about Lauren that pushes Ben to do some introspection. To examine his own life, his own secrets, and adjust his moral compass.

So in the end, I kept close to the nature of what I like in a hero, but I had so much fun with Ben on his journey getting there. I hope you enjoy his arc.

About the author.

Headshot of author Kelly Cain posing outsideKelly Cain is a native Californian but has spent the last couple of decades in Texas, currently residing in the live music capital of the world, Austin. Consequently, most of her books are set somewhere between those two locations.

Kelly writes multicultural romance with determined women directing their own fates, and the swoon-worthy men who adore them. She loves reading most genres but please don’t ask her to pick just one. However, she can pick her favorite book boyfriend – Will Herondale.

When she isn’t reading or writing, Kelly is most likely using a genealogy site to research her extended family, both old and new. Or cooking/baking something delightful.

She has two adult daughters, and a new granddaughter. Visit her website kellycainauthor.com for more info.