Tag Archives: Leigh Ann Edwards

TULE AUTHOR Q&A: Leigh Ann Edwards shares who she’d switch bodies with!

Leigh Ann Edwards stopped by the Tule blog to discuss the second book in the Maidens of the Mystical Stones series, Winter’s Haunting Pledge!

Where did you get the inspiration for Winter’s Haunting Pledge and the Maidens of the Mystical Stones Series?

Ever since I was a child, I’ve loved all things historical, magical, or supernatural, and I still do. I’m always trying to come up with something a little different for a new fantasy or paranormal series. I remember really enjoying the movie Freaky Friday and the book The Prince and the Pauper

It seems we often envy other people’s lives and I thought it would be a really interesting premise for a series with four friends—four very different women in personalities and life circumstances, to be given the magical opportunity to change places—exchanging lives for a season. 

Also, when I was looking into my genealogy a few years back, I discovered my branch of Edwards were from a small village near Stonehenge. Sound familiar? It made my imagination go wild with possibilities. I thought one day… that would make a great fantasy series. 


How do you relate to Rhianwyn, your heroine, and how do you hope readers will relate to her?

I think I mostly relate to Rhianwyn in how she empathizes with people. She wants to make things better for those she cares about, and feels badly when she can’t always make life easier for them. 

I hope readers will relate to how fiercely Rhianwyn fights to better the lives of others and her inability to accept how women, during her time, were abused and devalued. She speaks up for the less fortunate and against injustices even when females were expected to be silent and submissive. 


fountain pen on black lined paperIf you could switch lives with anyone, living or dead, like your characters, who would it be?

That’s a really good question and a really difficult one to answer. I definitely wouldn’t want the life of any of my four heroines. Even if I do think Broccan’s a really gorgeous, amazing hero. 

Because I like history so much, I’d love to say I’d choose to live as one of my favorite authors, probably Emily or Charlotte Bronte, but having visited the Bronte parsonage in Haworth England and hearing about the terrible living conditions back then, I wouldn’t. None of the six Bronte children lived to be elderly. Charlotte lived the longest and she was still only thirty-eight when she died. 

It might be skirting around your question, but I wouldn’t pick anyone in particular.  However, I would really like to have my younger body with more endurance, but with the wisdom gained through the experience of the years I’ve lived. It would be exciting to be fit enough to backpack across Ireland or maybe all of Europe. 



What was your favorite scene to write and why? 

I have a few favorite scenes, but some give too much away. So I’ve chosen one where the characters have a little bit of child-like fun together. 

To set up the scene, Rhianwyn has already gone through the first magical transformation and is living as her best friend, Selena. She’s having a very difficult time being separated from her husband Broccan. He’s also really confused and unhappy in his marriage now. He doesn’t understand why his wife seems so changed or why he’s suddenly attracted to the woman he sees as Selena. 

On Broccan’s request, Rhianwyn has gone to speak with Selena to try to find out if she’ll tell her what’s wrong. He asks her to discover if his wife doesn’t love him any longer of if she’d maybe fallen for someone else when he was away for a few months. 


Broccan came after her, startling Rhianwyn. Her thoughts were on the quarrel she’d had with Selena. 

“By your worried look,” he said, “the conversation didn’t go well.”

Rhianwyn grasped with what to tell him to lessen his worries. 

“Give her time, Broccan. She’s feeling low. It sometimes occurs during the long dark days of winter. With spring, approaching, I suspect she’ll recover soon enough.”

Broccan’s strained expression told her he wasn’t convinced. 

“She’s not in love with anyone else,” Rhianwyn said, hoping to assure him. “But now, I must get back before Shandy sends Aldrich to fetch me.”

He nodded and she started off, but looked back to see him leaning against the stable, deep in thought. How she wished she could ease his burden. Her preferred method––taking him to bed––wasn’t possible. But she could offer him some lighthearted merriment. 

She grasped some snow, formed a ball and threw it at him. He glanced up maybe thinking it had fallen from the roof. She threw another and he looked at her in disbelief. She tossed one more, even harder. It struck his chest and sprayed his face. He grinned and she giggled, throwing yet another. 

He picked up snow, too, and tossed it at her. She raced off, ducking behind a tree. He followed and they continued the frivolity for some time until he threw a far larger amount. Snow covered her hair and face, went inside her cloak and garments, sliding down her neck and between her breasts. She squealed at the shock of the cold. He must have thought he’d gone too far, for he drew nearer, looking apologetic. She pretended to be dismayed, wiping the snow away, then reached for another handful and rubbed it on his face. He laughed, picked her up, and dropped her gently into a mound of snow. She grabbed at his leg and knocked him off-balance. He fell beside her wearing the broadest, most magnanimous smile. 

Overcome with love, she reached out and lightly touched his jaw as she’d so often done before. The attraction between them was profoundly overpowering…as it had always been when her consciousness was in her own body. She desperately yearned for his kiss, but when he moved close enough their lips nearly touched, she quickly stood. He did as well, still wearing an unmistakable look of longing. Aching to be with him, she pushed him against the stable and pulled his head down to her lips. The kiss was undeniably torrid, but then he moved away and pulled his hand through his hair, obviously equally torn. 

She was tormenting them both. 

“Forgive me, Broccan,” she said as she left him standing looking even more confused. 



What are you currently reading?

I have so many books on my Kindle that I can’t wait to get to. Sometimes when I spend long days writing or editing, I can’t read as much as I’d like because of eye strain. 

In the last couple of months I’ve enjoyed several stories by different Tule authors. But presently, I’m reading The Girls in the Stilt House by Kelly Mustian. It was recommended to readers who enjoyed Where the Crawdads Sing. I’ve only read the first six chapters, but so far it’s really intriguing.


About the Author

Leigh Ann Edwards’ fascination with history, romance, magic, fantasy, time-travel and Ireland sparked her interest in creating the Irish Witch Series and her growing collection of published novels. Growing up in a very small Manitoban village on the Canadian prairies left a lot of time to create stories and let her imagination soar.

An author for nearly thirty years, Leigh Ann has almost completed writing her fourth series with Tule Publishing and will soon begin a fifth. Besides writing, Leigh Ann loves spending time with her four grandchildren, reading, traveling, doing intuitive readings and reiki. Leigh Ann and her husband, their two cats, one large dog and their Boston Terrier puppy, live near Edmonton Alberta, Canada.

Tule Publishing January 2023 Releases

Read more about our new releases for January!

GIVEAWAY: We will pick ONE winner to receive a digital book of their choice from the January releases. Comment down below saying which book you’re looking most forward to reading! Giveaway is open INTERNATIONALLY. The winner will be randomly selected at the end of the month.


Homecoming and Homicide by Jody Holford (American Heart)

Release Date: January 10, 2023

The Wannabe Sleuth, Book 2

She doesn’t remember high school being so complicated…or as deadly.

Rainbow Falls newcomer Annie Abbott is finally feeling settled in town with her veterinarian boyfriend and their two curious kittens. The local high school is raising money for their drama program and, eager to help, Annie volunteers for the carnival’s photo booth, using her graphic design skills to create fun backdrops and mentor a group of students. The only dark cloud is a run in with an unpleasant teacher who’s critical of her teenage neighbor, Tate, and his girlfriend.

On the night of the carnival, Annie discovers the not-so-nice teacher dead. She and her motley crew of murder club sleuths leap into action to help clear her own name along with Tate’s. Luckily for both of them, there are plenty of suspects who had it out for the victim. Complicating Annie’s illicit investigation further? A mystery stalker with a vendetta against her.

As Annie and her friends chase clues, it’s becoming increasingly clear that not everyone is happy with her decision to make Rainbow Falls her home.

The Texas Cowboy’s Lady by Debra Holt (Texas Born)

Release Date: January 12, 2023

Texas Heritage, Book 2

Which shines brighter: Hollywood lights or the Texas stars?

Laurel Burkitt, who owns half of the mega-ranching empire known as the Aces High, shook the Texas dirt off her stilettos a long time ago. She’s all about high fashion, sleek cars, and adding movie awards to her shelves. No dark-eyed, sexy, hard-driving, country-living cowboy is going to rope her into being his country darlin’…as long as her brain keeps control over the traitorous yearnings of her heart.

Jaxson Hawkes, foreman of the Aces High, was born to the saddle and to being a cowboy all his days. So it took him a while to finally bare his soul to the spitfire he grew up adoring. He expected Laurel to choose between him and Texas and her dream of California gold. Her choice broke his heart.

Now Laurel’s back and her ideas of merging California with Texas aren’t sitting too well with Jaxson. There’s a showdown coming between them, and when the dust clears, will he send her packing on that shiny plane once and for all? Or will the lady claim the cowboy’s heart for good?

The Year of Cecily by Lisa Lin (American Heart)

Release Date: January 17, 2023

From Sunset Park, With Love, Book 1

This is the year of Cecily Chang.

San Francisco attorney Cecily Chang is ready to tackle the New Year head on, so she creates a list of resolutions guaranteed to reboot her life—right after her dutiful visit home to Sunset Park, Brooklyn, for the Lunar New Year. Cecily prepares to face her critical, meddling mother, nosy relatives, and the chaos and drama family togetherness brings. At least the food will be delicious. This holiday, Cecily vows to remain calm—as long as she doesn’t see him.

Jeffrey Lee deeply regrets how he ended things with Cecily ten years ago, but he felt it was best for her at the time. When he runs into her again during the New Year, he sees it as a sign. Now a successful screenwriter, Jeffrey is determined to win back Cecily’s heart.

But Cecily doesn’t believe in signs or second chances and embraces her new resolutions. This time, Jeffrey won’t give up—and he’s convinced he can write them a new Hollywood happy ending.

A Mantra for Miss Perfect by Sapna Srinivasan (American Heart)

Release Date: January 19, 2023

The Sood Family, Book 3

She has everything…except what she wants most.

Sahana Sood is beautiful, brilliant, and inches away from making junior partner at her downtown Seattle law firm. Ever the dutiful daughter, she’s lauded as Miss Perfect in her large Indian family and community. But Sahana is barely hiding her panic because, despite her best efforts and too many blind dates to count, she’s now thirty-two and has never come close to finding Mr. Perfect. Rumors are spreading—Sahana’s unlucky in love.

With marriage pressure mounting, Sahana buries herself in work. She’s confident she’ll close the acquisition deal for the Wilding Inn for her firm’s major client, but hits a snag. The handsome owner Ryan Mehra refuses to sell. He doesn’t need the money, the inn is a testament to his late parents’ love and he’d rather continue their legacy.

Sahana heads to the historic inn determined to not lose this deal. But the sparks that fly when she meets Ryan, who just might be more stubborn and driven than she is, soon have her worrying that instead of landing her partnership, she might lose her heart.

These childhood friends turned rivals may have more in common than they thought. Let the reindeer games begin…

Charming the Billionaire Cowboy by Kris Bock (Texas Born)

Release Date: January 23, 2023

The Accidental Billionaire Cowboys, Book 2

For the first time, his cowboy charms seem to backfire…

With his Texas ranching family’s lottery win, TC Tomlinson is finally able to build a ranch with alternative livestock. TC has a lot to prove, starting with his new ostrich herd, so when he catches a beauty scooping up an escaped baby bird, TC chases her down, assuming she wants to meet him for his money.

When Hallie Armstrong sees the injured baby ostrich, she jumps into professional mode. A former vet tech, she’s moved to Last Stand to work at her aunt’s wildlife rescue and heal from an attack. She’s skittish of the handsome cowboy, but when he starts to flirt, she decides two can play at this game—the rescue needs fundraising, and TC is an eligible bachelor.

As they brainstorm ideas for a bachelor auction and work to solve the mystery of local sheep attacks, TC finds himself falling for the feisty cowgirl. But when he learns she’s still in danger, his protective instincts threaten to drive Hallie away. Can TC convince Hallie she can have her independence and him too?

An Unsuitable Boy by Sinclair Jayne Sawhney (American Heart)

Release Date: January 24, 2023

Misguided Masala Matchmaker, Book 3

She’s done playing by the rules. He never has.

As the oldest sibling, OBGYN Asha Kapoor has always been the perfect daughter and role model. But when her traditionally arranged marriage implodes days before the ceremony, Asha feels lost and humiliated. At nearly thirty-seven, she knows her dream of having her own children is slipping away, but she has no Plan B for her life. Then Dhruv Narula rescues her from a kitchen fire, and something wild in Asha awakens. Dhruv is everything she’s not—sexy, fearless, unbound by tradition, and completely irresistible.

Former soldier and now firefighter Dhruv isn’t expecting a hero’s welcome home. Though he’s proud of his life and career choices, he never once gained his exacting father’s approval or the respect of his tight Indian community. While Dhruv stopped caring what anyone thought years ago, even he hesitates to hurtle into a scorching secret relationship with the woman he always fantasized about—the brilliant jewel-of-society Asha Kapoor.

Asha and Dhruv know they’re completely wrong for each other. So then why does it feel so right?

Straight for the Kill by Winter Austin (Tule Mystery)

Release Date: January 26, 2023

Benoit and Dayne Mystery, Book 3

Déjà vu brings a chill in the case that will make or break more than just her career.

Sheriff Elizabeth Benoit’s worst nightmare returns when her deputies discover a young woman killed in the same circumstances as a death from 25 years earlier. That previous victim was Elizabeth’s best friend and Deputy Kyle Lundquist’s older sister. Elizabeth has spent a quarter of a century trying to nail the crooked ex-sheriff she knows is involved up to his elbows in this unresolved crime. She has a thick file of clues, but it’s going to take irrefutable proof to put both cases to bed.

Deputy Detective Lila Dayne draws on all her investigative skills, but still she can’t pin down their main suspect. Then prominent members of the community begin to disappear—clearly, there’s a bigger vendetta at play. Despite the legal consequences of being too close to the case, Elizabeth can’t keep away now.

When Elizabeth’s sister goes missing, it’s a no-holds-barred race against time in the showdown that’s been brewing in Eckardt County for decades.

My Montana Valentine by Elsa Winckler (Montana Born)

Release Date: January 30, 2023

The Millers of Marietta, Book 1

He doesn’t believe in happy endings…

Saddled with the impossible task of finding a feel-good story, journalist Aiden O’Sullivan reluctantly accepts his godmother’s invitation to visit Marietta, Montana, to experience the small town’s Valentine’s Day celebration. Upon his arrival, a minor ankle injury lands him in the ER of the local hospital when his godmother insists a doctor should examine it.

After her parents’ untimely deaths, Dr. Vivian Miller moved from Sacramento to Marietta with her siblings. Apart from the freezing cold and rampant gossiping, life in town is uneventful. Until a music teacher at the local high school brings her godson to the ER. Vivian has a soft spot for children and hurries to help, only to find the “godson” is an opinionated, rude journalist with no visible injury to his foot.

Vivian has no time for journalists, even the drop-dead gorgeous kind. Aiden isn’t in town for long, but he quickly becomes involved in the lovely doctor’s problems, something he’s sworn will never happen again. Will these two strangers end up finding a home together at the foot of Copper Mountain?

Winter’s Haunting Pledge by Leigh Ann Edwards (Muse)

Release Date: January 31, 2023

Maidens of the Mystical Stones, Book 2

By winter’s end, will she survive the sworn pledge or be forever haunted?

Newlywed, Rhianwyn Mulryan is blissfully happy. But a magical pact she made with three close friends foretells the impending end of her enchanted life. Over the next year, as the seasons change, the women will exchange lives. With the first transformation, Rhianwyn will experience her friend Selena’s life as a harlot where she’ll need to fend off the cruel brothel owner and evade a mysterious murderer. Worse still, until she’s herself again, Rhianwyn must battle the powerful attraction to her husband, Broccan—or risk destroying everything she loves most.

Celebrated knight Sir Broccan Mulryan is unexpectedly content in his harmonious life with his beautiful wife. But jealous rivalries and disturbing visits from his past force a dangerous journey to another kingdom. Upon returning, Broccan is distressed to find his beloved Rhianwyn completely changed. Not only that, but he’s suddenly absurdly attracted to her best friend, a harlot.

As winter’s chill descends, the fires of friendship and romance flicker. Can true love weather the season? Or will the magical spell destroy them all?

AUTUMN’S MAGICAL PACT: Release day blog post featuring Leigh Ann Edwards!

Hello everyone. I’m Leigh Ann Edwards, and I’m absolutely thrilled to be back on the Tule blog. It’s been nearly a year since my last time here. I’m from Alberta, Canada and like so many places, we’ve had an especially hot summer. I’m really happy autumn has arrived. I love the colors of the changing leaves, the smell in the air, the crisp, cooler nights and lovely warm days. I’ve developed a sun intolerance so summers have become challenging. 

I’m so excited for release day of Autumn’s Magical Pact, the first installment in my five book, Maidens of the Mystical Stones series. It’s also my only granddaughter’s fifteenth birthday, so today is doubly special. I’m looking forward to getting this book out to readers. I’m very grateful to Tule Publishing for letting me continue to tell my stories, and to the amazing Tule team for all they do. 

Like my previous three series, this is historical-fantasy romance. Maidens of the Mystical Stones takes place during medieval times in the small fictional village of Hengebury, near Stonehenge (then called the sunstones.) Unlike my other series, I haven’t determined an actual time period for this one, but it’s before the Saxon kingdoms united to form England–– so prior to the tenth century. 

The story follows four young women with diverse personalities and from extremely different backgrounds. (healer, harlot, castle servant and princess.) Brought together by shared tragic circumstances, they become most unlikely friends. 

As with many times throughout history, during this era, sometimes called the middle ages or dark ages, women had few rights and were often forced to marry at a young age and usually not someone they’d choose to wed. 

The main heroine, Rhianwyn Albray, (pronounced Ree-on-wen) is beautiful and desired by many men. A skilled healer, she’s the most grounded of the four friends. However, she’s already lost her betrothed, a knight who was killed in battle. She was with her mother when she hemorrhaged and died during childbirth. Her father has recently mysteriously disappeared. Understandably, Rhianwyn’s terrified to let herself care for anyone again fearing she’ll lose them, too. She also is afraid to become with child should she die in childbed, like her mother (and one in three other women.)

She wants to remain living alone and continuing her healing. She doesn’t want to marry––certainly not the arrogant, demanding Irishman who’s inherited Brockwell Manor. No matter how delightfully handsome and sexy he is… or how attracted they are to one another. When he requests the king’s permission to wed her, she’s definitely not pleased. Unfortunately, she’ll have no say in it…unless she can talk him out of it and get him to go to the king and revoke his offer of marriage.  

Elspeth Jory is an amusing but headstrong, opinionated, and rather promiscuous castle servant who’s equally attracted to men and women. She’ll soon be forced to marry the sheriff’s unlikeable and abusive son. His first wife died under suspicious circumstances. It’s believed he killed her. 

Selena Lovelace is gentle, kind, sweet and empathetic. Although she’s the most timid and naïve of the friends, she has owes a debt to a brothel owner and has no choice but to become a harlot like her mother. Even though her mother was murdered when working in the same brothel. 

Princess Lilliana, who’s regal (and snobbish) has an especially lonely life. She longs for male attention. Her father (the king) ignores her. Having to remain chaste, she’s disallowed from being near men. Of course, that doesn’t mean she heeds that rule. She’ll soon journey to Wales (Cymru) to marry a Welsh prince she’s never even met. 

This story’s hero, Broccan Mulryan, a tall, muscular, handsome, notably charming Irishman, has come to Wessex to honor his friend and distant cousin, Anslem Brockwell’s, dying wish––to make sure his betrothed is taken care of. He hopes Broccan will fall in love with her and that they’ll marry. Broccan isn’t looking for love, doesn’t really want to marry, and it’s doubtful he’ll long to remain in Wessex, even if he will inherit a grand manor house and a considerably large land holding. 

Anslem’s spirit’s been coming to Broccan. He’ll clearly give him no peace until he follows through. He swears once Broccan meets lovely Rhianwyn he’ll be entranced. Broccan doesn’t believe anyone could be that fascinating…until he meets her. 

Each of the four woman dreads their own future, yet envies the other women in some regards. If only they could trade places. When they meet in the mystical stone circle for the last time before their lives all change, a magical old crone offers them the opportunity to actually switch lives with each friend, for one season, will they agree to the binding pact? It must be unanimous or the old woman won’t perform the spell.

Here’s a snippet from Autumn’s Magical Pact. To set up this scene, Broccan and Rhianwyn have met a few times. There’s an undeniable attraction but she’s a common-born healer and he’s a wealthy lord. She doesn’t want to encourage any relationship with him. (This is before he’s been granted permission to wed her.)

Rhianwyn’s invited Elspeth and Selena, Maxim, the huntsman, and Keyon, the minstrel, for rabbit stew outside her small cottage. When Broccan shows up with freshly baked bread and butter to contribute to the meal, Rhianwyn feels obliged to invite him, too. They’ve all enjoyed an evening of merriment. The minstrel’s playing his lute and singing. Some people are dancing.



Rhianwyn was distracted watching the others dance and didn’t notice Broccan approach. 

“Will you honor me with a dance, Maiden Albray?” he asked.

She inhaled his enticing masculine scent thinking it was dangerous to get any closer especially when she was dizzy with drink. 

“I don’t really dance.” Her tongue felt thick. 

“I beg to differ. I saw you dancin’ twice this very day.”

“Dancing with Selena, or in the rain with children isn’t the same,” she further argued.

“Then pretend I’m a child and the rain’s fallin’ down upon us even now.”

“That’s absurd,” she said, staring up at him looking tall, brawny, and gloriously handsome. 

Undeterred, he clasped her hand and lifted her to her feet. He took her arm and pulled her closer than she expected.

“I’d like you to be as at ease as you were with those children…to one day feel entirely uninhibited with me,” Broccan whispered in her ear. His lips near her skin made her tingle from scalp to toes. 

“I wouldn’t hold my breath,” she said coolly. “I don’t intend to get that close to any man.”

“You’ve obviously never known an Irishman’s tenacity.”

“This dance is a bit friendlier than I might like.”

“You don’t like bein’ friendly, then?” He gazed down at her. 

By the firelight his eyes were mesmerizing, his presence magnetic, his embrace enthralling. 

“Is this how you dance in Ireland?”

“It is when a man wishes to kiss a woman but doubts she’ll permit it and dancin’ is second to what he really wants to do…or perhaps third,” he said boldly with an arched eyebrow. She pulled from his arms and walked away. He came after her. 

“I apologize. I’ve had too much to drink. I spoke without thinkin’ it through. Don’t be riled with me, Maiden Albray.”

“You should find a lady, Lord Brockwell…someone of your kind. You needn’t mingle with common-born. I’m certain there’s a good many women of your standing who’d marry you, dance with you…or more. I thank you for the food and…”

“Rhianwyn.” He dared to call her by her given name. The way he said it only made her tingle more. “I don’t want to hang about with lords and ladies. I much prefer this type of gatherin’ and if I’m bein’ truthful, you’re the most captivatin’ woman I’ve ever met. Please dance with me. You have my word I won’t speak of kissin’ you.”

Though they wouldn’t hear what was being said, Elspeth and Selena watched closely. Maxim looked like if she gave him the word, he’d see Broccan Mulryan sorry if he didn’t step away. 

She smiled, reassuring the others. Keyon continued to sing. Not wanting to cause a stir, Rhianwyn took Broccan’s hand again. This time he kept an acceptable distance between them and bowed graciously when the dance was over. 

Later that evening after everyone left, Broccan returned. 

Rhianwyn had forgotten to have Maxim carry the table in. She lifted up a corner and dropped it with a thud. It was too heavy for her to even attempt dragging it.

“I’ll carry the table in if you wish.”

She turned quickly, startled by his voice for the dogs hadn’t barked. 

“It can wait,” she said.

Still, Broccan walked nearer. “No one stayed to help you clear up?”

“They were all a bit drunk.” She shrugged. “I don’t mind.”

“Let me carry the table in,” he insisted.

She finally nodded and he picked up the weighty table with ease. She motioned to where it should be placed and he set it down. 

“Is there anythin’ else you’d like me to do?” His eyes briefly went to the bed. 

“Thanks for your assistance, but I’ll be going to bed soon.”

He grinned as though to say that’s what he’d been suggesting, but he only went out the door, then peeked back in, smiling.

“I liked our dance very much, Rhianwyn.”

“You’re uncommonly audacious, Lord Brockwell…both in using my given name and in speaking so forwardly.”

“With a straight face tell me you disapprove entirely. With no blush in those lovely cheeks.” He dared to step inside again, reached out, brushed a strand of hair from her face and her entire body hummed with need. He gently tilted her chin and lowered his head to hers but she stepped away. She yearned to have his lips on hers but if that happened she had no doubt it wouldn’t end there, but with him in her bed. She wasn’t sure if she was glad or disappointed that Maxim would soon be back for the dogs. But it was enough of a deterrent for her to discourage Broccan’s advances. 

“Leave straightaway!” she ordered.

“Before I weaken your resolve and you permit me to kiss you?”

“You’re incorrigible!” Still, she smirked. 

“Would you be more inclined to agree to a kiss if I promise to leave straight after?”

“Now!” She pointed to the door.

This time Champion went to Rhianwyn’s side, obviously sensing her impatience. 

“I’d never hurt her, old boy.” Broccan chanced petting the dog’s head and again moved so close he could have kissed her. “Good night, Rhianwyn.”

“Good night, Lord Brockwell.” 

He left and she closed the door after all four dogs came inside.

Damn that man for making her want the kiss…and more. 


I hope everyone has a wonderful autumn. It’s my favorite season and I’m hoping it lasts a while this year. I’m not looking forward to winter. Here on the Canadian prairies summer can be very hot, but our winters are extremely long. We sometimes have snow for six or seven months. Last winter was brutal––the worst I ever recall.

 I think I’d like to trade places with someone who lives somewhere with a moderate climate–– probably Ireland. But I wouldn’t trade seeing my grandchildren, who live nearby…even for Ireland.

I’ll be back January 31/23 for the release of Winter’s Haunting Pledge, book 2 in the Maidens of the Mystical Stones series. 

Until then, magical wishes! 

Leigh Ann


About the Author

Leigh Ann Edwards has always been fascinated by history, magic, romance, witches and Ireland which all inspired her first series, The Irish Witch Series. Growing up in a very small Manitoba town on the Canadian prairies allowed lots of time to create stories and let her imagination soar. Now writing her third series with Tule Publishing, Leigh Ann also loves reading, traveling, spending time with her four grandchildren, doing intuitive readings and reiki.

Leigh Ann lives with her husband, their two very large dogs and two cats near Edmonton Alberta, Canada.

Tule Publishing September 2022 Releases

Read more about our new releases for September!

GIVEAWAY: We will pick ONE winner to receive a digital book of their choice from the September releases. Comment down below saying which book you’re looking most forward to reading! Giveaway is open INTERNATIONALLY. The winner will be randomly selected at the end of the month.


The Texas Cowboy’s Proposal by Debra Holt (Texas Born)

Release Date: September 1, 2022

Texas Heritage, Book 1

They had a foolproof plan…until one little girl got involved.

Sammi Jo Burkitt’s formidable grandmother’s will is pushing Sammi Jo to the brink. Yes, the feisty cowgirl can keep the ranching empire known as Aces High, which has been the family birthright for two centuries, but she must marry her rival and stay married for three years as part of the deal. Say no, and Aces High goes on the auction block.

Beaudry Hawkes wants nothing to do with the high and mighty Burkitts. Until the day Sammi Jo shows up on his doorstep with a proposition no one in their right mind would refuse: wear her ring, then accept thousands of acres of rich ranch land and a tidy sum of three million dollars when they part ways. The windfall could change everything for his daughter’s future.

But eight-year-old Lacy is becoming attached to the idea of one happy family. Nothing short of a true marriage between the two can make her dreams come true. Can Sammi Jo and Beaudry find their freedom and love too?

The Lady’s Guide to Death and Deception by Katherine Cowley (Tule Mystery)

Release Date: September 6, 2022

The Secret Life of Mary Bennet, Book 3

What is a spy willing to do when both her heart and her country are at risk?

Life changes once again for British spy Miss Mary Bennet when Napoleon Bonaparte escapes from the Isle of Elba. Mary quickly departs England for Brussels, the city where the Allied forces prepare for war against the French. But shortly after her arrival, one of the Duke of Wellington’s best officers is murdered, an event which threatens to break the delicate alliance between the Allies.

Investigating the murder forces Mary into precarious levels of espionage, role-playing, and deception with her new partner, Mr. Withrow—the nephew and heir of her prominent sponsor, and the spy with whom she’s often at odds. Together, they court danger and discovery as they play dual roles gathering intelligence for the British. But soon Mary realizes that her growing feelings towards Mr. Withrow put her heart in as much danger as her life. And then there’s another murder.

Mary will need to unmask the murderer before more people are killed, but can she do so and remain hidden in the background?

Love at Meg’s Diner by Lara Van Hulzen (American Heart)

Release Date: September 7, 2022

The Endicotts of Silver Bay, Book 1

She’s running from her past…

As a former firefighter, Meg Malone lives by one rule: no dating firemen. The dangers of the job are too high, and she’s already lost too much. So, she returns home to Silver Bay, California, to take over her dad’s diner, hiding her scars and pretending she’s fine. Life is perfectly routine, predictable, and most of all, safe. Until the unpredictable happens in the form of a perfectly patient, definitely intriguing fireman.

He’s chasing a future…

Chet Endicott moved to Silver Bay to escape the expectations of his burdensome family name. Intrigued by the beautiful owner of Meg’s Diner, he can’t help but want to peel back the layers she protects herself with, but no one gets under Meg’s skin. Especially him, it seems.

When they are thrown together by their mutual passion for running, Chet sees a glimpse of the fire under all Meg’s ice, and he’s determined to fan those flames. But can Meg truly trust her heart? Or will this be the fire that consumes her?

A Cup of Autumn by Melissa McClone (American Heart)

Release Date: September 12, 2022

Silver Falls, Book 3

He thought he had the perfect plan…

When elite university professor Keaton Andrews walks into a meeting with the dean, he expects to hear that his tenure application is on track. Instead, his beloved department is cut. Regrouping in Silver Falls with family seems like his best option. One morning, he takes a risk and orders a pumpkin spice latte from the beautiful barista at the local coffee shop. Too bad she doesn’t seem to find him nearly as intriguing as he finds her…

Raine Hanover is no longer swayed by a charming smile, especially by a nerdy—and distractingly handsome—academic. She’s taking a break from romance and focusing on running her increasingly busy coffee shop. But when Raine is involuntarily put in charge of organizing the town’s Halloween bash, Keaton jumps in to help, and it’s not long before sparks, and kisses, fly.

As the leaves begin to fall, Raine wonders if she should risk taking another chance on happily ever after, especially with a man who has dreams and goals so far away from Silver Falls and her.

Second Chance Dad by Joan Kilby (Montana Born)

Release Date: September 13, 2022

Sweetheart, Montana, Book 3

Thanksgiving is a time for family…

As a young widow and mother to a three-year-old boy, Sarah Mills’s life is complicated, becoming more so when her high school sweetheart, Daniel, moves back to Montana. He left her behind after graduation and she married his brother, only needing Daniel’s services as a sperm donor when she and her husband couldn’t conceive. Now Daniel’s offering her a job as resort manager—but he wants to be part of her son’s life.

Recently retired from pro football, Daniel Hunter is tired of holding on to secrets. He badly wants a relationship with his biological son, and a second chance with the woman he never stopped loving. He builds a first-rate eco resort in Sweetheart, Montana, to give him a shot at a new life post football and proposes to Sarah, thinking it’s the most practical choice for all three of them.

Daniel still makes Sarah’s heart skip a beat, but he’s left her behind once already. She’s convinced he won’t stay this time, either, and now it’s not just her heart at risk.

Dearly Departed by Heather Novak (Muse)

Release Date: September 15, 2022

Love Me Dead, Book 3

Who would you betray to save a life?

Medium Eliza Robinson will do anything for her daughter, including working on a confidential investigation at the Supernatural Human Accountability Partnership agency with her ex—the person who killed her fiancé, Ben. She’s desperate to find out the truth about Ben’s past and what really happened the night he died, and she won’t let anyone stand in her way. Her daughter’s life depends on it.

Paris Evans knows Eliza will never forgive her role in Ben’s death, but has vowed to protect Eliza and her daughter at all costs. She can’t let anyone learn the truth about what happened that night, or who Ben really was. Not when so many lives—including her twin’s—hang in the balance.

As the investigation heats up, it reignites the fire between Eliza and Paris. These two powerful psychics—one who can communicate with the dead via letters and the other who has prophetic dreams—will risk everything to protect their loved ones and discover the traitor…even as Paris’s visions warn there may be no happy ending to their mission.

Coming Home to You by Rebecca Crowley (American Heart)

Release Date: September 19, 2022

Orchard Hill, Book 3

Midwife Mabel Antonoff is used to catching babies at short notice—just not in a busy hardware store, and definitely not alongside her high school ex. She could’ve happily gone another decade without seeing Sam Strauss, but she needs a pair of hands, and his are steady. As the ambulance leaves and the local media closes in, Mabel realizes they’re going viral—and it’s the perfect opportunity to promote her midwifery program.

Sam’s international aid career took him to the most dangerous places in the world, but he was only a block from his D.C. apartment when a distracted driver grounded his travels. Injured and off-balance, he retreats to his hometown to help sell his grandparents’ house. He wants silence and solitude—not a frenzied media tour, and absolutely not an extra minute with the ex-girlfriend who stirs up long-buried regrets.

Sam owes her, and Mabel’s determined to use their newfound fame for good—even if it means fueling speculation about their relationship. But as Rosh Hashanah nears, Mabel begins to wonder if it’s bad luck to start the new year on false pretenses…

Swipe Right for Marriage by Sinclair Jayne Sawhney (American Heart)

Release Date: September 20, 2022

Misguided Masala Matchmaker, Book 2

Who needs a husband?

Corporate attorney Shanti Kapoor is not falling into the arranged marriage trap her family has set. Too bad her skillful dodge is thwarted by her younger sister, who accidentally sets Shanti back in the sights of her law school nemesis and fiercest competitor, Rakesh Singh. She and Rakesh have a history she’d rather forget, but now she owes him a favor that Rake’s definitely collecting on. Worse, playing the part of Rakesh’s bride at Charlotte’s Festival of India dredges up emotions Shanti thought she’d forever buried.

Rakesh has goals far beyond the DA’s office in Charlotte and a strategy for every move he makes. He only hesitated once to chase something he desired—Shanti Kapoor. Not this time. Rakesh knows he’s got one shot, so when fate plays into his hands, he shamelessly seizes advantage.

Shanti and Rake are at the top of their game. Their chemistry is explosive and someone’s going to get hurt. But all’s fair in love and war—and with these two, it’s always been both.

Cowboy on the Run by Anne McAllister (Montana Born)

Release Date: September 22, 2022

The Cowboy’s Code, Book 2

World’s most eligible bachelor?

Gotta be a joke. Sure, he’s heir to a Montana ranching empire, but Rance Phillips has no intention of perpetuating the dynasty just because a lifestyle magazine and his meddling father are pushing brides-to-be down his throat. But when his path unexpectedly crosses Ellie O’Connor’s, he pulls up short.

Once his college sweetheart, strong-willed, stubborn Ellie is now a widowed mother of four. Four? Rance should be running for the hills. Instead he lingers, then settles in, determined to help save her family’s ranch for Josh, her eldest son.

Ellie doesn’t want help. She doesn’t want Rance! Well, actually she does. But he won’t stay. Not forever.

So he needs to leave now. Before she falls for him again. Before her willpower crumbles. But mostly before Rance notices that Josh looks far too much like him!

Autumn’s Magical Pact by Leigh Ann Edwards (Muse)

Release Date: September 26, 2022

Maidens of the Mystical Stones, Book 1

Can one choice alter destiny or is fate set in stone?

After her father’s unexplained disappearance, the entrancingly beautiful healer Rhianwyn Albray finds herself in a perilous position. She’s nineteen, living alone, and unwed—which, by the king’s law, is strictly forbidden. Several men rally to claim her as their bride, but when a mysterious Irishman, Lord Broccan Mulryan, requests the king’s permission to wed her, Rhianwyn immediately objects. Though he is handsome and there is an undeniable physical attraction, he’s also demanding, arrogant, and not husband material.

Rhianwyn meets with her three closest friends, Elspeth, Selena, and Lilliana, at the mystical stone circle near their small English village. Bemoaning their inevitable and undesired fates, each presumes the others will fare better. Then a peculiar old crone offers them a magical opportunity to trade lives—a binding pact that will forever change them, their friendships, and their destinies.

With a world of possibilities ahead of her, Rhianwyn must decide: is there a future for her with Lord Broccan?

Beneath the Sapphire Sky by Dakota Harrison (Holiday)

Release Date: September 27, 2022

With Love, From Kurrajong Crossing, Book 5

They’ve known each other for years…

Born and raised on adjacent family vineyards, and inseparable since childhood, there’s not much Belle Davis and Dante Casellati don’t know about each other. That crush Belle had on him in her teens? Dante knows about it. Dante’s confirmed bachelor stance? Belle’s heard it all before. And each believes the other is happy with the status quo.

Used to pushing aside her own dreams and desires out of duty to her ailing mother, Belle dismisses all hope of her and Dante ever being in the same place at the same time emotionally, until Dante’s prodigal brother returns to Kurrajong Crossing and makes a play for her. Dante’s jealousy finally prompts him to act on the attraction to Belle he’s been ignoring for years. Taking their relationship one step further, life is bliss…until tragedy strikes Belle’s family. As tensions rise and hope of a happy outcome fades fast, Belle’s guilt estranges her and Dante for the first time in their lives.

Can they salvage their love, or will harsh words and the fear of truly letting one another in ruin everything?

Wishing for Mr. Right by Sarah Vance-Tompkins (American Heart)

Release Date: September 29, 2022

The Adair Family, Book 2

When you wish upon a star, sometimes your dreams come true…

When her high-rise career tanks, urbanite Dacey Adair returns to her northern Michigan hometown of Christmas Tree Cove in need of a reset. Early one morning while prepping for her seasonal job on a fishing charter, Dacey makes a half-hearted wish on the harvest moon to bring her the man of her dreams.

A few blinks later, she finds a naked man clinging to her boat.

Local heartthrob Luke La Fontaine has led a charmed life. He’s recently become famous for his TikTok videos demonstrating the art of cheesemaking while surrounded by adorable farm animals. His handmade, small batch cheese is much sought-after by foodies. But what he really needs is a business strategy.

It’s the perfect recipe to set Dacey back on the path to success, but as she and Luke spend more time together, her goals blur. Is this an off-season fling or will their connection age to perfection?

Tule Author Q&A: Leigh Ann Edwards was inspired by Ireland!

Leigh Ann Edwards stopped by the Tule blog to discuss the fourth book in The Witches of Time series, The Witch’s Reckoning!


Where did you get the inspiration for The Witch’s Reckoning?

Much like with my Irish Witch series and the first three books in the Witches of Time series, the inspiration for the Witch’s Reckoning stemmed from my love of Ireland, witches, faeries, dragons––all things mythical or supernatural. I also combined those elements with my interest in time travel and my desire to create powerful, poignant, steamy love stories between fated soulmates. 

 I’m sometimes inspired by listening to Celtic music or looking at photos I’ve taken during trips to Ireland and other locations in the UK and Massachusetts. I also drew on memories of the many different castles I’ve toured and the beautiful rolling green hills, majestic cliffs, stunning land formations and enchanted forests I saw in Ireland.


This is the final book in The Witches of Time series. How do each of your heroines, Alainn, Arianna, Ainsley and Angelique differ from each other? How are they the same?

Although the four witches are exactly the same age, twenty-two, even born on the same date, albeit in four different centuries, Alainn is probably the most mature and thought of as the leader of the group since the other three are her descendants. Alainn is from the sixteenth century and has been through a lot in her short life. She’s learned to mostly control her temper, calm her jealousy, hold her tongue and choose her battles. She and Killian have been together the longest, already married for five years and in love for much of their lives. They also experienced a tragic heartache when they lost their newborn son which changed them both. It nearly broke up  their marriage but they worked through it. They also suffered some other really traumatic experiences that most couples wouldn’t have survived which might be why Alainn is less liable to stress about the small things. That’s not to say she isn’t really headstrong at times. 

In appearance, Alainn has golden blonde hair and very blue eyes. As far as unique supernatural abilities, Alainn is the air witch and is capable of magical healing. She can also fly and create whirlwinds and tornadoes. 

Arianna is from the late seventeenth century during the witch hunts in Massachusetts. She and Darius have been married about three and a half years. They had to fight to be together, too. Arianna is likely the most hot-tempered of the four witches and quite spirited. But she’s also extremely protective of those she loves and really funny, sometimes sarcastic, which provides some comedic moments. She’s very jealous which is a trait all transcendent witches share. Arianna has unusual scarlet colored hair and striking green eyes. Arianna is the fire witch and the only witch who can create purple hellfire which can’t be extinguished by water. 

Ainsley is from the nineteenth century. She is usually fairly calm and sensible. She keeps her wits about her during a crisis. She had to learn to do so in order to excel as a skilled Civil War nurse. She is also an experienced midwife. Ainsley is very giving and understanding, but also really strong-willed when pushed. She has a dry sense of humor. She and Cal have been married for two years and were fated to live apart but they beat the odds and cherish being together again. Ainsley has shiny, jet black hair and large expressive brown eyes. Ainsley is the earth witch. She can cause earthquakes and create deep crevasses. She can also summon people or items from any century in time. 

Angelique is from modern times/ the twenty-first century. She’s probably the least predictable of the four witches. She’s kind, loving and generous, but also has a quick temper and a jealous streak. Initially, really meek and accommodating, she now speaks her mind, is sometimes sarcastic and has some very funny sayings. She also swears quite a lot which isn’t really acceptable for a woman during the sixteenth century where The Witch’s Reckoning takes place. Angelique and Faolan have been together just over a year and also face lots of difficulties. She has curly auburn hair and deep blue eyes often compared to Alainn’s. Angelique is the water witch. Water heals her wounds and she can heal others when they’re near her in water. She controls water and creates tidal waves and hurricanes. 

The four witches are similar in that they’re all very intelligent, uncommonly beautiful, magical and remarkably passionate in their lives and their love lives. They’re best friends, really close, like sisters. They defend each other and speak up for women or anyone who’s oppressed, abused or undermined. 

They can all magically disappear or move to another location, move items, control weather and animals, speak through telepathy, see and talk to spirits and have powerful premonitions. 


What kind of research did you need to do for this story?

Actually, this story required the least amount of research of any of my books. I spent so much time researching for The Irish Witch series and the first three books in The Witches of Time––what they wore during each time period, the homes they lived in, what they ate, how they spoke, what type of weapons they had, what history occurred during each era, etc. that for this installment it only required reading over sections of my other books and some of my previous notes to refresh my memory. 

Also, in this story, although the witches are back in time, they had all lived in the future for a while, therefore I didn’t feel the need to be quite so diligent about using words I didn’t believe they’d say during the sixteenth century. They were accustomed to hearing or using modern words/expressions. 

I did do some research of different mythological creatures because several took part in the battle between light and dark magic.


Are your characters set before you begin writing or do you let them develop as you go along? What did that development process look like for this series?

I do have many aspects of each character decided when I begin the story. However, they always surprise me along the way. I kind of let them develop as they go. Sometimes I even question, would they really react that way when they might not have earlier in this story or in another book. They change and grow throughout the series and I believe their relationships with their men and each other tend to influence how they behave. 

Living in the future for a while and getting closer to Angelique who has spent her entire life in an era when women have more rights and freedoms does impact the other witches, too. Though always strong-willed or determined, sometimes even stubborn as individuals, with the four of them together they tend to band together which causes some amusing or difficult moments for the witches’ men. 

Their friendships developed so seamlessly through the book that I just let them go with it. However, it wasn’t a sickeningly sweet friendship between any of them where they never disagreed or didn’t call the others out if they were being difficult. They supported each other through the good and bad times.

The heroes and secondary characters all developed close relationships, as well. I enjoyed the camaraderie and joking between the men, too. They backed their women and their friends knowing they’d need to count on each other during the high stakes of the perilous battle they’d be part of between light and dark magic against the Dark Lord Odhran.

What are you currently reading?

I’m nearly done The Irish Heritage by my friend, Irish author, Carole Mondragon. I’ve also just started reading A Viking’s Shadow by fellow Tule author, HL Marsay and I’m currently listening to the audio book, The Way Home by Eliana West, another Tule author. 

Additionally, I’m really excited to be writing my new four book series with Tule, titled Maidens of the Mystical Stones. The first book, Autumn’s Magical Pact, will be available September 26/22.  

I look forward to being back next fall to discuss the series. Until then, wishing you many magical, memorable moments. 


About the Author

Leigh Ann Edwards has always been fascinated by history, magic, romance, witches and Ireland which all inspired her first series, The Irish Witch Series. Growing up in a very small Manitoba town on the Canadian prairies allowed lots of time to create stories and let her imagination soar. Now writing her third series with Tule Publishing, Leigh Ann also loves reading, traveling, spending time with her four grandchildren, doing intuitive readings and reiki.

Leigh Ann lives with her husband, their two very large dogs and two cats near Edmonton Alberta, Canada.

Tule Publishing October 2021 Releases

Read more about our new releases for October!

GIVEAWAY: We will pick ONE winner to receive a digital book of their choice from the October releases. Comment down below saying which book you’re looking most forward to reading! Giveaway is open INTERNATIONALLY. The winner will be randomly selected at the end of the month.


The Witch’s Reckoning by Leigh Ann Edwards (Muse)

Release Date: October 4, 2021

The Witches of Time, Book 4

They’ve prevailed against the greatest of odds, but will the ultimate battle lead to their reckoning?

The beautiful Irish witch Alainn O’Brien and her husband Killian, a handsome warrior chieftain, have been in love most of their lives. While danger has followed the gifted witch and her sovereign guardian ruthlessly and relentlessly, their love and commitment have always saved them. But now, finally returned to their castle, they and the other witches and guardians must face what may be their greatest challenge yet—the long-predicted battle between light and dark magic.

With death in the air, secrets revealed, others concealed and a spell of discontent placed upon the chiefdom, threatening even the strongest relationships, Alainn and Killian’s troubles grow exponentially. When they receive an ominous invitation to meet with the infamous Dark Lord Odhran, they must decide if it’s worth the risk.

To defeat Odhran, they’ll need to band together and combine their powers, crossing the realms of time and pushing the boundaries of magic. Who’ll live to see the battle and who’ll live through it?

Christmas Ever After by Clare Connelly (American Heart)

Release Date: October 6, 2021

Cape Hope, Book 2

He once chose her happiness over his. Can this Christmas be their second chance?

Cassidy Hanna never felt like she belonged in Cape Hope, so she fled town and heartbreak ten years ago for a new life in Manhattan and everything she ever dreamed of—a great job and the perfect boyfriend. Only she’s never felt emptier and more alone. When her beloved grandfather falls ill, she knows she must push aside the past and return home to help.

Letting Cassidy go without a fight was the hardest thing Cape Hope doctor Phoenix Walker had ever done. Even as his own life fell apart, he lied and encouraged her to fly far from home to live out her dreams. Now Cassidy’s back—just for Christmas—and Phoenix wonders if they can have a second chance at a happy ever after…even if it’s just for the holiday.

Ending on a Die Note by Nancy Robards Thompson (Tule Mystery)

Release Date: October 7, 2021

The Wedding Bell Mysteries, Book 3

All the world’s a stage, and all the men and women merely killers…

Everybody’s talking about Hemlock’s annual fall festival’s headliner band, ShakesPierre. Everyone but Tess Harrison, whose breakup with Pierre, the lead singer, left them both singing the blues years ago. And now that Pierre is back, he’s publicly putting his feelings for Tess in the spotlight.

So when Pierre ends up stabbed in the alley outside Tess’s bakery, she’s the number one suspect—especially since she’s famously known for her quality kitchen knives. But the evidence strikes a false note with Maddie and Jenna Bell, who are determined to clear their friend’s name and make sure the real murderer plays…uh, pays for his crime.

The clues lead them out of Hemlock and into danger far outside of Sheriff Jackson Bradley’s jurisdiction. Can Maddie save everyone before the real killer strikes back and Tess goes down for a crime she didn’t commit?

The Christmas Fix Up by Barbara Ankrum (American Heart)

Release Date: October 11, 2021

The Guardian Angel Chronicles, Book 2

Heaven made a mistake. Can one clumsy, rebellious angel right a wrong by Christmas Eve without losing her heart?

Angel Elspeth Aloysious is hidden in celestial clerical work to avoid painful memories when her mentor sends her on her first earthly mingle. Her task—open the closed heart of the handsome and busy Sam Wynter so his daughter can have a new mother before she drifts too far from her destiny. Elle has one week and one rule—don’t fall for Sam.

Sam Wynter has no intention of remarrying. Instead, he’s focused on raising his daughter Molly and building his career. But when he meets a captivating and beautiful stranger in town for the holidays, he rediscovers joy and a sense of fun with Elle through donating his time and skills to those in need. Both Sam and Molly quickly bond with the sparkling Elle, and Sam starts to dream of a different future.

The clock is ticking down on Elle’s time on Earth. Can these two mismatched soulmates, who are worlds apart, find their happy ever after?

Love and Latkes by Stacey Agdern (American Heart)

Release Date: October 12, 2021

Friendships and Festivals, Book 3

You can’t make a latke without breaking a few eggs…  

Batya Averman is ecstatic when a latke fry-off committee chooses her as its web designer—until she learns the event is in Rivertown, New York, the hometown she fled years ago. But she’s no longer the girl with an embarrassing history and an unrequited crush on Abe Neumann. This delicious competition is Batya’s chance to further her career, and this time she won’t run.

Abe Neumann can’t pass up the opportunity to enter the town’s latke contest. He dreams of throwing caution to the wind and leaving his accounting firm, opening a Jewish deli, and choosing his own happiness. The prize money would bring him closer to making his dream a reality, but when Batya comes back to town, Abe remembers that a deli isn’t the only thing he’s wished for.

When the fry-off’s celebrity host has to pull out of the competition, Batya is determined to step up to the challenge. This Hanukkah, can Abe fix the past and convince Batya that dreams, like latkes, are better when they’re shared?

A Ghostly Shadow by H L Marsay (Tule Mystery)

Release Date: October 14, 2021

Chief Inspector Shadow Mystery, Book 3

Sometimes the past comes back to haunt you…

This Halloween, the notorious rivalry between York’s iconic ghost walk tour guides spirals out of control when the body of one guide dressed as the infamous highwayman Dick Turpin is found hanging from a tree. A few days later, his partner, who plays Guy Fawkes, is killed by an explosion of gunpowder at their office.

Detective Chief Inspector John Shadow is a man of contradictions. A solitary figure who notices the smallest details about other people, but endeavours to avoid their company. A lover of good food, but whose fridge is almost always empty. Although he would prefer to work alone, he is assisted by his eager and easygoing partner Sergeant Jimmy Chang. Despite a sprained ankle, a stray cat and an impromptu trip to Oxford, the two men investigate the shocking murders that have York on edge. Are the murders the work of a madman or a business feud?

And then the killer strikes again.

Lighting Up Christmas by Sinclair Jayne (American Heart)

Release Date: October 18, 2021

It’s her first Christmas alone…

Spending her first holiday without her large, loud family allows electrician Riley Flanagan more time to find commercial clients for Flanagan & Sons, the third-generation family business she’s taking over. But when the town council nixes her Christmas-themed light garden, she approaches new-to-town entrepreneur and vintner Zhang Shi, hoping to land him and his not yet open winery as a client. He’s not interested, but Riley never gives up that easily.

It’s his first Christmas celebration…

Zhang Shi bought a mountainside property and planted a vineyard to escape his corporate life in the Bay Area and reconnect with his nature-loving grandfather. Fiercely independent and private, Zhang reluctantly calls Riley to rig an emergency electrical fix shortly before he entertains some colleagues. Zhang’s determined to avoid the town’s Christmas celebrations, but Riley is hard to refuse and impossible to ignore. And as she pulls him closer into the tight-knit community, he’s no longer sure he wants to.

A Texas Christmas Miracle by Justine Davis (Texas Born)

Release Date: October 19, 2021

The Raffertys of Last Stand, Book 2

Two people who don’t believe in Christmas or miracles…

Retired from special forces and back on his family’s Texas ranch, Chance Rafferty’s finally found some peace through creating a foundation to rescue and retrain military K-9s thought to be beyond redemption. He prefers to be left alone with his dogs and his work, but when a woman arrives shortly before Christmas looking for the dog that saved her husband’s life, Chance is astonished at the dog’s—and his own—response to her.

Though it’s been years, Ariel Larson still dreads the Christmas season because it marks the anniversary of her deployed husband’s death. When she learns her husband’s K-9 partner survived combat, Ariel feels she’s been given a lifeline to escape her grief. She suddenly has a sense of purpose she’s been desperately missing. But she never expected the man determined to rehabilitate the traumatized animal would have such a stunning impact on her own life.

Can these two wounded hearts come together to create their own Christmas miracle?

Jingle Jammies by Robyn Neeley (American Heart)

Release Date: October 20, 2021

She’ll find her true love in a snowfall…

Or so Charlie Dobbs’s late mother always predicted. But surely that prophecy didn’t apply to towing a famous pajama designer out of a ditch. Besides, Charlie has no time for love—the season always has its share of wrecks, her schedule is packed with Elfcapade festivities, and she’s ditching her mechanic overalls and moving to New York City right after Christmas.

Spencer Carmichael would rather be in the Bahamas, but his famous holiday pajamas have failed for the second year in a row. He’ll need a fresh attitude to overcome this creative block, but the only thing he’s finding in his hometown is a fascination with the woman who saved him from a snowbank. In order to spend more time with Charlie, he offers to take on her never-ending to-do list in exchange for her designing his pajamas.

But partnerships that last beyond Christmas Day require trust. Can Charlie and Spencer put aside the fabric and bows and December trimmings long enough to discover what they really need this Christmas?

Christmas in Full Bloom by Denise N. Wheatley (American Heart)

Release Date: October 21, 2021

This Christmas, can they slow down long enough to smell the roses and fall in love?

When savvy, up-and-coming floral designer Lauren Beal returns home to Maple Valley, Michigan, for her sister’s holiday wedding, she’s determined to be the perfect maid of honor. She didn’t expect the best man to be the college crush she’d reluctantly left behind to pursue her Chicago-based dreams.

Family practice doctor Mel Jennings always knew he’d remain rooted in Maple Valley to work for his father’s clinic. He happily juggles his demanding practice with philanthropic endeavors that connect him to his tight-knit community. Sparks fly when he reunites with Lauren, the one who ran away. As they enjoy Maple Valley’s Christmas festivities, Mel remembers how close they once were. But can they ever have a future?

Lauren finds herself falling for Mel and suspects the feelings are mutual. Yet they’re both pulled in different directions by work and family. Will the pair find a moment alone during the hectic holiday season to figure things out, or will they miss their chance at love once again?

On Christmas Tree Cove by Sarah Vance-Tompkins (American Heart)

Release Date: October 27, 2021

The Adair Family, Book 1

This Christmas calls for a special touch of magic…

December was always a special time for seaplane pilot Morgan Adair, but after losing her parents six years ago, the holiday is a quiet affair. When her siblings announce plans to sell the family home, Morgan longs to experience her favorite, now-forgotten tradition one more time: a lighted tree that, for over a hundred years, has appeared floating on a boat in the harbor every Christmas Eve.

The Taylors were always rivals to the Adairs in the once-thriving fishing village of Christmas Tree Cove, but Jesse Taylor was much more. He wanted to be understanding when Morgan set aside their plans to escape to Chicago in order to hold her family together, but his future as a successful freelance photographer soared on without her.

As Morgan dives deeper into the history of the mysterious holiday appearance, she discovers that true love has always been at the heart of the annual tradition. Can the wonder of Christmas and a few surprises along the way rekindle that love for Morgan and Jesse too?

A Casterglass Christmas by Kate Hewitt (Holiday)

Release Date: October 28, 2021

Keeping Up with the Penryns, Book 1

To save Casterglass, all the Penryn children will need to return home, rebuild their lives among the ruins, and find love that has proved elusive…

The Penryn family have always been eccentric—living in a dilapidated castle in the wilds of Cumbria with an orchid-mad father and a classicist mother who likes to re-enact Greek myths, who wouldn’t be? Penniless and proud, patriarch Walter Penryn resists selling his birthright and family legacy until taxes, bills, and the need for a new roof force him to reconsider.

Well-heeled Londoner Althea Penryn doesn’t expect a divorce and job hunt over the Christmas holidays, but her husband claims he’s done and the prenup is solid. She packs up her reluctant teenage children and heads home to Casterglass Castle to confront the ghosts of her past—including the real one her mother claims lives in the old guard tower. And then there’s her unexpected romance with local sheep farmer, John Braithwaite, who is everything her adulterous, solicitor ex-husband isn’t.

This Christmas, amid the renovation and potential heartbreak of losing her family home, can Althea find a new purpose and the happiness that has so long eluded her?

THE WITCH’S JOURNEY: Release day blog post featuring Leigh Ann Edwards

I’m really happy to be back on the Tule blog. It’s release day for The Witch’s Journey, book three in my Witches of Time series and I’m very excited. I enjoyed writing this book so much. It was such a lot of fun. Although I never write anything but historical fantasy, much of this book has a modern-day setting and the heroine’s from the present. 

Angelique’s also a witch. Hopelessly unlucky in love, on her best-friend’s suggestion, she uses a spell to summon her perfect man. Little does she know she’ll evoke Captain Faolan Mahoney––an eighteenth century Irish pirate. Angelique originally intends to return Faolan to his time during the next full moon when her magic’s strongest. They just have to fight the powerful attraction and not fall in love in the next four weeks.

It’s not exactly your typical contemporary novel, but it was great to include modern sayings and reference television, movies, songs and technology. It’s especially funny to see Faolan’s reaction to some items or when he tries to figure out what Angelique’s talking about. Her refers to the washer as the spinning machine and calls the TV, the odd shiny black mirror. 

Angelique is equally or even more out of her element when they go back to Faolan’s time and she experiences a taste of the dangerous life in the seventeen hundreds. Being a self-proclaimed germaphobe and peace-loving humanitarian creates problems for her with both the lack of sanitation and violence. Together, Angelique and Faolan time travel to three different centuries.

I’m absolutely thrilled with this book’s cover. Although I love them all, this is my favorite of the series. Pink’s always been my signature color with purple a close second so when I saw the mock-up, I was very pleased. I also love how the designer captured several different time periods.  

I enjoyed developing the main characters, writing their amusing banter, their emotional love story and including characters from previous books in this Witches of Time series and the Irish Witch series.  Another of my favorite parts of writing The Witch’s Journey was creating a little creature called an elgnorf––part elf, gnome and dwarf. He’s Angelique’s magical guide and much like a grumpy garden gnome. He’s cranky, sarcastic and impatient, but when Angelique gives it right back to him, they eventually develop a sweet friendship.

 I’ve always loved garden gnomes. There was one left with our house when we bought it. My husband joked that was why I wanted this house. My daughter also gave me another little gnome in a plant one Mother’s Day. Although they’re friendly-looking, not like the elgnorf from my story, both of my gnomes were the inspiration for creating this amusing character.  

It brings me joy envisioning and creating these magical worlds, fantastical creatures, interesting characters and love stories. I’ve especially appreciated writing this series during the rigid restrictions during Covid. I could just get lost in my writing and escape the real world. I’m from Alberta Canada. It’s been an especially hot, dry summer here. Having a severe sun sensitivity has also allowed me time to just stay inside and write. 

This May my family experienced a tragic loss. My son-in-law passed from cancer only twelve days after a terminal diagnosis. Understandably, it’s been really tough for my daughter and grandchildren who are thirteen and sixteen. There’s never a good time to lose a parent, but the teenage years are especially hard. Even though we’re aware life has no guarantees and we never know how long we have, it’s still such a shock when it happens close to home. So many have lost loved ones due to Covid, also. It’s a stark reminder to enjoy the time we do have which is an ongoing theme for Angelique and Faolan, too. 

I’m hoping to find a better balance with my writing and homelife. I provide parttime childcare for my two younger grandchildren before and after school or overnight as my daughter works shiftwork and her husband works away. I also homeschool my eldest grandson, but still I often find myself spending more time with the characters in my books than the special people in my life. 

With my upcoming series I intend to focus on treating my writing as a job, not a full-time obsession, although I fully admit when I finished writing book four, I felt lost and really eager to begin the next series. Instead, I had a little fun starting a Christmas story set in a small town in Maine. My sister-in-law has always insisted I write a Christmas book for her. I even have ideas for making it into a series. A lot of interesting characters are just emerging…. as they so often do. 

I look forward to being here on the Tule blog again in seven weeks for the October 4th release of book four, The Witches Reckoning, the last in this series. It ties up The Witches of Time series and my original series, The Irish Witch series

Magical wishes everyone, 

Leigh Ann Edwards


Leigh Ann Edwards has always been fascinated by history, magic, romance, witches and Ireland which all inspired her first series, The Irish Witch Series. Growing up in a very small Manitoba town on the Canadian prairies allowed lots of time to create stories and let her imagination soar. Now writing her third series with Tule Publishing, Leigh Ann also loves reading, traveling, spending time with her four grandchildren, doing intuitive readings and reiki.

Leigh Ann lives with her husband, their two very large dogs and two cats near Edmonton Alberta, Canada.

THE WITCH’S COMPROMISE: Release day blog post featuring Leigh Ann Edwards

I’m so excited to be back on the Tule blog today to celebrate the release of The Witch’s Compromise, Book Two in my Witches of Time series. It was a great book to write. I loved creating my hero and heroine, Cal and Ainsley, their world and their love story. They start out as opposites, but we learn they’re both far more complex than we first might believe. Besides falling in love in the middle of a war, they have past trauma and a lot of other issues to deal with. I really enjoyed how they grew throughout the book. 

I’ve always loved Ireland, the supernatural, magic, fantasy and time-travel. Witches have interested me since I was a child. When I was first inspired to write this series I knew it would connect to my original series, The Irish Witch Series and that time travel would be involved. Trying to decide what eras, centuries or actual historical people or events to include was interesting. 

I knew I wanted one book to be set in 1692 Massachusetts around the time of the Salem witch trials. So, that was the first book decided. The second was a little more challenging. There’s a lot of history to choose from. Even though I’ve lived my entire life on the Canadian prairies, I’ve been intrigued to learn about the American Civil War. When I was really young I watched a James Stewart film, Shenandoah, about how one family was affected by the Civil War. Then as a teenager there was a song I really liked, Carry Me by the Stampeders who are a Canadian band, which was also focused on the Civil War and a young man wanting to be back home to his wife and his home. I suppose that sparked my interest. Researching was great. I learned about nurses and doctors during that time, what medical procedures, devices and types of medication were available. I also found out many facts about what led to the war, the different battles and the aftereffects of all that occurred. 

(Three nurses from the Civil War.)

I always write more than the allotted word count in my stories. Many author friends who’ve occasionally suffered from writer’s block, assure me this is a good problem to have. I’m not sure my husband would agree when a deadline is approaching and I’m spending twelve to fourteen hours a day frantically trying to reduce the word count. 

I take far more time paring down, cutting and shrediting as one author refers to it, than actually writing the stories. When I’m creating it just flows and I can’t wait to get the words down. Then afterward, going back to see what parts aren’t as vital to the story, is more difficult for me. I’ve tried making an outline so I don’t go off in unexpected directions, but that hasn’t worked so far. Plus lots of times, the parts of the story I hadn’t originally planned, turn out to be what I like the most. I suppose that’s true of life, too. 

Covid has changed many things for everyone. For me, besides not being able to travel or entertain, I have fewer commitments. I can’t do author visits to libraries, schools or attend book launches. When restrictions are especially rigid, I haven’t been able to see my daughters or grandchildren. My husband hasn’t worked since before Christmas. He’s in construction which always slows down in winter, but has really been affected by the virus and the uncertain economy. That has definitely been different for both of us when he’s typically gone twelve hours a day, five or six days a week. He’s been keeping busy with some ongoing home renovation projects. We now have a second bathroom and a much more welcoming guest bedroom (when we can actually have overnight guests.) I’ve certainly welcomed his help with our four animals (two very large dogs and two cats) and keeping up with housework, but having someone around does create distractions when writing or editing. 

I’m scheduled to receive my first Covid vaccine next week. I’ll be relieved to hopefully go back to some type of normalcy. It’s been difficult having to distance from family and especially my grandchildren. As much as I sometimes struggle with technology, I’ve definitely been grateful for being able to video chat with grandkids, family and friends. 

Thanks to the great Tule team for all you’ve done in seeing, The Witch’s Compromise completed and to my fantastic editors and wonderful supportive readers, too. Wishing you all the best till I return in August with book three, The Witch’s Journey.


Leigh Ann Edwards has always been fascinated by history, magic, romance, witches and Ireland which all inspired her first series, The Irish Witch Series. Growing up in a very small Manitoba town on the Canadian prairies allowed lots of time to create stories and let her imagination soar. Now writing her third series with Tule Publishing, Leigh Ann also loves reading, traveling, spending time with her four grandchildren, doing intuitive readings and reiki.

Leigh Ann lives with her husband, their two very large dogs and two cats near Edmonton Alberta, Canada.